Monday, February 15, 2016

Sleeping Babies that are now toddlers

I know, I've been absent from posting pictures for a long time! Once school started at the end of August, any hope of free time flew out the window. Putting pictures on the blog just never makes it to the top of the list but I'm finally getting around to it! 

Anna and Audrey love sleeping together still. We love the fun positions they come up with.

 Oops. A non-sleeping picture made it in this batch. They love vegetable so much. Audrey couldn't stuff the green beans in fast enough.

Thursday, November 26, 2015


We were so excited to have Scott, Emily, Beck and Gibson join us for Thanksgiving! 
Ash, Sadie and Nate LOVE making pies. I had to limit them to two per person. And Ash won't hear of me buying pre-made dough. It's a wild kitchen making 6 pies in a couple days but I love doing it with them. 

 Ash and her mixed berry pie. It was delcious...and beautiful!
 Sadie made a chocolate mint pie with freshly whipped mint whipped cream and Andes mint shavings on top.
 Nate made pumpkin and chocolate. I guess I never got a picture of him with his pies. Ash made a lemon cream-cheese pie (my favorite) and Sadie a Dutch apple pie (another favorite of mine).
 The kids put together 85 bags of supplies and activities for children at the Denver Children's Hopsital over TG weekend. It was so exciting to see how much was donated from friends, family and some local businesses!!
 Dave and Scott took the kids out sledding (even Anna and Audrey) while Emily and I shopped. What nice dads!
 I wish I could count how many hours the kids (and adults) spent on their ripstiks! With Scott and Emily bringing 4 plus our 3, we were able to have a train of 7 total! They even did Olympics on the ripstiks with times and everything.
Emily, your face matches mine!! I feel the same way about that creature!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Anna and Audrey LOVE Julia!! They are a magnet to Julia and always want to be held. Julia has 5 brothers so I think she's pretty happy to have two little girls adore her. 

 This was their first time trying a sucker and they were sold!
 Dave's Halloween costume usually consists of his regular clothes he's wearing with a snake around his neck. But Audrey wanted to wear the snake around HER neck so she went around the whole trunk-or-treat with the snake on her. She got A LOT of attention!
I just couldn't get enough of how cute they were trick-or-treating. They wanted so badly to keep up with the big kids even with those heavy buckets of candy! Sometimes they would trip from trying so hard to keep up. What a fun stage.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Baptism Day!

Nate is such a fun boy. He is such a BOY yet tender and sweet. It's a great combination. He was so excited to turn 8 for many years...getting to start Cub Scouts AND getting baptized. 
 He's got a little something around his leg. Gross.
 A little snake he found.
 That gun looks a little big but he sure has fun with it.

 Nate was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was such a special day.
 Nate was so happy to have both sets of grandparents here for his special day!
 We went on a beautiful hike to the top of Horsetooth Rock - something Nate has wanted to do for a long time.
I'm not sure there's been a boy so excited about being a Cub Scout! He loves everything about it and gets so excited each week for their meetings. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Walton for helping him get everything for his uniform all ready to go!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Taco Time

We were so excited to have Tyler (a.k.a. "Taco" since that's what AA called him from the beginning of his time here) fly out and stay with us for two weeks this summer! We packed a lot in while he was here! 
 Our good friends were so kind to offer to take us out on the water. Everyone had a blast...even Anna and Audrey loved tubing! Sadie and Nate tried wakeboarding for the first time and LOVED it! Ash pulled a muscle on one of the wild tubing rides so she wasn't ready to try the wakeboard. Next time! It was a beautiful day on the water.

 Dave and I took Tyler and Sadie to the Denver temple early, early one Saturday morning! It was a special date and they were all smiles in this picture because they knew we were heading to donuts.
 It makes us smile to watch Anna and Audrey use the little table Dave made for Ashlyn's first birthday. They love to draw and it's looking like they both might be lefties (Audrey is for sure a lefty).
 Audrey and Anna LOVED Taco and he loved them right back. After Tyler went home, they went around the house for a few days calling out "Taaaaaco" while looking for him.
 We took Taco with us to visit Blanche, our 95 year old friend.
 We decided to be a little crazy and take the kids camping (the crazy part was taking 2 toddlers camping). One of my worries before we adopted was that we wouldn't be able to do "older kid" activities if we were tied down with a baby (make that two!). I was determined to not let that get in the way of enjoying things with our older kids. It wasn't the most relaxing camping trip but everyone had a good time. No doubt the highlight was the game Ash and Sadie taught us from girls' camp. I don't even know what it was called but we were all laughing so hard.
 Everyone spent a lot of time by the river. We were lucky to have perfect weather.
 Nate got a really cool glow stick/flashlight from a friend for his birthday. One night Nate tossed it in the air (quite high) and it got stuck in the tree. This picture doesn't do justice to the height. My goodness. I felt so bad for Nate that he wouldn't get his glow stick. It was stuck for sure. Then Dave said "I'll go get it." Just getting on the tree was a challenge. It was sure entertaining to watch. Dave got high enough but the stick was too far out on the branch. So we threw him a roasting stick and Dave was able to grab the glow stick with that. He was the hero of the night, for sure!

 Tyler really wanted to shoot a snake while here. Dave took him on many hunts to find a snake and they kept coming home empty handed! Well, I guess that's a good sign that they aren't wanting to be near our house! Tyler's two weeks were up and we were getting ready to drive to Utah to pass him off to his family. Dave had a morning church meeting. He was still hoping so badly to find a snake for Tyler, so he threw his snake catcher in the truck just in case. Sure enough, on his way home, he found a rattler about 1.5 miles out on the dirt road. He called me telling me to hurry and get Tyler outside and ready! I couldn't believe the sight of Dave driving up with a snake catcher with a MAD rattler in it! It was exciting to say the least! And Tyler got his rattle souvenier.

 While in Utah, we had the wonderful chance to meet up with dear friends! Shauna, Lisa and I were all born within a week of each other (same year) and we've all been good friends since we were 5. It's been too long since we've all gotten together. We also got to see another good friend, Kristin, but sadly we never got a picture with her!
 Audrey and Anna
 The kids made a cool rope swing while we were camping. Everyone loved using it!
There was one relaxing part of the camping trip! Dave took the older kids on a hike up a steep mountain right by us. Anna and Audrey were napping in the tent. I sat with my feet up on a camping chair and read until I dozed off. It was soooooo relaxing...and then they woke up!

Nate's Birthday Party

 Nate had a cowboy birthday party. He dressed the part and looked like a cute little cowboy. They got to shoot a bb gun, hunt for fossils, play "pin the gun on the holster" and some other games.
 We went to the zoo on Nate's actual birthday.

Nate with his cowboy buddies while they were on a fossil hunt.