Saturday, March 29, 2008

Let's go fly a kite!

Today we babysat Cooper for a few hours and he wanted to go fly the kite that Dave got last year that hasn't been flown yet. It's a cool dragon kite that I bought him when we were dating.

Here is Coooper holding the kite string. All he wanted to do was hold the kite and run with it

Here is Cooper's bear "Fluffy", he wanted to fly the kite too

It was a perfect day for flying a kite! We went over to a grassy area near our apartment and all this room to run with the kite. And we didn't even get it stuck in those trees in the back!

Cousin date

Dave's cousin Amanda came in to town so we planned a cousin date. We ordered La Punete and sat around at Michelle and Scotty's house laughing and talking.

As you can tell we all come from a NORMAl family!!

Easter baskets

Mine and David's Easter baskets

Dave playing with his Easter toy

This year for Easter Dave wanted to do easter baskets. Last year we were dating and he got me an easter basket and a little plant (which I still have and which my roommates nicknamed our "love fern" from a movie :) ). I didn't know you got each other presents on easter and I didn't have anything for him. So this year we gave each other easter baskets which was a lot of fun. Dave got me a workout arm band to hold my i-pod for when I work out and I got him a huge frisbee and a fun little flying toy from Toys r' us. (that's becoming my best friend these days for presents for my "kid" husband).

I also found a pooping chicken that made up for the pooping reindeer I didn't get for his stocking for Christmas that everyone else in the family got. This is the most fun cheap toy I have found for anybody!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Mexico in February!!

I have to say that the month of February is the most miserable month here in Utah. The weather is always cold and this year particularly there has been more snow than usual. Well Dave and I had the opportunity to go with his work team at CBRE to Playa Del Carmen Mexico. We had an amazing time and got to see some really pretty places and fish! Here are some pictures from our trip. I think it should be required for every person in Utah to go on vacation to a tropical place in February! It's the only way to get through the winter to the Spring.