Sunday, March 21, 2010

New little nephew McKay Jordan Ford

Here is my cute new nephew McKay. These pictures are a little blurry but he still is adorable. McKay had quite an experience getting here but he is doing well. He was born six weeks early and was in the NICU for those 6 weeks. He had a feeding tube and breathing tube but now is off both. Here are some cute pictures of the tough guy. If you want to read the entire story look at my sister's blog - Valerie and Kyle.
My silly nephew Carson, McKay's brother. He is so excited to have a little brother!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Unforgettable Moment

Seeing as my life right now is consumed with being pregnant I wanted to journal about an amazing experience that I don't want to forget. We had our 20 week appointment on Tuesday and my biggest worry was that I had not felt the baby move. I know it's a little early but a lot of people were asking me if I had felt the baby move, including the nurse in the doctor's office. I had to say no because I knew I hadn't felt anything. I was worried something was wrong with the baby but Dave told me not to worry so I didn't. I asked the doctor if I should be worried and he said no. He listened to the heartbeat and said everything sounded normal. So I stopped worrying about it. On Thursday I was at Avalon Valley working doing paperwork and I felt this butterfly like feeling in my lower stomach. I reached down and thought, could that be the little guy? But then I knew I was really fishing to feel the baby, so I thought it was in my head, then it happened again and I just felt a butterfly like feeling in my lower stomach. I texted dave and told him I think I just felt the baby move but wasn't sure. I didn't feel anything after that until Saturday morning. I was laying in bed trying to go back to sleep when I felt the butterfly feeling again, but stronger. I put my hand down to my stomach and felt it again but with my hand. I knew it was the little guy moving around. For those few minutes I just smiled and left my hand on my stomach to feel him move and kick. He did it a few more times and my heart almost leapt out of my chest. I was so happy to feel a little baby in my tummy and to know that he was growing and will soon be out in the world where I will get to hold him. I knew that for those few minutes I had a special moment with my baby that I will never forget. The little guy kept kicking so I hurried and woke Dave up and grabbed his hand to feel my tummy. He kicked right after Dave put his hand on my tummy and Dave was so excited. We both just waited for him to kick again and were like little giddy parents. Since then I have felt him quite often and smile every time I do. It's an amazing feeling to feel something inside of you knowing that it is a human being with a spirit and a soul. It's hard to describe how it feels when you first feel the baby move. Because the movement is coming from inside of your body instead of feeling it from the outside it's unlike anything I have experienced before. Only 20 more weeks until I get to hold the little guy!! We are both so excited.