Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Marcus Scott Kelly

Words cannot describe the last few days. I will post about the birth and all about Marcus when I am not totally wrapped up in him. I have the hardest time even letting him out of my sight and most of my day is just holding him and staring at him. We were able to get pictures of him from two great photographers. One who was part of the hospital and came while we were staying there. Here is her website and the password: - click on "view photos" and enter the password: 0724marcuskelly

The other photographer is our brother-in-law Scotty Moses who was so nice to come out to our house and take some amazing pictures of Marcus and our cute little family, here is his blog:

I know I am biased because Marcus is my son but he really is the most adorable baby! Even talking about him makes me tear up because of how happy he has made me and how cute he is. More posts to come :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

One last time

For one last time, I am heading to the hospital but this time it is to pick you and your mother up and bring you home. Words cannot describe the emotions that I have felt from Friday to today. I hold you next to me and I cannot wait for the adventures that we will have together. I have had 9 months to prepare for this day, but it still is a day that I know will change my life, your mother's life as well as your life. Marcus, I already love you more than anything I have in my life (including my landcruiser.) I hope that through the years we will grow to become best friends that have a lot of adventures together, Grandpa Kelly is already wanting to get you a fishing pole. I know that my life is changing but it is in a positive way. Marcus, I am nervous for the car ride home. I don't ever want any harm to come upon you. In the hospital it was everyone else's job to make sure that you were okay, now it is your mom's and my turn. I will always be here for you buddy. I better get going so you and I can start off on this grand adventure.


Sunday, July 25, 2010


Marcus Scott Kelly
Born: July 24, 2010
Weight: 7lbs 0oz
Length: 19 inches

Monday, July 12, 2010

stroller anyone?

So just an update in case anyone is wondering, no the cute baby Kelly has decided not to come yet. We are ok with that. We are working as hard as we can to get the baby's room updated, right now there are no baseboards and one wall is red :) Do you think we'll make it? Hopefully because right now all our baby stuff is in a corner of our office and I don't know where anything is if we need to get to it. I'm hoping this baby decided to come after the 20th, when I am on maternity leave and I can get a few days to do absolutely nothing, but I'm not counting on it. Last week at my doctor's appointment I was dialated to a 1.5 so it could be soon or could be another two weeks. Tonight we put together our stroller and got so excited!! We have part of our hospital bag packed and can't wait to see this little guy. We are just two giddy parents to be :)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

1st Birthday Toby

So we know we post a lot about Toby but he's so much fun and since we don't have our baby to blog about we just have Toby. On June 10th we celebrated Toby turning 1. We haven't had Toby for a year but we knew his birthday so we celebrated it with him and got him lots of fun toys. I just wanted to see him in a birthday hat and I think he is the cutest dog alive!!

We bought him a rubber stick for outside to play with and right after he started playing with it he went outside to go potty and didn't even take it out of his mouth

How can you resist this face?