Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Snippets

1. Marcus is officially a CLIMBER! I can't keep him
on the ground. His favorite is to sit at the piano and then gradually climb up to the top
2. His second favorite place to play is under the table. He loves to 
crawl under there and sit and laugh.
3. He is now going through the picky eater phase. I thought we would
skip this but he only eats what he wants to. He still will eat any fruit you give him
but other than that it depends on the day what and how much he will eat
4. He is now the man of the house and owner of the remote. He hates when
Dave and I have the remote, he has to always be holding it.
5. He will now give kisses when asked, he just holds his face in
front of yours with his mouth open. They are the best slobbery kisses I have ever had!
 He loves to grab my parents picture on the piano and point to their faces. We
also look at the picture in his room and he always smiles when I say "Grandma and Grandpa Randall"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

18 months today!!!!

 My little guy is 18 months today - January 24, 2012!!!! I almost wanted to bake him a cake and have a little party. Instead we just played with his fun toys and made each other laugh! I love you little buddy!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Snippets

1. Marcus is obsessed with hats lately. I found some cool hats at the
dollar store: a construction worker hat and a cowboy hat. He will wear them all day long!
2. He has found buttons. It all started when he was helping me with the laundry
and found the buttons on the washing machine. Now he tries to push buttons on everything!
3. He loves to lounge in the shopping cart, meaning he will put his leg up by him and then hang 
his arm over the top, he looks adorable.
4. He is understanding more words and loves to look at his word books,
you tell him a word and he can find it on the page.
5. He is still as ticklish as ever! His laugh is so adorable when you tickle him because
he laughs so hard.
6. He is getting better at coloring and not eating the crayons.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Snippets

1. Marcus went to Nursery for the first time last Sunday. He only 
cried for a few minutes after we left and then he did great. He looked so cute with
his little name tag pinned to his shirt.
2. He cut a tooth this week and Dave and I didn't even know it. 
I was brushing his 4 teeth that he has and noticed his bottom left tooth had broken through.
He didn't have a runny nose or get up at night, which has happened with the
last 4. (We are happy his teeth are finally coming in, they are taking forever!)
3. He learned the sign language for "cheese" and notices in the book "The Very Hungry 
Caterpillar" and then does the sign.
4. His personality is changing daily and he cracks me up with
everything he does. Just playing with Toby or with random things he finds
in the house.
5. He now folds his arms when we pray at the dinner table.
He folds his arms and bows his head and then looks up at you 
and starts laughing.  It's adorable!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Dave has been spending the last few nights and the weekend helping out his sister Megan with fixing up Cooper's bedroom at his parents house. So Marcus and I have had a lot of fun quality time together. The other night we decided to make cookies. I got the stepstool and Marcus stood on it while I made sure he didn't fall (he only fell once and didn't even cry because we wanted to get back up and make the cookies).  Marcus helped me pour the ingredients and made sure to lick the spatula. We made snickerdoodles which included rolling them in sugar, which meant Marcus licked a lot of sugar off of his fingers.

 The best part of cookies is eating them. Marcus LOVED them! A nice snack before bed.

Do he think he likes them?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Cell Phone

Marcus LOVES talking on any phone. We can't understand anything he is saying but he carries around my old cell phone up to his ear just jabbering away! Whenever he sees our cell phones he holds his hand up to his ear and starts jabbering.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday Snippets

1. Marcus loves to carry around his sippy cup wherever he goes, even in the high chair he 
hangs on to it like we are going to take it away
2. He can walk backwards and thinks it's a game when you are trying
to get him and he starts walking backwards.
3. Has started really wrestling with Toby, which in turn ends up with marcus crying
4. Has started to love reading books, in his car seat he has a picture book
and he will go page to page while we are driving pointing at each picture. He also
loves us to read books at night before he goes to bed.
5. Loves to sit on our laps or cuddle. He will come up to Dave and I and give us big
hugs and sit on our laps when we are downstairs playing. It melts our hearts!

P.S. Don't you love that toothy grin!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Spring in January

The first week in January is usually really cold and snowy. I love living in Utah because of the season changes and the snow during Christmas. Well we didn't get that this year. Once Christmas is over I'm good with the snow going away and Spring coming. Well this year my wish was granted! Marcus and I went outside this past week and blew bubbles and went for walks in his red wagon. He LOVED being outside. I told Dave that it's so weird to see him walking outside and playing because when he started walking it was too cold outside to go out and play. We had a great time enjoying the 50 degree weather and no snow!

Poor Toby couldn't come outside because we no longer have a fence in our front yard. He was so sad and just barked and barked.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A new start in 2012

We are not big New Year's people so we jumped at the chance to spend it with my sister and her family. We started early since we both have kids, so we went to dinner at Emmet and Ethel's in Lehi. Yummy hamburgers and greasy fries and shakes. Then we played some fun games - Snorta and Curses - they had us rolling on the floor laughing. Then we did some sparklers and decorated some homemade gingerbread cookies!

This was the only picture I have documenting the night and I stole it off my sisters blog. I was done taking pictures!

After cookie decorating we came home, put Marcus to bed and Dave and I stayed up until midnight to watch the ball drop. We wanted "night at the museum #2" and laughed our heads off, that movie is hilarious, and then watched New York celebrate the New Year! We are excited for what this new year will bring our family and all the new experiences and things we will do! Welcome 2012!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sunday Snippets

1. Marcus loves to eat, whenever he is hungry or sees you with food or candy he will start smacking his lips, it's the cutest thing
2. Pointing is Marcus's favorite thing to do nowadays, he is not using words but babbling so we can't tell what he is saying but he usually points to what he wants.
3. He loves to walk over to the sliding glass door when Toby rings his bell to go out or in
and then he points up to the treat jar to give Toby a treat (he may have tried to
put Toby's treat in his mouth once or twice)
4. Sacrament Meeting is a continual struggle, this past Sunday he immediately
wanted to wander the isles, he has no stranger anxiety and goes up to everyone and smiles
most people are ok with it :)
5. He LOVES grapefruit slices, out of all of the fruit to choose
I never thought he would like grapefruit slices
6. He gives the most amazing hugs and has started giving
slobbery, open mouth kisses, Dave and I just eat it all up!