Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Halfway and Other Happenings

We've reached the 20-week milestone of our pregnancy!  It's hard to believe we're at the halfway point of this exciting journey.  I've been feeling wonderful and love feeling our baby's movements and little kicks, Dave has yet to feel him move but it will happen soon I'm sure.
So, it seems most of you were pretty unimpressed with my belly in the last pictures I posted, but what do you all think of me now?!  It's a definite bump!

We've had a great couple of weeks that I want to recap:

Mom and Dad Choules came for a visit in March.  I still wasn't feeling my best at the time, but we had fun playing Ticket to Ride, Bandits, and other games as well as just plain enjoying each other's company.   

Dave had his 27th birthday!  As usual, his birthday was just another jam-packed busy day.  We squeezed in a little celebration with a cinnamon roll breakfast before he had to head out for the day.

We had an opportunity to see Mozart's The Magic Flute at the Metropolitan Opera!  We spent the afternoon in Manhattan before the show, it was a beautiful spring day and we loved dining alfresco for dinner.  The opera was, of course, incredible!  Our amazing friend Tammy was in the opera and invited us to come see her backstage after the performance in her very own dressing room.  Wow!  All I can say is we are such lucky ducks to have had this opportunity!

We've been loving the recent gorgeous weather!  Here are some pictures of our day in Edgerton Park:
I love seeing the community gardens in the park where people from the area can have their own little plot to grow vegetables and flowers.

This porch is so beautiful, we like the lion face on the front of  it.

This was a good spot for a pregnant girl to get a little rest, isn't the park beautiful?

Me and my honey.

We just love living in New England in the Springtime!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's A...

Our little boy waving hello!

We are thrilled and love that we can call our baby "he" instead of "it" now!  It was so wonderful to hear that all of his measurements are right on track.  He had his arms up by his face and was lying at an angle that made it difficult to get a nice profile image; despite the ultrasound technician's best efforts to make him move he was too comfortable as he was and did not budge!  This is the ninth grandson out of ten grandchildren on Amy's side, what are the chances of 9 out of 10 being boys?!  So fun!