Saturday, July 10, 2010


Little Birdie Secrets is hosting a giveaway! Enter to win a Silhouette SD Cutting Machine!

Go here to check it out!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


The last weekend in August we joined my brother and his family at their timeshare in Oceanside. The kids had SO much fun playing together on the beach. The sun was hot, and the water was perfect! Caleb has never been too excited about going in the water. In fact, as we were unloading the car once we got there, one of the first things he said was, "Mom, I don't want to go in the water!" He'll usually walk down and put his feet in, but that's it. Not this time... I don't know if it's because the water was so warm or what, but we couldn't get him out of the water this time! Most of each day we were running out into the water to tell the boys they were too far out and needed to come closer in... brave little boys! Caleb & Maxwell had so much fun riding the waves on their daddy's body boards and Jacob was completely content under an umbrella in the sand with the twins.
We also had our annual Crab Cook...sooo yummy...& had so much fun with everyone! Thanks for the memories... we can't wait for next time!

Uncle Casey even took Caleb out on his surfboard and let him ride a few waves in!

Caleb & Maxwell posing after a ride in!

Waiting patiently while we loaded the car to head to the pool after a long day at the beach!

Soo tired! Jacob spent all day digging in the sand and chasing Seagulls!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Eight years ago today, I married the love of my life...

...Happy Anniversary Dave!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Halloween Fun...

We started the week off with the 2nd Annual Waldron Family BOO Bash at my dad's house where we carved pumpkins with the kids. It's always fun to get together with my family and we had a chance to see all the kids in their cute costumes.

Carving pumpkins....Autumn, Avery, Darren, Jacqueline, Brian
Greg, Ben, Karen, & William


Caleb kept saying,"I'm Batman!".....So funny!

My two little monkeys.

Most of the finished Jack-O-Lanterns

We went to a local Pumpkin Patch with some of our friends in Caleb's little Preschool group where the kids got to play on a train and tractor and pet animals in the petting zoo and we all went through a corn maze.

In the corn maze they made a wrong turn and hit a dead end.
Halloween Night.....
....all ready for some Trick-or-Treating!

Jacob wouldn't stand still he just wanted to run....

Caleb showing me how full his bag was getting.

Jacob decided at one point he was done...he just sat down in one driveway
and wanted to play with the glow stick our neighbors gave him.

....and running is what he did....the whole time!

Caleb was getting frustrated that his baby brother was rushing his Trick-or-Treating experience. As soon as we got to each door, Jacob took off the opposite direction and Caleb was having a hard time keeping up. Isn't it usually the other way around?
I was so exhausted chasing that little monkey!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

We took the boys to the Pumpkin Patch with Ryan and Rebekah and their kids this afternoon. There was a petting zoo, giant haystack to climb up, 7 or 8 bounce houses & obstacle courses, a huge Saber Tooth Tiger slide, John Deer bumper tractors for the little ones (this was sooo cute),and even a tiny monkey that would shake your hand for $1.
You'll have to check out the website:
If you can't make it this year, we recommend it for next year.

All the cousins together

Ella, Caleb and Marley at the top of the haystack

Jacob kept trying to climb the haystack, but didn't get very far.

Caleb,Ella and Vaughn spent most of the time in this Spider Man bounce house. It was well worth the $4 or $5 we spent to let each of them go in. There wasn't a time limit so they took advantage and had so much fun!

Caleb was brave and tried out the huge Saber Tooth Tiger slide. I wish I got a picture of him his first time down...he was pretty scared and the face he was making was hilarious, but he just followed Marley back up and down and ended up loving it.

While Caleb rode the slide Jacob wandered through the Christmas trees...the Christmas tree lot opens November 21st and you get to come and cut down your own tree.

They had wheelbarrows and these hand made wagons to pull out into the pumpkin patch to pick your own pumpkins and just as we were heading out to pick some, the kids decided they would take advantage of the situation and hitch a ride instead of walking. The two oldest jumped in first and of course all the little ones followed their lead.

We all went for a hay ride and this is a picture of a very small portion of this pumpkin patch. Those are people in the field picking their own pumpkins. They were so far seemed like there was no end to the patch.

The boys were so tired they barely finished their IN-N-OUT cheeseburgers before crashing.

This was definitely our favorite Pumpkin Patch experience, and we'll be back there again next year!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Jacob is walking!

Our little man is walking! It's crazy how fast it happens. For the longest time he has been pulling himself up and walking along the furniture, and if we tried holding his hands to walk with him, he'd kick his legs up off the ground and refuse to walk. Then just a few days ago we caught him letting go of one couch and taking two steps to the other couch, so we decided to try again. He is confident enough now that he tries walking any chance he gets and everytime he takes a few steps, he looks at us with a big smile waiting for the clapping and cheering. Caleb is his biggest supporter and is sure to point out every time Jacob is standing and trying to walk by himself. So cute!

I can't figure out how to rotate the video...I saved it facing the right way, but it didn't upload facing the right way.

Spaghetti...Jacob's favorite!

We had spaghetti for dinner the other night and I couldn't believe how quickly Jacob devoured it. I put it on his tray and he started grabbing it by handfuls and when there was nothing left to grab, he put the plate in his mouth I guess hoping to somehow get more. It was hilarious to watch him eat!