Thursday, 22 November 2012

2012-11-21 Debate on Budget Speech

Terima kasih kepada Tuan Speaker, terlebih dahulu saya ingin membangkitkan beberapa isu dalam Budget Speech ini.

Tuan Speaker, Isu yang pertama ialah masalah jerebu amatlah serius berlaku di Miri dan daerah lain di Sarawak. Masalah jerebu ini turut akan berlaku setiap tahun. Indeks Pencemaran Udara(IPU) dicatatkan di  Miri adalah 164 iaitu pada tahap yang tidak sihat. Menurut Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar bahawa tidak lagi mengeluarkan lesen dan permit pembakaran terbuka sempena Ogos tahun ini tetapi Mengapa kami masih dapat lihat Syarikat Perladangan besar sering kali membakar secara haram di beberapa tempat sepanjang Coaster Highway dan sebahagian jalan raya Kuala Baram? Mengapa di Sarawak termasuk Miri masih lagi terdapat banyak isu pembakaran haram? Masalah jerebu ini masih kerap menjadi isu ketara di Sarawak. Akibat daripada masalah pembakaran haram ini, aktiviti-aktiviti bersukan di semua peringkat sekolah terpaksalah diberhentikan dan bagi mereka yang menghidapi penyakit Asma terpaksa menghidu asap yang meloyakan. Pesakit-pesakit Asma mungkin akan mengharungi kesesakan nafas dan mengakibatkan kematian.

Lantaran itu, apakah tindakan yang sewajarnya bagi pihak kerajaan untuk menangani masalah ini? Berapa buah Syarikat Besar yang dikenakan saman oleh pihak kerajaan setakat ini? Pihak kerajaan telah mengeluarkan berapa saman dan mengenakan jumlah wang saman kepada Syarikat Besar yang menjalankan aktiviti pembakaran haram?

Pihak kerajaan boleh menyiasat nama Syarikat Besar yang menjalankan aktiviti pembakaran secara haram. Seterusnya, mengenakan denda/saman yang berat terhadap Syarikat berkenaan. Bagi para petani haram yang menjalankan pembakaran di kawasan larangan untuk tujuan aktiviti pertanian secara haram, pihak kerajaan juga harus mengambil tindakan yang tegas terhadap mereka.

Sarang Burung Walit Di Sarawak
Tuan Speaker, pengeksportan Sarang Burung Walit di Sarawak telah mendapatkan hasil pendapatan tahunan negara yang lumayan dengan permintaan yang tinggi dari luar negara.  Di Sarawak mempunyai hasil pungutan sarang burung walit sekurang-kurangnya 50 tan metrik yang merupakan RM250juta hasil pendapatan tahunan.  Sehubungan itu, di Sarawak industri  ini mempunyai potensi yang amat besar. Sarawak mempunyai premis sarang burung walit kira-kira 5 ribu buah.  Bagi kos pembinaan setiap premis sarang burung walit dijangka ialah RM300,000.  Namun, kebanyakan pemilik atau pengusaha yang berjaya dalam proses pengambilan hasil pungutan sarang burung walit ini adalah hanya di antara 20%(peratus) dan 30%(peratus).  Justeru itu, kita berharap kerajaan Sarawak boleh mendorong dan melonggarkan pengeluaran lesen menternak sarang burung walit.  

Sejak setahun lalu,  Malaysia sedang menghadapi masalah pengeksportan produk sarang burung walit ke China.  Kini, harga sekilo sarang burung walit mentah belum bersih telah merosot dari  RM4,200 kepada kira-kira RM1,500 sahaja. Memandangkan isu ini, Kerajaan Sarawak digesa untuk membantu pemilik atau pengusaha tempatan mudah bagi memperolehi lesen menternak dan pengekportan sarang burung walit mentah belum bersih ke luar negara.

Dengan permintaan yang tinggi terhadap sarang burung walit mentah belum bersih dari  China dan China juga merupakan perkilangan terbesar untuk memproses sarang burung walit mentah belum bersih. Bagi Sarawak tetap tidak mampu dalam memproses sarang burung walit mentah belum bersih yang disebabkan oleh masalah kekurangan tenaga buruh.  kebanyakan pemilik tempatan kini  masih beroperasi tetapi mendapat kerugian besar kerana kesukaran memperolehi lesen pengeksportan.  Bagi keadilan Sarawakian, situasi Sarawak amatlah berbeza dengan Semenanjung Malaysia, jadi  lesen pengeksportan ini sepatutnya dikawal oleh kerajaan Sarawak tanpa campur tangan dari Kerajaan Persekutuan Malaysia.  Sekiranya kerajaan Sarawak tidak menyelesaikan isu ini dengan segera, maka  produk sarang burung walit di Sarawak akan dijual  secara haram ke Indonesia dan pengusaha Indonesia akan mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menjual kepada negara lain dengan nilai yang lebih tinggi.  Bagi pengusaha dari Sarawak pula, akan lebih cenderung membuat perlaburan dalam bidang ini di Indonesia. Akibat daripadanya, pihak kerajaan dan pengusaha tempatan akan mengalami kerugian yang besar.     

