I took advantage of a mildly foggy day to break out this skirt and tunic. The tunic started out as an April Cornell ankle-length dress. After i wore it as a special occasion type dress a few times, i thought it'd get more use as a tunic so i shortened it. I love the unusual acid yellow, and the different greys and black make it easy to pair with greys, denim, black. The 'base' of this outfit could easily work in winter - leggings, shoes, long-sleeved layering sweater and jacket.
Oof! We're in the middle of a heat wave here - Wednesday it got over 90 degrees by 11:00am and didn't dip below it again until almost nine that nite. Our local poo-bahs predict a return to cooler temps starting tomorrow. Let's hope they're right! This heat takes it out of me, so i'm signing off. Thanks to all for your thoughtful comments to my last post!
TulaTunic: Shortened April Cornell dress from many moons ago
Tank: Jockey
Belt: Betsey Johnson
Sandals: Naturalizer
Earrings: very old
Skirt: own design