
Christmas is Coming!

A tradition we have is to make Gingerbread houses with the Grondel's.

Look at all those Yummy treats!

McKay couldn't help it.  It took a few bites a long the way.

He concentrated so hard.

Finished product.

His was such a masterpiece he had to help Aunt Kristen as well.

The creative minds are hard at work.
I love Christmas lights!  I could look at them forever.  We were able to go to Temple Square and look at all the lights.  This orange tree was Dave's favorite.  It was pretty sweet.  McKay liked the lights but he seemed to be more interested in the water.  He had to stop and look at every water feature along the way.

Christmas is COMING!
(Scroll down there are a few more post)

The Festivities

Every year the Saturday after Thanksgiving Dave and I go with my parents to find a Christmas Tree in the mountains.  This year we were able to get a taller tree than normal.  Every year I have a hard time finding "the perfect" tree.  This year so no exception.  It is almost like I expect a light to be shining on the tree and just know that is the one.  Unfortunately that is not how it happens,  but we get a perfect tree every year anyway. 
The seacrh for the tree is always fun.  This year Mckay walked around in the snow with us.  It went up to his waist in someplaces but he kept treking.

Daddy burried McKay in the snow.  Then he showed him how to slide down the hill.

We finally found it!!!

McKay laid down in the snow and said "I'm tired mom, carry me." He did really well and made it clear 'til the end.
After tree "hunting"  McKay got to ride a pony.  He wanted to ride with no hands.  He is too brave sometimes.


Thanks giving this year was wonderful!  We had amazing company and amazing food!

Cute turkey cupcakes Aunt Kristen made.

This face is priceless!

We have so much to be thanksful for!  We have wonderful family and friends. 



We decorated cookies.  McKay concentrated very hard!

Favorite part is the frosting. Of Course.

Finished product

Aw cute!

Dinosaur "GRR"
He had to show me his tail. "Mommy pcture tail"

McKay LOVES Halloween.  He had to say good night to the pumpkins and skeltons every night.  He seriously could not get enough of it.  We took him Trick-ot-Treating and he just wanted to keep going and going (even though it was raining) He loved all the decorations.  Sometimes he would say I'm scared" and start pretend shaking it was so cute.


pu gnihtac

If I tried to tell you about everything that has happened since my last post we would both be here FOREVER. So I am going to give you a quick break down of everything that has been preventing me from blogging.

School- Dave and I both started school in August. I am attending the Bachelors of Nursing program at Weber State. It is actually a pretty good program and I only meet on campus every three weeks, the rest of the time is all online work. Dave is going full time in general courses. McKay is not is school yet.

Work- I am working full time at the care center during the days. I really have no set schedule and which drives me CRAZY!!! Luckily I have an amazing mother in law who watches McKay while I work and go to school. Dave still works at Proxresion marketing, he works full time and is gone every night until 9:20 or so.

Okay everything that has happened since my last post in August:

We worked on our new house, inside and out, every spare moment we had . I wanted to post some before and after pictures but I wanted to wait til it was all done but if I do that it could be a year or two.

Nate(Dave’s lil’ bro) got married to a wonderful gal named Cori.

We celebrated my birthday.

We got to go visit my brother and his cute little family in Wyoming. (They are expecting baby number two in the Spring! YEA)

The BEST thing that has happened:  We found out we are pregnant with a little baby boy!!!

Not quite finished but I decided to post what I have. More pictures to follow shortly!



McKay is growing up, I sound so repetitive but it is true. He is starting to put sentences together and he sounds like a big boy. He is so cute! He knows what he wants:
The other day I was getting some socks out of my drawer and McKay saw a pair of ghost socks. He took them out from the drawer and kept saying, “ghost, ghost”. Then he said “ghost, on feet” so we put them on. He wore them all around the house and when it was time to go to bed I started to take them off and he threw a HUGE fit. So I left them on and he slept that way all night.


McKay David Grondel

Today is Mckay’s 2nd birthday!

Here are a few of the things McKay enjoys doing.

He loves to play outside, whether it be mowing the lawn, gardening, rearranging rocks, or riding his tractor, it is always a HUGE fight to get him to come inside.

He is a BIG helper and always has to be in the action.

He has one speed and one speed only and that is run. He literally runs everywhere he goes.

He is a water baby. If he could spend his day outside in the water he would be completely satisfied.

He loves animals.

When everyone else is laughing he always joins in with a good hardy fake laugh.

He loves “saurs”(dinosaurs), trucks and DRAGONS.

His vocabulary has really developed and I am often times impressed by the things he picks up on.

His most favorite thing to do is give raspberries kisses to anyone who will let him get close.

July 2008
July 2009
July 2010


The Simple Life

McKay got to take a trip to see Grandma and Grandpa Merrill with Mama and Papa Grondel. Penny took lots of pictures but unfortunately left her camera cord in AZ. So we will all have to wait to see those.

McKay was only home a short while when we left to go camping with my family. The time we spent on the mountain just reminded me how important the small things are. The mountain air, the animals, the camp fire and good company just make the time so sweet.

McKay is THE cutest kid! We were going for a ride and my dad pointed out a deer. This is how our conversation went.

Me: “I see it”

McKay “I see it”

Me “O’ no you don’t” (It was too far away)

McKay “ I doooo”

Short Pause then McKay says “A buck!”

It was hilarious. He is learning to speak so well. He picks up on a lot and everyday he learns new words.

Fiahing with Grandpa

He loved the fish.
McKay thought the fish were so cool.  He kept wanting to touch them and hold them.  When my dad started to cut into the fish to clean it McKay started to get upet.  He kpet saying "Ouchy Fishy"

Attempting to clean a little dirt off before bed time, I got the tub out just to have warm water to clean his body off with a wash rag.  I never intended for him to climb in.  But he insisted he take a bath so in he climbed.
We even played a mean game of mountain kick ball.
McKay loved being outdoors, he ran around literally all day long. He played in the dirt, played with the dog, played with the older kids. And then of course he slept like a rock at night. He loved the fire and having open range! We will definitely have to keep up this summer tradition.

Swimming in Park City
I love this picture.  McKay just woke up from a nap and his hair was CRAZY.  Then it only took two seconds to get his face and hands covered in dirt. 

I changed my font at scrappinblogs.blogspot.com