Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010 Christmas Card

Monday, December 27, 2010

Baby's 1st Christmas

Everything is so much better then you have a baby, especially Christmas. Marcus made our Christmas this year and he had a great time on his 1st christmas. We went out and got our annual christmas ornaments for the year and Dave and I got ones that say "Mom" and "Dad" and then Marcus got a Winnie the Pooh - Baby's 1st christmas. Here are some cute pictures from his first Christmas

Seeing Santa
 We didn't know how Marcus would react to Santa but we were pretty sure he would be chill as always, he didn't dissapoint. Marcus loved looking at him.
 Even when santa rubbed his face with his beard he didn't cry but just had this annoyed look on his face

 Who are you?

 We bought this cute christmas outfit last year to announce to our family that we were pregnant and Marcus finally got to wear it, he was so excited, as you can see

 So cute!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

This year it seemed like Christmas came so fast!! We were so excited for Marcus's first christmas, even though he didn't know what was going on. We are lucky in that our families live close so we get to have christmas morning at our house. I've learned from the past few years that Dave LOVES to sleep in on Christmas morning, there is no waking him up. (See previous christmas posts for the story) So we woke up about 8, Dave and I had breakfast, hot chocolate and donuts, and then waited for Marcus to get up. Marcus woke up about 9, I fed him and then we went downstairs for our stockings and presents.

Here is our cute little family on christmas morning. We got fun presents such as harry potter lego's, a star wars 3D puzzle, a yoga DVD, jewelry, a camping chair for Marcus, a boucer for Marcus, and a walker for Marcus. Dave and I also had fun buying groupons for each other, he got me a reflexology massage and a mani/pedi. I got him a nordstrom rack gift certificate.

Marcus is so excited (I think it's because daddy is behind the camera making faces at him)

Toby got a new toy which he immediately loved

I made this little lap blanket for marcus so he can have something to cuddle with in his car seat and it has ribbon loops so he can chew on them (He will chew on anything)

This was the best gift we got for Marcus, it was expensive of Amazon but it had great reviews for the best teething toy. It's called Sophie the Giraffe and I would recommend it to anybody who has a teething baby.

After christmas morning at our house we went over to Dave's parents house, this is the only picture I got, again I got lazy

Here is my family at my sister Tresa's house. We had Christmas dinner here and then played games and hung out. My parents graciously gave us money to use for Christmas and we told them we wanted a freezer for our storage room. We got an amazing freezer which we absolutely love!! Thanks mom and dad.

Here is Marcus with his cousin McKay, they are only a few months apart, so cute!

We had a great christmas this year, even though there was no snow (I secretly pray for White Christmas every year) and we were fortunate to be with both families and also be with our cute family in our little home, we are so very blessed.

Friday, December 24, 2010

5 month

Marcus turned 5 months old on Christmas Eve!! He is growing and changing every day and Dave and I love every minute of it. He is constantly teaching us things and he can't even walk or talk yet. We hear all the time how much he looks like dave and how much he looks like me, so we can't decide. All we know is that he is adorable and melts our hearts constantly. He is still the happy go-lucky baby and dave and I literally thank Heavenly Father for such a good, happy baby. His laugh is changing and is so cute. Here are a few highlights from the month:

  • He loves to chew on our fingers and anything in sight
  • Still spits up a lot, especially when he is on his tummy - please see picture below where he rubbed his face in his spit up when he rolled over
  • He is starting to get his arms out of the swaddle blanket, but still sleeps great.
  • Dave weighed him and he is 16 pounds - we checked out baby book and he is still 50th percentile
  • He has started getting distracted when feeding, dave can't talk to me or else he turns his head to find dave
  • Dave has this amazing bond with Marcus, he can get him to laugh so hard and Marcus started reaching out for him, I love the bond that they have and pray it will continue
  • He started doing raspberries with his tongue and loves it when someone else does it to him
  • He loves to stick his tongue out at you
  • He is not much of a snuggler but just recently has started snuggling, but only on his terms
  • He loves to look around and be in the loop, when people are around he loves looking at them and will not cry when handed to anybody! It's amazing but he is such a people person and loves to be held by anyone that will play with him.
  • We started feeding him rice cereal and he loves it!! Dave has figured out how to make sure he gets in his tummy instead of on his clothes and face and they have such a good time during dinner time eating.
  • He will laugh so hard when he is tickled, which is everywhere on his body, but especially his feet, stomach, and being his ears on his neck. We take advantage of this a few times a day because he is so adorable!!

Toby is starting to warm up to him being on the ground and Marcus will now reach out and want to pet Toby, but we have to make sure Toby doesn't step on his head :)
Trying to take a picture of ourselves

Marcus's cute church outfit

As you can see, he spits up after rolling over, this is how I found him after he had rolled over one morning

He doesn't mind tummy time so much and his neck muscles are getting stronger

Marcus loves it when you do tummy time with him, especially with daddy

How can you resist that face and those beautiful eyes!

Loves his tongue

His faces crack me up, always has a different face but all are so cute

No explanation needed!

Eating rice cereal and loving it

Classis Marcus face

We love this boy more and more each day and wonder how we got so lucky!

Christmas Eve 2010

This year for Christmas my parents were home and we got to spend christmas eve and christmas with them. We had fun plans for christmas eve but of course the weather didn't cooperate so instead of going sledding up at my sister's, in-law's cabin, we ended up going to the zoo and having pizza at my sisters house. The zoo wasn't crowded at all and we had a fun time.

 Marcus and Dave in front of the ape, this was Marcus's first time to the zoo, he didn't really know what was going on.

 The ape came up to the window and pounded on it when my nephew's were in front of it, he scared them pretty bad, it was pretty funny.

 My two boys next to the gorilla. Marcus looks like he is loving being with his daddy

Some of the family. I didn't get good pictures of everyone because I was lazy

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Eating Solids

We started Marcus on solids over the Christmas holiday. He loved it! And the best part is that he is now regular. That's one reason why we started him early was because he really had problems pooping but now it's all better and we love feeding him every day.

Right before

First bite
Not quite sure what to do with it.

Still loving it, we made it pretty thin so he could get used to it.

Classic marcus face

How can you not love this little guy

So excited to be a big boy in the highchair

And the after math, he wasn't that messy the first few times but now he is realizing he can grab his bib and the spoon, but we still love our little guy