Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Randall Family

Here are a few of the pictures my family had taken before my parents leave for their mission. I have the cutest family ever!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thoughts on turning one year older

So I had a fabulous birthday, thanks to my wonderful, cute, sweet husband. He always spoils me on my birthday, even when we were not dating he gave me a present. He surprised me by sending flowers, balloons and candy to my work. Then he bought me new work clothes and shoes, which I desperately needed. Then he took me to a Japanese restaurant, Kyoto, in sugarhouse. It was amazing!! He knows I love japanese food and our second date was when he took me out for japanese food downtown. As I was amazed at how lucky I am to be married to him I was talking to him about turning 28. You look back at your life and wonder, wow nothing has gone how I planned it. No matter how hard you try to plan your life you always get curve balls thrown in your path. Yesterday as I realized I am so close to the dreaded 30, I realized how grateful I am for the curve balls that have gotten me to 28. Here are a list of my wonderful curve balls in my life: serving a mission in Japan, moving to Salt Lake City (which I swore I would never do), graduating with my bachelor's degree and graduating with my masters degree. All of these have led me to one place and that is with my amazing husband Dave. Thanks babe for a wonderful birthday!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fun date night/Herbs Part 2

So dave has been promising me he would take me to "Color Me Mine", it's this fun painting/pottery place that you can pick things to paint and then they fire them for you. It's a fun, creative, cheap date. Dave and I had a hard time picking out what to paint but he saw this little herb pot set and we were done deciding. We have become herb geeks. The other day Dave said "We need to harvest our herbs", which meant cut off the leaves and dry them because we don't use them enough in our cooking. I laughed literally for an hour because he said "harvest our herbs". So at Color Me Mine, which I recommend to anyone looking for a fun date or anything fun to do, we painted our little herb pot set and then planted a few more herbs. We added chives, marjoram, and Caraway. It's a fun hobby we have picked up and I would recommend it to anybody who will get bored this winter. It's easy to take care of them and then you get yummy food from your labors. Thanks cutie for the fun date!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

A fall weekend

My favorite part of conference weekend is doing nothing and cuddling up in a blanket with your hubbie while it rains outside. That's how our weekend went this weekend. We went down to my parents house in Fairview and had a relaxing weekend. My mom had soup for us when we got there, it was comfort food. There is nothing like comfort food. Conference was awesome as usual. All the inspiring words spoken. Especially President Monson's talk about "Living Now". I don't do that nearly enough.