Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Dog Park

So we have found this amazing dog park near our house and Toby just loves it. We try and take him there every Sunday afternoon for him to run around and get exhausted so he will sleep all day Sunday. Here is the progression of pictures that explains it all :)

This is my favorite picture, Toby is just exhausted when he leaves and he puts his head on the center console and his cheeks poof out because he is panting so hard. We love this dog!!

Happy Birthday Dave (This post is really late)

So dave celebrated his 32nd birthday on May 15th. We had a fun day at home, it was a Saturday and I told Dave he could do whatever he wanted. So he puttered around the house and get a few things done, we went shopping and then had a BBQ. Dave's best present, besides the hand mixer from Costco (ask me about that story, it's hilarious) was his Iron Man 2 Mr. Potato Head. Along with that he got a shelf for downstairs in the family room to display his potato head collection. I think I'm a pretty amazing wife to allow her husband to decorate with her husband's potato head collection. I actually think it looks pretty cool and I love the collection.

This was Dave humoring me as I took a picture of the yummy food we ate. We had hamburgers and hot dogs with corn on the cob (my favorite) and watermelon and pork and beans. Dave loves his grill and is really good at making yummy food.

Happy birthday sweetie, I love you and hope your birthday was a special one.