Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011

Dave and I woke up on Christmas morning about 7:30, I got all ready for the day because our church was at 11:00 which meant we had just enough time for stockings, breakfast, and presents. Marcus woke up right on time at 8:00. We decided to have breakfast first, we had Santa pancakes, so fun and really easy!!

After Breakfast we ran down the stairs to open our stockings. Marcus was so excited to see the presents, not because of what was in them but because he wanted to just rip the paper off. Here is our best pictures of us on the stairs :)
 Marcus was so excited to see what was in his stocking. He got a fun reese's reindeer that plays the funniest song, he loves to dance to it. He also got some sippy cups, a few little cars and a M & M light saber that he is constantly playing with and making light up!

 Dave got the Randall traditional stocking, a box of sugared cereal, pringles, and some candy

Dave got me some candy (sixlets and reese's), tights, socks, and a groupon for a 90 minute massage! (I've never had a massage before)

We then started opening presents, Marcus loved his big present! Dave and I made him a bean bag (yes ladies my husband likes to sew!). We found a pattern online and picked out some cute fabric. Marcus loves to jump on toby's bed and roll around on it so we thought a bean bag would be perfect for him. He immediately wanted to jump on it.

 Marcus also got a play tent and tunnel. He already had a tunnel but the tent was so he could play inside and outside with mommy and daddy and toby. Even toby loves the tent and tunnel!

Marcus also got a new bath toy that is too advanced for him but he will grow in to. I made him a few things: some alphabet letters out of felt so he can learn his letters, a sensory touch book, and a bean bag hunt and find toy.

 Dave got a Spongebob Potato Head (he gets one every year to add to his collection, you can see them on the wall behind him), a weather clock (which is so cool, I don't know why we didn't get one before), a 101.9 Chunga's back T-shirt (see below for the story) and the complete collection of Fraggle Rock on DVD.

Dave loves listening to 101.9, specifically Chunga. A while ago they cut Chunga's morning show and Dave went in to a deep depression, no kidding. Well last summer Chunga came back on and Dave was so excited! They printed these t-shirts that say "Chunga's back" and were giving them out but we could never get our hands on one. So I e-mailed the radio station to ask if they had any left and the station was so nice and gave me the last one they had. So I went down to the radio station and picked it up in November. Am I a good wife or what?

I got a complete Glitter Toes set, some garments (I know lame but I really needed them), and some new knives for our kitchen!

As a family we also got a few DVD's: Harry Potter, the last one, Night at the Museum, a syrup pourer :), a dutch oven bag for our dutch oven, and the game Snorta.

We then got dressed and went to church. I was in charge of leading the primary kids in two songs for our Christmas sacrament meeting. We sang "Away in a Manger" and "Christmas Bells". The kids did so well with the bells, it was the perfect sacrament meeting on Christmas.

 Then we went to Dave's sisters house in Kaysville and had the Kelly Family Christmas. As tradition we did the silly string, but we got smart and did it outside. Marcus was shot first thing and started crying so we had to watch from inside.

Then we opened presents and stocking. Marcus was spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa Kelly. He got some fun Melissa and Doug toys and from his cousin Claire he got a Little People airplane.

 Marcus loved to give everyone hugs, but specifically his cousin Caleb because he was his size.

We gave Grandma Kelly the annual grandkid picture, as you can see she loved it!

After presents we ate yummy food and played some really fun games. We played our new game Snorta and had a blast with family! This was by far the best Christmas Dave and I have ever had. Having Marcus makes every holiday that much better. We have so much to be thankful for and we enjoyed the blessing of giving gifts and remembering our Savior on Christmas Day!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Sunday Snippets

1. Marcus got another ear infection, two days after we took him to the 
doctor for his follow-up on the first ear infection :(
2. He is starting to jabber more, not any words but still loves to jabber
3. He is becoming such a great cuddler, he didn't
cuddle when he was a little baby but now he LOVES it
4. He has started giving hugs on cue and great big bear hugs.
5. His favorite thing to do is play on the stairs, he will just sit on the 
bottom three stairs and go up and down and play with his shoes.

P.S. Isn't his smile infectious! And those beautiful eyes!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

Our Christmas Eve was so RELAXED this year! We didn't have anything planned and Dave got the house cleaned the day before, which I so much appreciated and loved! We were able to sleep in and play all day long!

We started the day by opening our last door on our Star Wars Advent Calendar. We have loved this and will hopefully make this a tradition! It was our santa yoda!

Dave taught Marcus how to roar in to the wrapping paper rolls, this entertained Marcus all afternoon, he would drag it around and then start roaring in to it.

Then I got out some christmas music and played the piano for a while. I always loved playing Christmas music during the holidays. I remember my dad sitting on the couches listening to me for hours. I hope I can make this a tradition with our family. Marcus loves to play the piano with me and by himself, we are already brainwashing him :)

Then we got out our touchable bubbles from Grandma Randall in Marcus's stocking and played with those in our kitchen, they really are touchable. Marcus had so much fun with them. We also tried coloring for the first time, Marcus just tried to eat the crayons.

Dave bought me beautiful christmas flowers from costco while Marcus was taking a nap. Then christmas eve night we opened one present, Christmas pajamas. I was so excited to make pajamas for Marcus this year and decided we all needed cute pajamas. As Dave loves to hear me say "Matchey, matchey pooh pooh". I got all my ideas on Pinterest (my favorite website) and thought our snowman pajamas turned out really fun! I loved Marcus's snowman shirt and it was SO easy! We also started a tradition of getting a fun christmas book to read on Christmas Eve, this year we got "The Polar Express".

 We read our Christmas book with our milk and then after Marcus was to bed Dave and I played Scrablle, the chocolate version. All the pieces are made our of chocolate. It was hard playing scrabble with two people and we continually got stuck but in the end we had fun and got to eat a lot of chocolate. We watched "It's a Wonderful Life", which I am a sucker for, and then went to bed so excited for Marcus and opening his fun presents!