Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Visiting The Engar's

Last week I was able to fly to Spokane to visit with Mandy and her family. We had SOO much fun and it was great to be able to hang out with Mandy and the kids every single day. Boston and I already miss them so much. Here are a few pics from our trip.

Mandz and Tater Tots

Taters and Sethers just layin around

Hanging out at Riverfront Park.

Tatum is one of the cutest little girls I have ever known. She is so hilarious. This is the outfit that she picked out for our trip to Cour D'Alene. A blue dress with Pink bunny slippers and Orange Floaties.....Perfect! SHe also had to keep reminding me that we do not say that "B-u-t-t word". Boston loved Tate so much that I had to take him in a separate room to feed him because he just couldn't "focus" with her around.

We took the kids for a photo shoot at Manitou Park. It was a blast. Notice that Boston and Seth are wearing the same outfit. SOOO cute.

This was taken at the pool. Ya...they both seem really entertained.

Mandy and I had a good time and I can't remeber a time where we laughed as hard as we did last week. I just thought I would share one really funny story. To preface this story, you should know that I bottle feed Boston and mandy Breast-feeds Seth. Anyway, one day Boston just wasn't eating very well and wouldn't take the bottle. At lunch time I was trying to feed him and he was being very fussy. Mandy came up and said "Annie, do think it would help if I fed him?". I just sat there, staring at her, because I couldnt figure out if she was joking or if she really wanted to breast feed my baby! Finally, I said "are you serious?". Then she finally realized what I thought she was asking. We both just busted up laughing and then she preceded to tell me that she just wanted to give me a break from dealing with Boston and was asking if she could give him the bottle. For a minute there I seriously thought mandy was a "cross-nurser"! hahaha. anyway, I will never let her live that one down.

Thanks Mandy, Colby, Tutum, and Seth for letting me and Boston come visit. We had so much fun and can't wait to see you again!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Boston's hair was getting a little long so I thought I would give him a little trim today. He moved when I went to cut his bangs and I cut wayyyy to much off. It ended up looking like a mullet. So I just decided to shave it. Here are some pictures of his new DO!

That was a lot of hair!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What's Up With The Schultz's?

So, I thought that I would update everyone on our Up-Do. Here are some pictures of the mess that we have been living in for the past couple of months while we are remodeling our house. I will keep you update with pictures while we continue our improvements. I also am adding some random pictures of Boss.

Bossy loves Bath-Time and likes to splash the water.

Mommy and Bossy after Bath.

This is our sweet kitchen.

The dining room is now where we put our cabinets and two books shelves has become our pantry.

Our kitchen table is now a work desk for Dave. awesome.

This is a shot of Boston watching Baby Einstein. He LOVES Baby Einstein, especially the Baby's first moves DVD. He laughs the whole time and freaks out.

This is a cute pick of Boss with his hair slicked back. Whenever I do Boston's hair like this dave always says "Hey slick". He looks pretty cute though.

You may ask, "what has Boston been up to these days?". Well your in luck because I am about to tell you.

  • Boston has started rolling. When I say rolling, i mean rolling everywhere. Yesterday he was playing on the ground in the living room and when I turned around he had rolled himself all the way into the kitchen. He is right on the verge of crawling and I think he has just gotten lazy and settled for rolling!
  • He loves swimming and bath time.
  • Boston's favorite food is.....slurpees. He freaks out for slurpees. You can't get it in his mouth fast enough.
  • He wants big people food. I always have to be sneaky and eat my food so he doesnt see me or else he will scream until I will give him some.
  • He doesnt like mommy's kisses. Boston is a big boy now and doesn't like his mom embarrassing him in front of the ladies. He now pushes my face away when I try to kiss him. Sad.
  • HE loves being with daddy. He and dave have a "boys night out" once a week (while I work a night shift). They go get all sorts of treats and watch movies and play with toys. USually when I get home in the morning Boston is in nothing but a diaper and he is all dirty!
  • Last but not least, Boston has such a cute personality. He also likes to make weird noises or make funny faces. When he realizes that I think its funny then he will do it over and over. He is laughs so much and is always having fun!