Thursday, December 17, 2009

The jeans pocket

So last night for about 2 hours I went through the most anxiety I have ever felt in my life. So here is the long story, it is a good one. Dave and I have put Toby in obedience school in order to have an obeying dog and one that everyone will want to be around. So last week I found out that we had to hand feed him a lot of treats and my hands were beginning to accumulate a lot of gross stuff on them after hand feeding Toby so many treats. So this week I decided to take off my rings in order to save them the gross treatment from Toby's mouth. So I put them in my pocket of my jeans and went into class. Well the class went great and as you guessed my hands were disgusting. I was glad I took off my rings. That night as I was getting ready for bed I realized I hadn't taken my rings out of my pants so I got my pants off the hanger and checked my pockets. I couldn't find anything. So I checked again, this time all the pockets, nothing. So then I thought they must have fallen out when I hung up my pants. So I checked all our shoes and the floor in the closet, nothing. By this point I was trying not to panic and had Dave help me, trying not to freak out. Well after about an hour of looking, by this time balling because I was so worried we wouldn't find my wedding ring and wouldn't be able to replace it, it's custom made and absolutely gorgeous. Dave had me go through the steps starting from when I got home from work. I couldn't remember exactly what had happened to them except that i knew I had put them in my pant pocket. But then I started second guessing myself. By this time it was midnight and I was in hysterics. Dave said we should drive over to the dog training place and look in the parking lot to see if they fell out of my pocket or just fell on the ground. So we drove over at midnight to try and look, nothing. We drove back home and going through my mind as I am exhausted, crying and regretting not getting the insurance on the ring, I played through all the scenarios of getting a new ring or not getting one. I knew we can't afford it right now with trying to refinish our house and it wasn't insured. I knew it had been custom made and that if a new one was made it wouldn't look the original and it wouldn't be the ring that dave proposed with and the one we got married with. I'm sentimental that way I guess. All these things are going through my mind and I'm so upset at myself for having a horrible memory. We got home and I started searching again. I pulled the shoes out again and found nothing. I was at the last straw and it was 1 in the morning. I pulled the pants out one more time and checked the pockets, as I did the rings fell out into my hand. I looked up at Dave and just started balling. We had been praying ever since I couldn't find them and I was absolutely amazed they just fell into my hand. Dave and I had both checked the jeans at least 10 times and found nothing. Well what had happened is that they had somehow gotten wedged in the little space that is between the pocket and the zipper, you know that little space that some jeans have? I was so happy and tired that I couldn't stop crying and praying for thanks. So the moral of the story. If you put anything small in your jean pockets make sure you check that small space :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

In remembrance

On Saturday my brother, Dave and I were able to go to the temple in the yearly tradition of remembering my twin sisters. My mom had twin daughters only 10 months before me, they were premature and ended up both passing away when they were only a few days old. It was a very hard time for my parents and I'm sure me nor my siblings know what my parents went through. But every year on their birthday, December 13th we try to go to the temple to remember them. Since my parents are in Africa we wanted to continue doing it. We got as many family members as we could, and went to the Mt. Timpanogas Temple. It was a very special time for me in that I realized for the first time how close it is to Christmas. I never thought of what that Christmas must have been like for my parents. They are both very strong individuals and I will never know how they managed to pull through that experience. I think the one thing that has always held our family together during times of trial is the Gospel. I can't wait to see my older sisters one day and be able to get to know them and share sister stories. Thanks mom and dad for your strength and testimonies in the Gospel. We missed you on Saturday but know your thoughts and hearts were with us. We love and miss you Amy and Angela, and will see you both one day.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas movies

One of my favorite events of the Holidays are watching all the cheesy christmas movies. Anyone who knows me will know that I love watching all the christmas movies on TV, along with the DVD's I own. So this last Friday dave and I had our weekly date night, got cheap little caesar's pizza and watched Christmas movies all night. It was so much fun and a much needed night. First we watched "Elf", which is a classic and a must each year, then we watched "Merry Madagascar", which was a new one we had bought because we both love cartoons, then we watched "National Lampoon's Christmas". I still have many more christmas movies tivo'd just waiting for me. Whenever Dave walks in to see me watching one the first question out of his mouth is "Are you crying yet?" What can I say, I LOVE the cheesy christmas movies and yes they make me cry.I still have yet to watch "White Christmas", "The Christmas Shoes" (I know the song is cheesy and so is the movie but I love it), and a few other Hallmark christmas movies i have recorded.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Our semi-finished house :)

So here are the finished pictures of two of the rooms in our house. I promised before and after pictures. So the first one is our bedroom. The first picture is what the owner had it decorated as (hopefully I won't get in trouble for posting his house picture). He had a very unique decorating sense.

Here is the room without any of his furniture, mirrors, or decorations. Lovely colors huh?