Rubbish Collection Services In Miri
Tuan Speaker, Rubbish Collection Services are getting worse in Miri City recently. Residents were complaining about the late and erratic rubbish collection by the Rubbish Contractors whose poor performance have resulted in unsightly heaps and foul smell in so many areas in Miri City. The stray dogs and cats are scavenging for food in the rubbish.  The uncollected garbage was scattered around and the mounting pile of uncollected rubbish behind a commercial centre has been affecting the shopkeepers’ business due to the unattended waste lying around which would attract flies, rats and other creatures which may lead to unhygienic conditions and thereby to a rise in health problem.

Many residents also claimed that the refuse service had not been regular like before and on several occasions rubbish were not collected for two weeks. Everyone is fuming at the filthy rubbish. It is also a shame for Miri City when those foreigners who arrive are greeted by the ugly heaps of garbage.

Tuan Speaker, Poor rubbish collection service has been happening since few months ago. Rubbish collection is one of the important services provided by the Local authorities such as Miri City Council. Why is this problem persists until now?

As a capable Mayor, he should have an awareness of the root cause of the problem.  Nevertheless, the mayor and one of the assistant Ministers claimed that the ugly heaps of garbage in certain areas were caused by the outsiders (ie. Residents from other areas) who brought volume of rubbish and simply dumped anyway beside the dumpsters. They urged the residents nearby to take photo so as to provide evidence to enable the council to take action against the “litterbugs” and outsiders.

The cause of the problem is actually due to the late and erratic rubbish collection service. The excuse given by the mayor and the assistant minister might give the public an impression that the council is biased and try to cover the contractor up, thus the public would have a strong aversion to the council. Under these circumstances, it is doubtful that the public would play a supporting role to the council. When the contractors were not able to provide good and regular services, the residents were agitated because heaps of garbage in front of their houses caused foul smell. The council should appreciate free services provided by residents who voluntarily deliver their rubbish to the dumpsters instead of labelling them as “litterbugs”.

Tuan Speaker. It is ridiculous to differentiate rubbish by zone, for example the rubbish in zone A cannot throw into zone B. The council should place more dumspters as possible for the convenience to the public and thus discourage dropping rubbish to another area.

The public complained that the government never allocates any place for them to dump waste material such as used tyres and construction waste materials. The government should learn from other developed nations how they would recycle their waste materials to avoid pollution.

When facing heaps of uncollected rubbish everyday,  Miri City Council should have to establish its own in-house service team for rubbish collection. Whereby the contractor fails to collect the rubbish then the team can be deployed to that area. Miri City Council can also take back one or two zones for its own service team to carry out the job.

I  hope Miri City Council can learn a lesson from this experience and this business should not be monopolised in the future.  At last, I urged our State Government should monitor closely on this critical issue.

Privatization of Miri parking
Tuan Speaker, The Mayor of Miri city clarified that the city’s car parks will not be privatised. He said, “According to the information quoted from wikipedia, privatization is the process of transferring ownership of public service, public property from the public sector to the private sector. Since renting out all the car parks in Miri to private sector doesn’t involve transferring of MCC’s property to private sector, therefore it is not privatising, but outsourcing.”

That was not totally correct. Tuan Speaker. According to the Wikipedia the term privatization can also mean that  government is outsourcing  services or functions from the public sector to the private firms, for example revenue collection. So what MCC doing now is exactly defined by the wikipedia --- privatization of its parking fees collection.

The majority of Miri people are generally against the idea of privatization of the parking fees collection policy because of the fear that the service of MCC will also be compromised.

According to the Mayor, there will be no retrenchment of parking wardens, and private firm has no authority to carry out enforcement duty. Based on the information provided by MCC, the total amount of parking fees collection is RM3.4million for the year 2011. At the same year, the expenditures of staff salary, increment, bonus, overtime, transportation and uniform is over 3 million. After deducting all other expenses, MCC parking department still made a loss of RM900 thousand in 2011.

After tendering out all the parking bays, the contractor will just need to pay about RM1million to MCC. However, the other expenses will still remain the same, and there will be no retrenchment of the parking attendants. It means after the privatization of parking fees collection department, the revenue of MCC will be decreased by RM2 million. Doesn’t it mean that the losses will even higher? The losses will be amounting to RM2.9 million.

The private firm need not do much work after the privatization of Miri parking. They only need to sit there and collect the fees from the public, and then leave the parking wardens of MCC to carry out all of the duties, for example to check and issue compound to the violator.

