Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday Snippets

1. Marcus is starting his temper tantrums, he knows how to scream and get 
mad when he doesn't get what he wants (fortunately for me
we haven't had one in public yet, knock on wood)
2. Anytime we try and tell Marcus no and discipline him
 he just starts laughing hysterically, it's so hard to be serious when he
is so darn cute!
3. Changing his diaper and clothes is impossible!
4. He loves to give binky kisses - kissing you with his binky 
in his mouth (only at night and at naptime)
5. This morning he started playing tag and hide-n-seek with Dave - 
he was running around the house laughing his head off! (both dave and Marcus)

Friday, April 27, 2012


Last week was hot and Marcus could definitely feel the heat. He loved running around the house in just his diaper. (In case you think this blog is just about Marcus you would probably be right, dave and I are working on the updating of our house so that's what we are up to, nothing exciting. I will post pictures when we are done!)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Playing outside

Since marcus LOVES being outside Dave and I bought him a sand/water table from Costco. To say he loves it would be an understatement. Also to say this kid is spoiled is an understatement. He's the first, what can we say.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mowing the lawn

I found a toy lawn mower at Kid to Kid for cheap and thought Marcus would love to push it around the yard and help Dave. From the pictures you can tell I was wrong :) He just wanted to help daddy with the real lawnmower.

The Little Bro's Graduation

My little brother, Jarom, graduated from BYU! He is the baby of the family and didn't want to make a big deal about his graduation, but we knew he should at least walk to get the pictures. My sister Valerie met Marcus and I at the Marriott Center. My sister Tresa was having contractions so she couldn't make it. His college was huge (Family Sciences) he graduated in Geography but we made it just to hear his name read and my sister ran down to the floor to take a picture. The funniest part of the graduation was that of all the schools to know how to pronounce his name - Jarom - from the Book of Mormon, BYU got it wrong. Watch the video and find out. Congratulations Jarom, we are so proud of you. Jarom will be attending Graduate School at Texas A & M in the Fall to major in GIS (Geographical Information Systems)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Snippets

1. Marcus runs around the house screaming - all day long! It
might be due to the fact that we sold our couches and end tables in our 
family room so we have a lot of room in our living room for him to run around in.
2. His new favorite foods are pretzels and oreo's - he can't get enough of them.
3. Marcus loves to dawdle, getting out into the car is so frustrating
but I love how cute he is when I ask him to hurry and he smiles.
4. He loves the snack cupboard, when I leave it unlocked he
gets everything out and then Toby eats everything on the floor
5. Dave got the umbrella out last week when it was raining
and Marcus could not stop staring at it - I love
his curiosity into everything.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I don't have an i-phone so when Instagram became available for android, I was so excited! Here are some cute photos!

New Easter Clothes

I decided it was time to get some new clothes for Easter. Dave and I don't spend that much money on clothes and we are lucky enough to inherit clothes from a great family in our ward (Thanks Goodloe's!) So for Marcus I got the target special (target is my favorite store) and found some cute seer sucker pants and a hat. I'm a sucker for boys hats, even though they don't wear them that long. The vest and shirt in the picture are what we inherited. Dave got a few new ties and I got a new skirt and shirt. Marcus of course looks so grown up but so handsome!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday Snippets

1. Marcus is starting to say a few more letters, that's right letters, he will say
 "t" and "k", we are trying to be firm about him 
starting to talk so we don't give everything to him.
2. Today he ran around the kitchen screaming and running in 
circles, I will try and upload the video for mom and dad.
3. His teeth are status quo for now, 3 molars and five teeth up front. We 
are hoping more come in soon so he can eat ALL foods!
4. Marcus now loves to give kisses, not open mouth but great
marcus kisses.
5. He loves to watch by the front door for Dave to come
home and when he sees his car he starts to wave and gets really excited.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Park Day with the cousins and Great Grandma and Grandpa

My sister planned an outing to my Grandma and Grandpa Jordan out at Lake Point. There is a great park in this little town and the kids loved it! Grandma and Grandpa had so much fun watching their great grandkids playing. Marcus loved this long yellow slide, he continued to climb up the stairs and go down the slide. Sometimes he wouldn't even wait for me to get to the top and help him down and he wouldn't wait for me to get to the bottom.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

2 new nephews

The Kelly family has been waiting anxiously for April to arrive to see two new babies! One of them we didn't know the sex about. Dave's sister Emily and sister-in-law Tiare were due within a week of each other. Tiare had her baby first, cute little Zachary, unfortunately we didn't take our camera to the hospital so we don't have any pictures of him, but he is a cutie! Emily had her baby next, a week overdue. She was so anxious to meet her little one after trying for many years to get pregnant and not finding out the sex of the baby. After days of labor and after a c-section we finally got to meet little Jack! So much fun to have 2 new babies in the Kelly family!