Friday, September 11, 2009

The Best day of the year, so far . . .

So most of you already know that the BYU game on Saturday was AMAZING!! Not only did we not get creamed, which is what I thought would happen, but we actually won. At about halftime I couldn't believe they were not killing us with touchdowns. Then when we actually won I couldn't believe it. So that was the first good news of the day, then right after the game our real estate agent called and told us that the offer we had put in on a house in West Jordan had been accepted!! We are finally going to be home owners. Hopefully everything goes well and we can close on october 9th and be moved in by the end of October. So that is our good news for the last few days. It was a very exciting day last Saturday :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009


So here is our post about the Randall camping trip to our traditional place called Yellowpine. My family has not been camping here for a few years because of my parents missions, so my sister and I decided we would take our families on our own. It turned out to be a great trip, minus a few detours and broken cars, and here are LOTS of pictures to tell you about it :)

Yellowpine gets it's name from the yellowpine trees that you can smell. They smell like vanilla and smell so good!!

Here is my cute little niece Kate. She was so good the whole trip, minus the time she fell off the table and hit her head on the concrete (she's a trooper, as you can tell from this pictures)

Here is my cute nephew Enoch, he was bored while we were fishing so I took a funny picture of him.

Isn't this beautiful!! Who wouldn't want to be here.

We all went fly fishing and spinner fishing. As you can see from this picture, the only thing we caught was moss :( As a side note, enoch thought that the moss was alive and that we actually caught something that was living, he was scared of the moss until I explained it to him.

Playing "Settlers of Cataan" our favorite game to play with the Fowlers. Greg usually always wins and this game I was SOOOO close to winning but, you guessed it, Greg won.

Roasting marshmallows was a highlight of our trip, keep scrolling to see more

As you can tell my brother Jarom is really excited about his smore concoction. He likes to put bananas on his smores, nobody liked it but him.

This was all our smores stuff. We had the traditional chocolate bars with white marshmallows. We also had vanilla with chocolate swirl marshmallows and Strawberry marshmallows. Then we had my favorite, the reese's smore, with a reese's peanut butter cup and white marshmallow, it was amazing!! Don't knock it til you try it, seriously.

My sister's family has a cool GPS unit that we go geocaching with and we were able to find the treasure, a little tupperware box with little toys in it. We left a striker for fly fishing and took a little toy.

Here is my parents trailer that they let us use while they are in Africa. It was SOOOO nice to have a fridge and space to store our food so we didn't have to worry about the animals.

Here we are in camp, being lazy

Here is our camp, we had great tarps put up by Dave, Jarom, and Greg. Of course Enoch loved to play with the tarp poles and it about drove Dave crazy (he's really excited to one day have a four year old)

We hiked up over the Upper Stillwater Dam and couldn't beleive how low the water was, usually it's really high.

This picture is for my mom and dad. Here is where Jarom thinks his trees are growing. He planted trees here a few years ago for his eagle scout project.

Food is one of the best things when camping and we had these really delicious calzones in our dutch oven.

We had so much fun camping but can't wait until my parents can come with us next year!!