Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Grammy's Cabin

We stayed up at the cabin for a few days visiting Grammy and Grandpa in Utah. We always LOVE to come up here and's sooooooo relaxing and fun! Grandpa was playing tic tack toe with the kids....he is really a kid himself.

cute little baby boy
We drove up to Sugarhouse area to visit Great Grandma Elaine...this is Dwayne's mother and she is in her mid 90's and just keeps plugging along. We always make sure to visit her each time we make a Utah makes her so happy!! She always tries to stuff our bellies with pop chips candy name it she's trying to give it to ya!! You can imagine that the kids LOVE to visit her and take care of their sweet tooth:)

Love this picture.....she is such a good big sister and LOVES her little brother.
The kids were helping Grammy make breakfast....we had yummy french toast and the kids loved being in the kitchen cooking!!

Deer always love to hide around the cabin. Tyler looked out Grammy's bedroom window one day and found two deer sitting in the shade. Grandpa doesn't like them hanging in the yard so Tyler was the designated person to run out back and haler at them until they ran away. Tyler loved it!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Newborn pics

I almost forgot to post these!! I've gotten so far behind on things these sweet little photos almost were passed up! My sister Tifani took these pics for me when Parker was only 10 or 11 days old. She was amazing with him and I"m so grateful to have these.....thank you sister dear:)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our Iowa Peeps are now Utah Peeps

We now have two of our very dear close friends from Iowa that pretty much feel like family living in Utah!! Whoot whoot!! The Frogley Family and the Moss Family. I was looking through some old pictures to compare the kids on how much they've grown up!! The Frogley's live in the same town as Dave's parents up in Heber. So I invited Nicky and Tj to come up to the cabin while we were there and we were able to spend time with Steve and Natalie too. It's been 4 very long years since we've all been together.
Tyler and Kaylee have grown so much!! They went on a little hike up the mountain behind the cabin one day. I remember when they used to pack up a bag and pretend like they were going out of funny. I have a little plan that Tyler and Kaylee will get married many years from now.....we will see what happens.

Then Malia and Ashlynn....oh my gosh!! Look at how little they were when they were last together. These girls picked up right where they left off and were attached at the hip!!

Here are all the Campbell, Frogley and Moss kids....since we were together last Cambree Moss....Tyler Frogley and Parker Campbell joined the group.
awwww man do I miss these girls something fierce:)
.......Me.....Nicky.....and Natalie.......
Frogley Crew and the Moss Bunch....Cambree was loving her shake too much to look up for the picture!

We went to a famous hot spot in Heber....Granny's....where you can get the bomb milkshakes!! I had a root beer shake and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. It was so good to see our old friends and catch up and visit for a few days. Can't wait for the next time!!

Summer Road Trip

Every summer the kids and I get a serious itch for a trip to Utah. Even though we had a newborn baby I wasn't going to let that stop me. We waiting till Parker was about a month and a half.....then I got everyone packed and loaded up and we were off!! It took me 13 hours to get there but we made it safe and sound.
We went to this pottery place with Alli and the boys and each picked out something to paint. Ty picked a motorcycle and Ashlynn picked a little dish to keep her jewelry in. I painted a large platter and had the kids hand prints and Parker's footprints on the dish....they all turned out great!

Dave's older brother Brent with Parker and two of his boys Nate and Zac....little stud buckets:) Then Aunt Alli and I with Parker.

I'm so glad we have family and good friends to stay with when we come. We love to house hop to Brent and Alli's.....Scott and Liz.....Grammy's cabin......and the Markham's.
Liz and I took the kids to a fun pool in Payson....the kids had a blast!

We went up to Hobble Creek Canyon one day and let the kids play in a stream.
Dave's younger brother Scott with Parker
Aunt Liz and Mia....then Benjamin and Isaiah with Parker.
We love seeing our family and spending time with cousins:)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Parker's Blessing

We blessed our little Parker on 4Th of July weekend. Looking back I realized that all of our kids were blessed this same weekend!!! Crazy:) We originally planned on doing it June 5Th along with my sister's new baby. But Parker decided to not be born in time to make it so we pushed it back a month. We had a smaller group this time around due to the holiday but it was a great group! Thank goodness for Lindsey she was my only sibling that was able to be there. Oh sorry Matt was there but had to leave right after. My grandma made it a point to say...."but I'm here Dara...I'm here!!" Our good friends the Bybee's came and Jared Kitch who is in our ward. We are grateful for all that came and participated in Parker's special day!! Thank you family and friends we love you and sure missed our family that wasn't able to be there.