Here is it finished with our furniture. We still have to put up some drapes and get doors for our closet. But we didn't like his sliding mirror closet doors, who could blame us?

So here is the living room. This is the only picture we had of it. The ladder was not included in his decorating but you get an idea of what we were dealing with.

Here is it without his decorations and stuff. The colors were so bright it almost gave you a headache just sitting in the room.

This is my favorite picture because it shows three colors that he had painted. Who puts those colors together?

Here is the finished room. We know it's really neutral but after seeing the other colors we had to go neutral. We still have a few more finishing touches and need to get up the blinds on the window.

So there is a peak of our house. We are so happy here and love being home owners, even though it was a lot more work and money to move in than we thought we are really happy here!! One day soon we will have a house warming party. We need to finish the downstairs first, we had to rip up the carpet because it reeked like dog urine :) oh the joys of being home owners.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pie Party

This year for the Randall family Thanksgiving get together we decided to have a pie party. Each family member (Jarom exluded) brought a pie. We had it at our new house and had such a good time being able to have more than four people at our house!! Since my parents are gone on their mission this year we are doing thanksgiving and christmas celebrated at other times than the actual day. So here is our thanksgiving celebration.

here is my cute niece Kate, my sister made her entire outfit!! Even the jacket.

Here are the pies we made, Dave made a yummy Reese's Peanut Butter pie, tresa made a homemade Apple Pie, and Valerie made a raspberry berry pie. All were amazing!!

Can you tell Jarom and Gavin are excited?

Here we are hanging out in the living room which we finally hung the pictures up in, just for the party (more house pictures to come :)

The fam, this post was more for my parents so they could see the family. We love and miss you mom and dad, especially this Thanksgiving season!! Have a good thanksgiving in Kenya!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The new addition to our family :) Our little puppy

We want to introduce you to the newest and cutest member of our family, TOBY. He is our new puppy and even though he doesn't look like a puppy believe it or not he is only four months old. He is a purebred basset hound and fits in perfectly with our family. After the tragedy of losing the other puppy even before we got her, Dave found this cutie on KSL and after looking at him once we knew we had to have him. Dave named him Toby, I'm not sure where he got the name but it fits him. He's been so much fun to play with and have in our house and we love having a backyard that he can be in while we are at work.

Isn't he the cutest thing you have ever seen?

This is his sad, happy, excited face. Basset hounds always look sad and can become overweight because people feel bad for them because of their sad face. We are determined to not give in to the sad face but it sure it adorable.

Dave's favorite Disney movie is "Fox and the Hound" loves when Todd, the hound dog barks when he is a puppy and that's what dave does to Toby, it's adorable.

The cutest part of Toby is his ears, he has the floppiest ears of any dog I have seen. He steps on them all the time and when he drinks out of his water bowl they always get in with his mouth and get all wet, it's so cute.

He is teething right now so we bought him lots of toys to chew on, Dave loves to spoil him. I think we need to start having kids, what do you think?

My nickname for Toby is "the tobster", he's so much fun to have around.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Warning, there are a lot of pictures!! This year for Halloween Dave and I were able to have parties at both families houses. Dave's family always gets together and carves a million pumpkins. But this year we decided to wear costumes (my idea, because I spent a really long time sewing our costumes). So Dave and I went as Buddy the Elf and Jovi the Elf. Dave had picked out his costume last year and I decided we could sew them and save some money. I don't know if it saved any money but they turned out really cute. I have to thank my grandma who spent so much time helping me sew them, the best part was spending time with her sewing. Thanks grandma!! So as you can see, they turned out pretty cute and dave was a hit at his work party.

Isn't he cute? He even has pockets in his sleeves for little bottles of syrup :)

Jovi the Elf, Buddy's wife at the end of the movie

Isn't the Kelly family cute, we had all sorts of costumes, including the dogs dressing up
So Dave and I planted our garden this year in dave's grandparents backyard. The neighbor behind asked if he could plant some monstrous pumpkins next to our garden and this is what happened. The neighbor had bigger ones that he was going to enter into a contest but ended up giving away the pumpkins. Dave was so excited to carve it and it actually took less time than a small one because it was so big and the design was pretty simple. Here is the pumpkin carving in the process and the final result!!

As you can see it stands out from the rest of them.
But is really cool!!

This one was mine, not as glamorous as Dave's

On Halloween we had a party with my side of the family. It was the first time we had gotten together for a long time and it was fun to see everyone. Here are the cute costumes of some of my nieces and nephews. This is my cute niece Kate, I couldn't get her to smile though.

Here is my brother Jarom, my grandma whipped up his costume of Where's Waldo.

Here are my two cute nieces, Brynnley was a bumble bee

Dave and I in our cute costumes, even if I do say so myself.

