Friday, December 19, 2008

Goodbye to an old friend

Dave and I were sad to say goodbye to an old friend. It's funny how attached you become to your cars, you go through so much with them. This little 1987 Honda Accord Dave bought from his parents who had bought it from his grandparents. When I first met Dave two years ago he was driving this little car and the funniest thing about it was that it squeaked when you drove it. Dave eventually got it fixed but I have loved it ever since. It only has 150,000 miles on it and is in great condition but unfortunately a few months ago it decided it didn't want to run anymore. We were hoping it would make it until January when we buy my parents car because they are leaving on their mission, but it didn't make it. We tried to fix it with putting in a used transmission and it still didn't want to run. So this last week we decided to put it on and yesterday sold it.

We were both happy but I was kind of sad. This is the only car I have known Dave in and it was actually one of the reasons I liked him when we first started dating. I knew that a guy with a car this old didn't want fancy things and didn't spend all of his money on a new car. I knew he was down to earth and enjoyed fixing cars that were a little used, in order to save money and not buying a brand new car. After we got married we sold my parents Buick they graciously gave me and then I started driving this little Honda. I grew attached to it and actually really liked it. It got Dave through a few years of school and me through the last year of graduate school. We didn't have a car payment and it was very reliable. So goodbye old friend, we hope you still run with your new owner and you make someone else happy. :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas traditions

As Dave and I have started our family with the two of us I've found it hard to start traditions without kids, like my sisters have. However, I realized that my family and Dave's family have fun traditions that we want to keep doing each year. One of the traditions that his family does is spend the entire day after Thanksgiving making Christmas candy. I took the day off because this day is so much fun to spend with family and learn how to make really good treats. This year we made the following: fudge, caramel, chocolate turtles, chocolate covered pretzels, and cinnamon bears. Here are a few pictures
Another tradition that I think we will start is going to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir concert and looking at the lights. Last night we went with my parents to stand in the standby line. We saw some friends from our ward who luckily gave us tickets and then we miraculously got two more for my parents. It was so enjoyable and truly allowed me to feel of the Christmas spirit, without the spending, shopping, and thinking about money. If anybody has any ideas on traditions to start with just two people let me know, Dave and I would love the ideas. Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A man and his train

Here is our fun Christmas tree with Dave's choo choo train. This year we decided to put up Dave's fake 7 ft christmas tree because last year we had a Charlie Brown christmas tree. We had fun decorating it and Dave had fun putting the train underneath. I'm going to attempt to upload a movie of the train but it might not work because I've never put a video on our blog, so here it goes.
Here are the two videos of our train. I had to post the first one because Dave turned the camera sideways and didn't realize it recorded like that, I thought it was hilarious. The second one has funny comments from Dave. He's a little kid but it keeps our lives interesting and our marriage fun!! Enjoy!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy late Thanksgiving

I am posting this really late, I know. I thought with passing my test I would have all this free time to do what I want but strangely I find my time is taken up with things that I have put off for so long that need to be taken care of. So this year we were at Dave's for Thanksgiving but my family held their own thanksgiving two weeks earlier so here are some pictures from that. See below for the actual Thanksgiving day

The whole family

The brother-in-laws

Enoch and his feast

Dave made all the pies this year for both families. Here is his pumpkin, banana cream, and peanut butter chocolate pies. They were delicious!!
Here are some pictures from our Thanksgiving Day. We went shooting with Dave's uncle and cousins out by Eagle Mountain, it was so much fun!!

Dave now wants to buy guns, I wonder why?
Me trying to shoot, I didn't do too bad but I only could shoot the 22 because it didn't kick back on me, I know I'm a wussWe put all of these targets, I don't know if you can see the little orange things, it was a lot of fun to shoot