Monday, November 30, 2009

Our semi-finished house :)

So here are the finished pictures of two of the rooms in our house. I promised before and after pictures. So the first one is our bedroom. The first picture is what the owner had it decorated as (hopefully I won't get in trouble for posting his house picture). He had a very unique decorating sense.

Here is the room without any of his furniture, mirrors, or decorations. Lovely colors huh?

Here is it finished with our furniture. We still have to put up some drapes and get doors for our closet. But we didn't like his sliding mirror closet doors, who could blame us?

So here is the living room. This is the only picture we had of it. The ladder was not included in his decorating but you get an idea of what we were dealing with.

Here is it without his decorations and stuff. The colors were so bright it almost gave you a headache just sitting in the room.

This is my favorite picture because it shows three colors that he had painted. Who puts those colors together?

Here is the finished room. We know it's really neutral but after seeing the other colors we had to go neutral. We still have a few more finishing touches and need to get up the blinds on the window.

So there is a peak of our house. We are so happy here and love being home owners, even though it was a lot more work and money to move in than we thought we are really happy here!! One day soon we will have a house warming party. We need to finish the downstairs first, we had to rip up the carpet because it reeked like dog urine :) oh the joys of being home owners.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pie Party

This year for the Randall family Thanksgiving get together we decided to have a pie party. Each family member (Jarom exluded) brought a pie. We had it at our new house and had such a good time being able to have more than four people at our house!! Since my parents are gone on their mission this year we are doing thanksgiving and christmas celebrated at other times than the actual day. So here is our thanksgiving celebration.

here is my cute niece Kate, my sister made her entire outfit!! Even the jacket.

Here are the pies we made, Dave made a yummy Reese's Peanut Butter pie, tresa made a homemade Apple Pie, and Valerie made a raspberry berry pie. All were amazing!!

Can you tell Jarom and Gavin are excited?

Here we are hanging out in the living room which we finally hung the pictures up in, just for the party (more house pictures to come :)

The fam, this post was more for my parents so they could see the family. We love and miss you mom and dad, especially this Thanksgiving season!! Have a good thanksgiving in Kenya!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The new addition to our family :) Our little puppy

We want to introduce you to the newest and cutest member of our family, TOBY. He is our new puppy and even though he doesn't look like a puppy believe it or not he is only four months old. He is a purebred basset hound and fits in perfectly with our family. After the tragedy of losing the other puppy even before we got her, Dave found this cutie on KSL and after looking at him once we knew we had to have him. Dave named him Toby, I'm not sure where he got the name but it fits him. He's been so much fun to play with and have in our house and we love having a backyard that he can be in while we are at work.

Isn't he the cutest thing you have ever seen?

This is his sad, happy, excited face. Basset hounds always look sad and can become overweight because people feel bad for them because of their sad face. We are determined to not give in to the sad face but it sure it adorable.

Dave's favorite Disney movie is "Fox and the Hound" loves when Todd, the hound dog barks when he is a puppy and that's what dave does to Toby, it's adorable.

The cutest part of Toby is his ears, he has the floppiest ears of any dog I have seen. He steps on them all the time and when he drinks out of his water bowl they always get in with his mouth and get all wet, it's so cute.

He is teething right now so we bought him lots of toys to chew on, Dave loves to spoil him. I think we need to start having kids, what do you think?

My nickname for Toby is "the tobster", he's so much fun to have around.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Warning, there are a lot of pictures!! This year for Halloween Dave and I were able to have parties at both families houses. Dave's family always gets together and carves a million pumpkins. But this year we decided to wear costumes (my idea, because I spent a really long time sewing our costumes). So Dave and I went as Buddy the Elf and Jovi the Elf. Dave had picked out his costume last year and I decided we could sew them and save some money. I don't know if it saved any money but they turned out really cute. I have to thank my grandma who spent so much time helping me sew them, the best part was spending time with her sewing. Thanks grandma!! So as you can see, they turned out pretty cute and dave was a hit at his work party.

Isn't he cute? He even has pockets in his sleeves for little bottles of syrup :)

Jovi the Elf, Buddy's wife at the end of the movie

Isn't the Kelly family cute, we had all sorts of costumes, including the dogs dressing up
So Dave and I planted our garden this year in dave's grandparents backyard. The neighbor behind asked if he could plant some monstrous pumpkins next to our garden and this is what happened. The neighbor had bigger ones that he was going to enter into a contest but ended up giving away the pumpkins. Dave was so excited to carve it and it actually took less time than a small one because it was so big and the design was pretty simple. Here is the pumpkin carving in the process and the final result!!

As you can see it stands out from the rest of them.
But is really cool!!

This one was mine, not as glamorous as Dave's

On Halloween we had a party with my side of the family. It was the first time we had gotten together for a long time and it was fun to see everyone. Here are the cute costumes of some of my nieces and nephews. This is my cute niece Kate, I couldn't get her to smile though.

Here is my brother Jarom, my grandma whipped up his costume of Where's Waldo.

Here are my two cute nieces, Brynnley was a bumble bee

Dave and I in our cute costumes, even if I do say so myself.

And a big thanks to my sister Tresa, she makes the most amazing home made donuts every Halloween.