And a big thanks to my sister Tresa, she makes the most amazing home made donuts every Halloween.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Exhausted!! But loving our new home

So Dave and I are officially home owners and can say that we are west siders (West Jordan that is :). After closing on our house on October 9th, we were so excited to actually be contributing to the economy and building equity. We couldn't actually go in until this last friday so last week we were so anxious to just get in and start working on our house. So on Friday we got the keys and took our first walk through the house without all the owners furniture. The owner of the house owns an antique business, selling antiques that is, and his house looked amazing decorated with all his antiques. However, with antiques he had to match a lot of colors, or not match, so every wall was painted and usually every wall was a different color. Here is a little sampling:

This is actually the master bedroom, don't worry this weekend we were able to swiftly make it a very neutral tan/brown color that we now love and will not get a headache from.

This is our front room that is not painted yet, also notice the color of the hallway. Weird colors.

Dave and I were so excited to paint our first wall, so we had to document it. I know, we are a little strange, just so excited to be home owners and to paint our own home and not somebody else's.

I'm a little excited, but you can see the brown color in the back, it looks much better.

Saturday night Dave and I came home exhausted, we had no idea it would be so much work. Yes, all you home owners laughing, we know. We wanted to thank Michelle, Valerie, James, Amanda, and the Lowthers for coming over and helping, we owe you guys big time for spending your busy Saturday helping us paint and clean. We REALLY appreciated your help!! So now that we are exhausted we are starting another week of hopefully getting the house painted so we can move in. Our big moving day is this Saturday and we could REALLY use any help we can get moving our big furniture and the dreaded piano. Hooray for building equity!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Help With A Name

Hi everyone (or all eight people who follow our blog), we need your help with figuring out what to name our dog. There is a poll that closes right before we get her at the end of the month. If you have a name and it isn't listed on the side, put a comment. Who knows you could be the person who can say "I named the Kelly's dog." I personally think it would be a badge of honor to have (who knows if we can't think of kid names when we start our family - you may be the person who comes up with that name as well.)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

our new puppy (in one month) :)

Dave and I are so excited to be getting a puppy!! We both are dog people and have wanted a dog since before we were married. Dave almost got one but where he lived he couldn't have a dog and his mom said no when he asked if she would keep it at her house. So here is our new puppy. We do not have a name for her yet so please put any suggestions in the comments. She is a Sheltie/Beagle mix. She was born September 2nd and we get to pick her up at the end of October, right after we move into our new house. Yes we are crazy but we already love her. We found her on KSL because the owners were pre-selling the four puppies in order to sell them while they were still young. Dave and I are so in love with her already and can't wait for her to join our family :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

2 year anniversary

Each anniversary gets better and better being married to Dave. We had an amazing anniversary and we didn't even go anywhere. We decided to just stay around home and save the money we would have spent on a fun trip, on our house that we are hopefully closing on next friday (cross your fingers and pray for us). So our anniversary was on a Sunday and we were kind of disappointed but it actually turned out great because we had a whole weekend anniversary instead of just one day. So Friday started out with me coming home to a beautiful bouquet of costco roses, and the Biggest Loser exercise CD's. Dave heard me mention them a few days before and I said I wanted them for my birthday. This year for presents Dave got a new drill to work on our house and I got, in February, the wedding band for my wedding ring, which is gorgeous. So after smelling the roses we got dressed up and went to "The Roof" for dinner. Dave had been there but I hadn't and I was so excited. It was romantic, fun and really good food. Afterwards we came home and watched a movie and relaxed. Dave and I love watching movies together and enjoy it even more now that Dave is graduated and we have no guilty moving watching. :) On saturday morning we got up and went hiking up Cottonwood Canyon. We hiked the Mill B North trail and it was beautiful. One of the things that Dave and I love about our anniversary is that it is in a month that we don't have anything to celebrate. September has no holiday and we don't have any birthdays. The other thing we love is that the leaves are always changing during our anniversay so wherever we go on our anniversary we get to see the leaves changing. Last year we drove our new little subie home from Arizona and saw the leaves changing down by Brian Head, which was one of my favorite vacations of all time. So here are a few pictures of the leaves changing and us hiking. Dave and I were the only ones on the trail and we just sat up on top for a while and talked. We both love that we both enjoy hiking and camping, most people wouldn't go hiking on their anniversary, but that's what I love about Dave. That night Dave humored his BYU fan of a wife and we went to the BYU/Colorado State game. Luckily we won or else I would have been sad the rest of the weekend. We wrapped up our anniversary on Sunday by having the most amazing meal, cooked by my sweetie. We had roast, garlic mashed potatoes, and for dessert, Trifle. After dinner we watched our home made movie of our wedding and then our picture wedding video. We had so much fun remembering the day and how fun it was to marry, for each of us, our best friend. Dave and I can't believe it has been two years since we got married, and we love that each year gets better and better. So enjoy a few pictures from our anniversary weekend. I love you cutie!!