May 31, 2012

Lucy Clark

Our little Lucy is a week old. Time has flown by. I can't believe that it has already been a week and we have yet to update our blog with pictures of our sweet little addition.  I am sure most of you have heard the stats but I am just going to type up a quick rundown of how her birthday went.

I had a Dr's appointment on Thursday May 24th  where they were planning on helping this little lady come; they did the same with Ansleigh and within 32 hours we had her. My appointment was at 3:15 so I was thinking that the next day some time we would be meeting Lucy. It worked much faster than that! After my appointment we all went and walked the mall and I lasted about 45 minutes before I told them I just wanted to go home and sit down. On the way home we were sitting in traffic counting my contractions that were 5 minutes apart; it didn't seem real for it to be happening so fast so I told Dave and my Mom to just keep driving home. Dave and my Mom were pretty adamant on the fact that they didn't want to deliver the baby (and with the traffic they probably would have) and they turned around. I felt it was too soon to go to the hospital so we went and ate at Pei Wei. I know I shouldn't be eating when I am in active labor but I broke the rules last time too and ate right before I went to the hospital with Ansleigh, ha ha I was never hungry. After Pei Wei we called the Dr and went over to the hospital and was admitted around 5:30 pm. Lucy came at 9:24 pm and it was unreal how quick it all happened. There are a lot of details in the three hours at the hospital before she came and some of them are actually really funny but I will spare you, and if you want to hear about them give me a call!

Lucy weighed 8 lbs 2 oz and was 21 inches long. She has Jaundice but hasn't had to go under the lights, we have been putting her by the window in hopes that she will look like a little white baby soon. Her hair is thick and very dark! We are loving having a second daughter and Ansleigh is adjusting pretty well (thanks to all of the attention from my mom).

Here are some pictures and there are a ton more I will be sharing later!

Here she is awake. She actually has a nice sleep/wake cycle already!

Ansleigh has been entertained well with a little pool and some bubbles!

May 22, 2012


This pregnancy has gone by extremely fast for me and it is crazy to think that our little Lucy will be here in a week or less. I have been in major nesting mode for the past couple of weeks and have everything ready for her to arrive. I am guessing she will be here this weekend as I am going to the Dr Thursday and he has plans to kinda speed this process up a bit. He did the same with Ansleigh and she came just over 24 hours later so I am thinking Lucy will make her debut Friday or Saturday.

We thought she was on her way a week and a half ago because I was having somewhat regular contractions but it ended up being that I was dehydrated, work got the best of me. I have been drinking a lot of water since because that is not the way I want her to make her entrance. I was reading online and some people dehydrate themselves on purpose to go into labor, crazy people!

Some things  I have gotten done recently in preps for labor are getting my nails done, color my hair and most exciting of all is I made Lucy a quilt (my first).  Here is a pic, not the best picture ever but you can get an idea.

First the is large, yes!

My mom will be here tomorrow, so glad she is going to make it in time! We will let you all know when everything goes down!