Feb 17, 2011


Warm weather makes me super happy! We are having a little tease right now with our weather, I'm sure, but it will be nice while it lasts. The high today is 63 F and will be 70 F on Friday.

Yesterday Ansleigh went on her first legitimate walk outside around the neighborhood and then today got a walk through the woods at the park in her Bjorn. I am pretty sure she was just as happy as we were to be out of our basement apartment. She babbled and squalled most of the walk. Dave and I got our disk golf on, which needs some touching up. Its not so easy to play with a baby on the front of you but I will master that with time.

Feb 8, 2011


Ansleigh had her 4 month check up today and here are the stats.... (my favorite part)

Height: 26.4 inches, 98th percentile

Weight: 14 lbs 7 oz, 70th percentile

Our pediatrician office is great. The office has 4 doctors so you could really end up with any of them when you show up and that is OK with me because they are all great. There is this one though that is SO SO loud. I sometimes wonder if she has a hearing problem and that is why she screams so loud and other times I just think it is because she is completely insane. The insane one is probably right. Well we ended up with her today and Ansleigh cried just about the whole time she was talking in the room, not really touching her..just talking. I wanted to too with the noise that was ringing in my ears from her voice. Ha ha!

Here are a couple shots while we were waiting in our room.

Dave made Jambalaya for the first time today. We are always wanting to try something new and exciting for dinner so this is what we found on my recipe APP, which I love by the way. I was suppose to cook but Ansleigh was unhappy after the appointment and all and all I think Dave trusted himself trying something new for the first time more. It turned out so yummy! Hot and spicy! Here is a picture of our Louisiana inspired meal (Cajun Jambalaya).