Monday, December 21, 2009

KSL Finds

As many of you know, I am obsessed with KSL. I love finding great furniture for cheap prices. Occasionally, I find things that I just can't resist sharing. Here are few interesting pieces...

Every coffee table needs a prowling panther for a center piece, right?

Find this item here:

In need of a conversation starter? Try out this "Indonesian Flying Lady" to spruce up a boring old living room. You can't go wrong with this item!

Look for this here:

What interesting items have you found on KSL?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

That Time of the Year

Yes, it's that time of the year picture time. Mostly, when I think of family pictures I cringe. Luckily I have a secret weapon. Well, she's not so secret. Alana Svay is one of my best friends and an amazing photographer. Taking pictures is a breeze with this girl behind the camera. Thanks Lans, you're the best!

Monday, August 17, 2009


So, lately I really haven't been in the "blogger" mood so I haven't posted in a couple months. We have had a really fun summer. Here are some pics of what we have been doing.

Jumpin on the tramp. This is a big highlight in Boston's day!
I was able to do a couple races over the past month as well but sadly I don't have any pictures because even though I brought my camera, somebody didn't think it was important to take any pictures. I am not going to name any names, Dave. This picture I found on the internet is a pretty accurate description of how the races went. I think I even look like that lady. wierd.
Dave and I are both going back to school. Yayyy we are SO excited! ok ok so maybe I exaggerated our feelings toward school but it will be nice to get this done and over with. Dave is going to WestMinster for his MBA and I am going to Weber State for my BSN. Life is about to get VERY busy.

We went to my grandma's house in California over the 4th of July and had a blast. We swam in mountain lakes, went hiking, and had some pretty intense games of BINGO. seriously...intense. It was a great opportunity to play around with my camera so there are some random shots in here.

Went to a Parade. Lamest parade EVER! But here are a couple random pics.

I think this one is especially classy.

My favorite!

It's been a good summer!

Monday, June 29, 2009


No, Annie, someone did not hack into your blog. This really is Dave and I really am posting an entry.

I just wanted to let you know how much I love you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are the most beautiful, intelligent, caring, and loving person that I know. Your laughter and love of life makes me a better person.

I am so happy I found you in my life. You care for me and put up with me better than anybody else could. You have given me the greastest gift in the world in Boston. You are the best wife and a loving mother. I am so proud of everything you do and accomplish. I know you said I would never do something like this but every so often I like to throw you a curve ball.

Love, Dave

Saturday, June 27, 2009


There have been so many fun things that have been going on in the past couple months. The biggest thing is that my sister-in-law, Ann, and I completed our first Marathon! We ran the Utah Valley Marathon down Provo Canyon. The weather reports were predicting thunderstorms but we actually ended up with PERFECT weather. We had so much fun!

Ann and I grabbing a bite to eat after the race

Coming up to the finish line. Looks like we are just having a nice little jog through the park.
I am so glad that Ann and I ran the race together. I can't thank her enough for all the support, ecouragement, and good laughs that she provided!
So, here are some other things that have been going on. We discovered that Boston LOVES dog food. In return, Maya hates that Boston loves dog food.

Maya learning to Share

Next on the list of fun things is Cellulitis. What's cellulitis, you ask? Let me show you.....
This is after 5 doses of antibiotics.
So, on Wednesday night I noticed my foot was a little red and swollen on the top. No big deal though, right?... wrong. By Thursday afternoon it was getting a little worse so I decided to mark it with a pen. It is the circle on the middle of my foot. I had to work on Thursday night but couldn't fit my foot into a shoe. I went to work and by the end of my shift my foot was Gigantic and the swelling and redness had spread to my whole foot and started going up my leg. I stopped by an instacare on the way home from work and they told me it is cellulitis which is a serious bacterial infection that probably started from a bug bite. They said that if it got any worse I would end up in the hospital with IV antibiotics. It is now Sunday and it is looking a little better but still really swollen and painful.
Anyway enough about my funky foot. Here are some cute things boston has been up too.
Boss trying out my helmet for size.
He loves to wear sunglasses.
Look at all those teeth! As many of you know, Boston didn't get ANY teeth until 16 months. For a while there I was very worried that he might not have any at all. Now, at 18 months, he has 10. We are so proud of him for finally growing some teeth! Way to go Boston!

Boston is so much fun and so smart. I can't get enough of this cute little smile!

Love you, Boss!
And that's What's Up with Us!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Expect The Unexpected

One important lesson that I have learned in life is to "Expect the Unexpected". Dave, Boston, and I took a long Sunday Drive. What we saw was very unexpected...

Here are a few pics from our drive up Big Cottonwood Canyon

Everyday I am reminded of the incredible place in which we live. We are so lucky to be surrounded by so much beauty. I am truely grateful.

P.S. Definitely did not Expect that I could love this little trouble maker so much. But look at him...can ya blame me?!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tulip Festival

This year was my first time visiting the Tulip Festival. I was so excited because spring is one of my favorite seasons. I love all of the blooming and blossoming flowers. Here are a few pics....

Me and Boss

Bossy just pondering the meaning of life and the universe.

My insanely cute and chubby newphew-Sammy

(love ya sam)

If you haven't been to the tulip festival yet, grab your friends (and your camera) and go! It's a great way to get the kids out of the house and enjoy mother nature.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter at Wheeler Farm

This year we celebrated Easter by taking Boston to Wheeler farm for a look at the farm animals. He loved to see the Cows and would say "Mooooo". Then on Saturday we had an Easter egg hunt with all of Bossy's nieces and nephews. We had a great time!

Here is a pic of this crazy pissed off goose.....

That bit this kid.......
And made Boston laugh really hard....

riding the tractor

so little!

so handsome!

Had a date with this girl....

and talked for hours.
All in all.... it was a great Easter!