This is what happens when I try to take pictures of the girls now side by side. Usually it goes something like this..
Me: Evelyn, can you be still so I can take a picture, ok now smile, no a real smile
Evelyn: Sits for 2 seconds, gives me a fake smile like above, then runs to me so she can see the picture that I didn't really have time to take yet.
Repeat 5 or so times. Then when Evelyn does try to smile, Elaina gets a hold of her hair, or face, or whatever else is in striking distance.
These are such fun days now. Evelyn talks incessantly. When we drive in the car she is constantly chattering away and wanting me to look and comment on everything she sees. She wonders why I can't just turn around and look out her window at whatever she sees. Nathan was EXACTLY the same way so I just chuckle that 2 children can be so much alike when one is a girl and one is a boy and they are 8 years apart in age.
Yesterday she was playing in the backyard with her brothers and the neighbor kids. She came in carrying all her clothes and said , "clothes off" Then she started pulling at her diaper saying "diaper off!" I quickly put a stop to that. I sure hope I don't find her in her bed with all her clothes and diaper off.
She asks to play with friends everyday first thing in the morning.
She loves to eat whenever anyone else is eating, and whatever anyone else is eating.
She has to go to bed with 4 blankies, one stuffed monkey named "Clawance", and 3 baby dolls. Since she only sleeps in a port a crib there really isn't space for all of that. Somehow amazingly enough she is a very obedient child and even though she can easily climb out of her pack n play, she doesn't until she calls for me and I come to get her. Then she quickly says "Self" and climbs right out.
I need to get more pictures of the boys but I usually take pictures while they are at school. I guess I will work on that this week.