Monday, July 30, 2012

Popsicle Party

We threw Marcus a popsicle party, since he is obsessed with popsicles. It was a fun swimming party with our immediate family and so much fun! We had so many of Marcus's cousins come and support him for his birthday. We had a kiddie pool, a slip n' slide, water balloons, a fun sprinkler, pizza, fruit, and of course popsicles.

 The kids playing on the swing set!

 The backyard set up

 I have one of the best friends ever! She told me a few months ago that at a family reunion she learned how to do balloon animals on you tube for a family carnival. I asked her if she would come to marcus's party and make some balloon animals for the kids. (she also was the first one to know about the gender reveal because she filled up the box  with the balloons :) The kids loved her! She had this apron that her grandma gave her and knew how to make the cutest things with the balloons! Thanks so much Ashleigh!

 Marcus got a really cute hat that stayed on for only a few seconds.

We had pizza and fruit, watermelon on sticks to look like popsicles. We also had a popsicle cake, thank you pinterest. Instead of cake we had a cake made out of popsicles. We also had popsicle cupcakes.

 This is my favorite picture of the entire party! He wanted some of daddy's popsicle along 
with the two in his hands!

Enjoying his cupcake

Marcus got some great gifts from his cousins and family, thank you family!

 This was his big gift from mom and dad, a new bike! (actually it wasn't new, we found it on ksl for a steal of a deal!) But Marcus loves it! (Thanks joce for the idea!)

Daddy rushed off after the party to help James and Tiare move but daddy was able to squeeze in some train play time before it was bed time. It was a fun party, I was exhausted afterwards, and said to Dave "next year we are going to chuck e cheese". Happy 2nd Birthday Marcus!

18 week baby bump

This pregnancy is going very medium speed, it's nice. It's not too fast but not too slow. In fact the gender ultrasound kind of creeped up on me and about 2 days before I was talking to Dave and said that I couldn't believe we were going to find out already the gender. (a different post will be about the gender reveal)

I am finally getting my appetite back and feel great that way. I felt the most horrible pain in my sciatic nerve the other night. I don't remember having that lower back pain with Marcus but Dave said I did. It's my lower back that usually hurts but this was sharp shooting pain. It went away in the morning but then it came back but this time in my leg, weird. I think I'm just getting older and not realizing it :) Plus I should be exercising and I'm not. I am looking in to getting a pregnancy yoga dvd at the library to see if I should invest in one.

I am definitely nesting already. The other day Dave was on his way home and I told him we were finishing a few projects around the house. He was great to say ok and help start them, we are still working on finishing them. I am brainstorming about ideas for the nursery and how to turn our dog theme into a girl dog theme.

Marcus points to his belly anytime I talk about the baby. It's really cute. He can say "baby" but only when he wants to. It's hard when I lay down because he wants to crawl all over me. I haven't yet felt the baby kick but I found out in my ultrasound that my placenta is on the front so that's probably why I haven't felt the baby kick. The ultrasound tech was so great to explain that to me that now I'm not worried I haven't felt any kicks. I can't wait to feel the kicks, that's when you and your family gets to bond with the baby in a small way.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Snippets

1. Marcus will shake his head no to every question you ask him, he 
obviously doesn't know what yes and no mean, it's a little frustrating!
2. He has started to come up to me and wanting to get tickled, he loves it
and laughs so hard.
3. He can say "choo choo" when we play with his trains
4. He recognizes the picture of my mom and dad and will say "ma"
when he sees it.
5. We are continuing to work on his aggression, he loves to play rough
with other kids and marcus just does it to play and still doesn't realize
he is being too rough, hopefully it's just a stage :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pioneer Day Birthday Boy! (Part 1) - the zoo

Marcus was born on Pioneer Day. I know it's only celebrated in Utah but it's still a holiday. There are positives and negatives to this. The positives is that Dave always has the day off of work, we can always do fireworks for his birthday, and it's easy to remember. The negatives are that everything is crowded, family is always busy, and I don't want him to feel that his birthday is overlooked. This year since he understood a little bit better about what was going on we let him do whatever he wanted and made it an all Marcus day. Dave had the day off and the day before off so we went to the zoo on the 23rd to beat the crowds. It was still really crowded but we had fun.

This was marcus's favorite part - the polar bear. He was so playful and interactive and so much fun to watch swim right in front of us.

 Hello Mr. Polar Bear

We stopped to have an early lunch because pregnant mommy was hungry and we wanted to beat the crowds. Note to self (I'm sure everyone knows this but us) bring a little cooler with lunch because the food is expensive and not that great. We bough Marcus a little water bottle with vitamin water in it and he basically was glued to that thing. As you can tell in the picture above, he doesn't really care about the ape asleep.

What's the zoo without a snow cone!

We rode the train and Marcus was in awe the whole time. He would say "choo choo" and just look around wide eyed.

He was so tuckered out after the day at the zoo he fell asleep on the way home.