Saturday, February 28, 2009

February birthday party!!

Since today is the last day of February I thought I should get the post up about the Randall Family Birthday party. In my family we have four birthdays in February so we have one big party to celebrate them all. The birthdays include: Enoch (my nepehew), Kate (my niece), Brynnley (my niece), and my sister Valerie. This year Tresa, my sister, volunteered to plan the party and have it at her house. She did an amazing job and had cute decorations and even made personalized pinata's for the kids. It was sad not having my parents there but we still had a good time and it was great to be with family. The older I get the more I want to spend with my family because I see how the time goes by so fast and just want to live every moment to the fullest. Plus I love my nieces and nephews and think they are the cutest kids in the whole world!! I love just hanging out with them and seeing the funny things they say and do. Here are some pics from the party:

In our family at your one year birthday you get to eat the whole cake, so we usually strip the baby down and let them go at it. Here is my niece Kate.

Here is the family opening presents, you can see all the toys everywhere.

I couldn't resist buying this for my niece Kate. My sisters family LOVES BYU and loves BYU Football, just like we do, so I bought this shirt for a future Cougar!!
Here are the cakes for the party. Dave and I made a tractor cake for Enoch, he loves tractors. Then Tresa did some really cute cupcakes with flowers for the girls.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I love technology . . .

I know most of you probably already know about this great free little program but I just wanted to say how much I love this free service. As most of you know my parents are on a mission in Africa and this is their second mission. Their first was to the Philippines and we thought it was so amazing to chat with them on Instant Messenger, we thought it was like having them here in Utah we just couldn't see or talk to them. Well since they left for this last mission technology has gotten even better and we have found that we can use this program called "SKYPE" and see and talk to my parents for free with out webcam. Luckily my laptop had a webcam so we didn't have to get one but it's amazing that we can see and talk to them whenever we are both awake :) I feel like they are still in Fairview and actually we probably talk more on skype now that they are in Africa. AMAZING!! I love technology and the way it can increase communication between people and help you still keep up important relationships no matter where you are in the world. So thank you skype for allowing me to still see and hear my parents even though they are in africa with the lions and tigers and elephants (you thought i was going to type something else)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's the little things in life

So dave and I kind of have boring lives. This past month we have just been working and Dave has had school so the blog posts have been kind of sparse. I'm not complaining though. I still find it amazing how much freedom I feel just having work. There is a time and season for everything and I'm glad my school season is over. Last night Dave and I went to Costo and Arby's for our date night. (we are trying to not spend money on eating out and trying not to get fat on eating out). When we got home and got our food out, we realized we were missing something really important. I had ordered a french dip sandwich (i love french dip sandwiches) and they had forgotten the dipping sauce. You cannot have a french dip sandwich without the aus ju sauce. (I didn't spell that right). So the sweet husband that he is, dave went to the nearest arby's and got me some sauce. It may not seem like a big deal but to me it was a small act of service that he was so willing to do and it made a world of difference to me. Thanks sweetie!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happy 80th birthday Grandpa Brown

This is Grandpa Brown, Dave's grandpa. He turned 80 a few weeks ago and we had a big family party for him. Dave was put in charge of the cake. Let's just say he's been watching too many "Extreme Cake Challenge" episodes on the Food Network. He did a great job on the firefighter cake, his grandpa is a retired firefighter. Here are a few pictures from the party.