Friday, October 13, 2006

How we met

Dave and I have a different story about how we met. So this is my story of how we met :) I was living in Salt Lake attending the University of Utah working towards my masters degree in Social Work. I had been in the program only a few months. I lived in a cute little house in Salt Lake off of 3300 south and 700 east. I was playing the organ in my singles ward so I sat on the stand. One Sunday I spoke in church, no big deal. After sacrament meeting I was walking out of the institute and this guy stopped me and complimented me on my talk. I had no idea who he was but said "thanks" and continued walking towards my car. Later that night I was hanging out with my roommates at a friends house in the ward. I was sitting on the couch and we were watching something on the tv when all of a sudden the couch was overcrowded and I ended up sitting on top of this guys legs. It was the same guy that had complimented me on my talk. I still didn't know who he was but I apologized over and over and he said he was fine. He didn't talk to me much. The next day I was sitting in class when I got a text message from an unknown number. It was a generic text that said a group of people from my ward were getting together up in the canyon for a bonfire that weekend. I texted back "who is this?", he replied back "dave, from the ward". I still didn't know who he was until he texted "you had your legs on me last night". Then I made the connection. I replied back and said I would come to the bonfire. We continued to text all day and into the evening. I had evening classes because I am not a morning person. In my evening class we were texting and he said something really funny and I almost laughed out loud. He eventually asked me if I wanted to go get ice cream and I texted him that I was in class. He texted back and asked about the next night (yes he was asking me out over text messaging). I replied back and said, "the office" is on :) He replied and said "that's the great thing about me, I have tivo". So we went out on our first date the next night. He took me to the restaurant "Trio" on 9th and 9th, which I had never been to. (I later found out he hates that restaurant and we have never been back since). We had a great time, I didn't know anything about him so it was fun to get to know him. I wasn't sure if I liked him but he was fun to be around and he made me laugh. We went back to his place and watched "the office", we both were obsessed with that show. We hung out that weekend before the bonfire - we went to costco to get food and then went up to the canyon. As they say, the rest is history.

These pictures were taken at a bees game when we were dating