Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sadie is 3 months

On July 13th, Sadie was 3 months! It is crazy how quick time has gone by.  She still coos a ton and is always wanting to talk to you.  She lights up when you come close to her.  All you have to do is talk to her and she will give you the biggest smile. She is such a great sleeper.  She sleeps 10-11 hours at night, eats and then goes back to sleep for a few more.  She takes great naps with a really long afternoon nap. (The morning nap is usually more on the go).  She gets swaddled when she sleeps and when you undo her in the morning ,she spends about 2 minutes just stretching.  She is already "checking" out our food if I am holding her at the table.  She loves watching Addilyn and loves when she plays with her.  Her neck is getting a lot stronger and she has pretty good control with her head.  She started rolling over too.  She got her first little cold courtesy of her sister.  :)  It wasn't too bad though and she was pretty tough. She is seriously such a sweet baby and we couldn't love her more! 

3 months!
Everyone comments on her big eyes!  They melt me.  :)

Hmm...can you tell her sister has been around?

One day Abby showed up wearing the same shirt as Addilyn and Sadie.

Sadie's first trip to the zoo (above) and first trip to the pool (below).  She is not a big fan of her hat.  :)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Addi and a trip to Utah

Here are some pictures of Addilyn as of lately. This girl is very into dress-up and getting herself dressed. I often have to switch things around before we go in public.  We attempted potty-training again and it was not successful.  She starts off strong and then has a complete melt-down.  She loves her underwear though and often wears them over her diaper.  :)  I am just not going to worry about it and hopefully she will just do it when she is really ready.  

Over the 4th we went out to Utah.  Jill and Grace came out for a few days too.  We had fun going to the mountains, riding the horses, playing outside, going to the dinosaur museum, going to Provo to see friends and just hanging out!

Friday, July 13, 2012

The circus came to town!

So back in May, (yes I'm a little behind) the circus came to town. Addilyn had so much fun! She still talks about it and often asks when we can go back. We will have to make it a yearly tradition.
I loved Mac's face in this one!