Thursday, December 17, 2009

The jeans pocket

So last night for about 2 hours I went through the most anxiety I have ever felt in my life. So here is the long story, it is a good one. Dave and I have put Toby in obedience school in order to have an obeying dog and one that everyone will want to be around. So last week I found out that we had to hand feed him a lot of treats and my hands were beginning to accumulate a lot of gross stuff on them after hand feeding Toby so many treats. So this week I decided to take off my rings in order to save them the gross treatment from Toby's mouth. So I put them in my pocket of my jeans and went into class. Well the class went great and as you guessed my hands were disgusting. I was glad I took off my rings. That night as I was getting ready for bed I realized I hadn't taken my rings out of my pants so I got my pants off the hanger and checked my pockets. I couldn't find anything. So I checked again, this time all the pockets, nothing. So then I thought they must have fallen out when I hung up my pants. So I checked all our shoes and the floor in the closet, nothing. By this point I was trying not to panic and had Dave help me, trying not to freak out. Well after about an hour of looking, by this time balling because I was so worried we wouldn't find my wedding ring and wouldn't be able to replace it, it's custom made and absolutely gorgeous. Dave had me go through the steps starting from when I got home from work. I couldn't remember exactly what had happened to them except that i knew I had put them in my pant pocket. But then I started second guessing myself. By this time it was midnight and I was in hysterics. Dave said we should drive over to the dog training place and look in the parking lot to see if they fell out of my pocket or just fell on the ground. So we drove over at midnight to try and look, nothing. We drove back home and going through my mind as I am exhausted, crying and regretting not getting the insurance on the ring, I played through all the scenarios of getting a new ring or not getting one. I knew we can't afford it right now with trying to refinish our house and it wasn't insured. I knew it had been custom made and that if a new one was made it wouldn't look the original and it wouldn't be the ring that dave proposed with and the one we got married with. I'm sentimental that way I guess. All these things are going through my mind and I'm so upset at myself for having a horrible memory. We got home and I started searching again. I pulled the shoes out again and found nothing. I was at the last straw and it was 1 in the morning. I pulled the pants out one more time and checked the pockets, as I did the rings fell out into my hand. I looked up at Dave and just started balling. We had been praying ever since I couldn't find them and I was absolutely amazed they just fell into my hand. Dave and I had both checked the jeans at least 10 times and found nothing. Well what had happened is that they had somehow gotten wedged in the little space that is between the pocket and the zipper, you know that little space that some jeans have? I was so happy and tired that I couldn't stop crying and praying for thanks. So the moral of the story. If you put anything small in your jean pockets make sure you check that small space :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

In remembrance

On Saturday my brother, Dave and I were able to go to the temple in the yearly tradition of remembering my twin sisters. My mom had twin daughters only 10 months before me, they were premature and ended up both passing away when they were only a few days old. It was a very hard time for my parents and I'm sure me nor my siblings know what my parents went through. But every year on their birthday, December 13th we try to go to the temple to remember them. Since my parents are in Africa we wanted to continue doing it. We got as many family members as we could, and went to the Mt. Timpanogas Temple. It was a very special time for me in that I realized for the first time how close it is to Christmas. I never thought of what that Christmas must have been like for my parents. They are both very strong individuals and I will never know how they managed to pull through that experience. I think the one thing that has always held our family together during times of trial is the Gospel. I can't wait to see my older sisters one day and be able to get to know them and share sister stories. Thanks mom and dad for your strength and testimonies in the Gospel. We missed you on Saturday but know your thoughts and hearts were with us. We love and miss you Amy and Angela, and will see you both one day.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas movies

One of my favorite events of the Holidays are watching all the cheesy christmas movies. Anyone who knows me will know that I love watching all the christmas movies on TV, along with the DVD's I own. So this last Friday dave and I had our weekly date night, got cheap little caesar's pizza and watched Christmas movies all night. It was so much fun and a much needed night. First we watched "Elf", which is a classic and a must each year, then we watched "Merry Madagascar", which was a new one we had bought because we both love cartoons, then we watched "National Lampoon's Christmas". I still have many more christmas movies tivo'd just waiting for me. Whenever Dave walks in to see me watching one the first question out of his mouth is "Are you crying yet?" What can I say, I LOVE the cheesy christmas movies and yes they make me cry.I still have yet to watch "White Christmas", "The Christmas Shoes" (I know the song is cheesy and so is the movie but I love it), and a few other Hallmark christmas movies i have recorded.