Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy V-Day

Happy Valentine's Day - Love Marcus

Just Chillin' on Valentine's Day

Monday, February 7, 2011

The baby food adventure

Dave and I have decided to try and make Marcus's baby food. Mainly because we love a good challenge, we love to be in the kitchen, and it's cheaper and hopefully healthier. Well surprisingly it has turned out wonderful! Dave and I love making the food, we have an amazing food processor we got on a great deal at costco and marcus seems really happy with the food. For anyone wanting to try it there are a few things I recommend: get silicone ice cube trays - they are much easier to pop the food out of, invest in a really good food processor even though they are expensive they are totally worth it, and Costco has amazing fresh vegetables and frozen ones that are really inexpensive to use to make the food.
 This is peas

We use our rice cooker to steam the vegetables, it works amazing

Month 6

Marcus is now 6 months old and couldn't be any cuter! Dave and I love each new stage and love watching you grow up and learn new things. Here are some highlights from the month:
  • He is a a champ at eating! He will down anything except green beans so far. His favorite is sweet potato
  • He doesn't really like sitting yet, and hates being in the bumbo, you just arch your back 
  • He loves his exersaucer and the music it plays 
  • He will roll anywhere!
  • Marcus is starting to sleep through the night again (an ear infection threw him completely off schedule and his sleeping habits)
  • He had your first cold/ear infection, I think it was harder on mommy and daddy rather than you. We were so sad to see you stuffed up and not be able to breathe 
  • Marcus is constantly looking at everything and everybody, when we go grocery shopping he loves looking at everything.
  • He still loves to be swaddled by the magic "swaddle me", which has saved mommy and daddy to get some sleep
  • He is still really ticklish, especially in his arm pit and his legs, we have tickle wars every night before bed when we get our jammies on
  • Since starting on solids he now is completely regular, hooray for poop! 
  • Marcus is constantly smiling and laughing with mommy and daddy and we cannot get enough of it
  • You have only cried once when going to a stranger, other than that we think we could give you to a homeless person and you would be completely content and happy
  • Stats for this month are: Weight - 17.1 pounds 50th percentile, Length 27 inches - 80th percentile, Head 44 inches - 50th percentile (he's gotten really tall but other than that stayed at his usual 50th, our pediatrician (family friend) and nurse think dave should do a blood test to make sure Marcus is his because it's very unusual for a Kelly kid to be so normal :)

Marcus got this great exersaucer for Christmas and he LOVES it, as you can see.

We still love all of his facial expressions

His smile still melts our hearts

just playing

starting to grab his toes, he loves playing with them

Anything and everything goes in to his mouth still

Marcus has started to discover Toby and since Toby's ears are so long they are just perfect for Marcus to grab

This is the pooping face whenever he starts grunting and doing this face we know he is pooping, it's adorable and convenient to know when he is stinky :)

Toby looks thrilled doesn't he, one day they are going to be best friends, just as soon as marcus can walk and play with toby

He looks a little full but he loves eating time and gets so excited. He will start tapping his right foot on the high chair when he is excited.

So adorable!!

My friend, who is Japanese, bought him this cute japanese outfit for him

He loves his high chair and chewing on the straps and rubbing his feet together

Marcus loves bath time, he would stay in there all day if he could

It's so cute to see Dave sing "rubber ducky" to him while bathing him

After Marcus got sick we couldn't figure out his sleep schedule and one day when I was feeding him he totally fell asleep while I was feeding him peas, I had to get a picture of it. We are now back on a regular schedule and everyone is happy

Playing with daddy!! 
Dave and I feel like the luckiest parents alive to have Marcus in our lives. He is such an easy baby and so adaptable to everyone and everything. We can't wait to see what the next month brings.