Tuan Speaker, there are 8288 total in number of parking spaces in Miri City. If all of the parking spaces are fully occupied and 100% of parking fees can be collected, the cash collection can be up to RM10 million a year. A 10 million business to be tendered out for only ONE million RM, only 10% of its total value. This can be ridiculous.

Tuan Speaker, what is the logic behind? Why privatising a government business to make more financial losses? Unless.... there is hanky-panky around !!!

Accident prone junction
Tuan Speaker, there is an accident prone junction at Miri Airport Road / Jalan Cahaya junction. So Many fatal accidents had happened at this junction during the past few years. An urgent correction need to be done before the next fatality occurs.

The reasons for the accidents are because the Miri Airport Road is a dual carriageway with high traffic volume and the traffic from airport side wishing to turn into Jalan Cahaya has to queue for a long time and try to get a SAFE chance to cross into Jalan Cahaya. With the high traffic volume, the only way to cross the road is to risk their lives as cars need to dash across even when opposite traffic is within meters away. This risky maneuver should not be encouraged.

Jalan Cahaya is also a main road with heavy traffic load. In addition to servicing the hospital, there is also a school, numerous housing estates and also traffic from the Miri By-pass. Cars turning towards the city need to reach the Hilltop junction before U-turning back towards the city and this causes a long queue of cars. It may cause the blocking of traffic heading towards the airport or undue delay for emergency ambulance heading towards the hospital.

The above-mentioned junction should be upgraded either to build a roundabout or install a traffic light system. If these can be done, the major problems should be greatly resolved.

I understand there was a proposal of installing a traffic light system which has been turned down on the ground that the airport road and Jalan Cahaya has a slight incline at this junction. This rejection reason will surprise many people as major cities like Auckland in New Zealand has rows of traffic lights installed at even steeper areas. The other excuse may be that there is a ravine at the opposite site of the road and it may incur extra cost to fill this area.

However, it is worthwhile if we consider the pain of losing life, and with the daily increasing of traffic load who knows who will be the next victim.

Masalah rumah setinggan Di Miri
Tuan Speaker, Sarawak merupakan sebuah wilayah yang terkaya dengan bahan-bahan mentah seperti getah, kelapa sawit, kayu balak dan minyak mentah di Malaysia. Mengikut Laporan Audit, Sarawak mempunyai wang cadangan(reserve fund) sebanyak  RM18 billion setakat ini. Sememangnya, Sarawakian merupakan orang terkaya di Malaysia. Malangnya, Sarawak masih banyak penduduk yang  hidup dalam kemiskinan. Sehingga kini, terdapat  bilangan besar bagi Sarawakian masih tidak mampu membeli atau menyewa rumah sendiri. Jadi terdapat sejumlah besar penduduk ini terpaksa membina rumah setinggan di merata-rata tempat. Sebagai contoh Bandar Miri masih wujud lebih daripada 4 ribu rumah setinggan dan diikuti Bintulu dan Kuching.  Tambahan pula, rumah setinggan ini juga tidak ada bantuan kemudahan asas seperti bekalan air, elektrik dan tandas yang sempurna. Kami sebagai penduduk yang terkaya di Malaysia berasa malu apabila melihat kejijikan ini.

Tuan Speaker, setakat ini apakah langkah yang wajar diambil oleh kerajaan untuk menolong golongan yang tidak berkemampuan ini? Selain itu, dalam usaha membendung kehadiran masalah rumah setinggan, pihak kerajaan adalah wajarnya memperbanyakkan projek pembinaan perumahan kos rendah. Pihak berkuasa seharusnya mendaftarkan jumlah bilangan penduduk rumah setinggan ini terlebih dahulu supaya boleh bersedia menempatkan mereka.

Tuan Speaker, Menurut  Pengerusi SUPP daripada Barisan National telah mengugut penduduk kampung bahawa  pembangunan di  Miri akan diberhentikan sekiranya DAP mendapat kemenangan dua kerusi dalam pilihan raya yang lalu. Adakah ini benar? Sebelum pilihan raya yang lalu, Adakah DAP menang di Miri?  Jadi semua adalah dalam naungan Barisan National SUPP. Mengapa masih terdapat  masalah-masalah seperti yang telah saya bangkitkan wujud di Miri? Ini bukankah dapat mencerminkan undi Barisan National tidak berfaedah? 

Sekian terima kasih.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

2012-11-21 埔奕州議員房保德在砂州議會的講詞

每年美里和砂州其地區都會面對嚴重煙霾的問題,這問題年复一年的發生。在美里煙霾指數可高達164,已經達到非常不健康的水平。根據聯邦資源和環境部長在8月份時指出將不會發出露天焚燒執照,但是為什麼我們還是不断看到有大公司在沿海大道和美里 Kuala Baram 路上有多個地方燒芭。為什麼在美里和砂州其他地方都還有在非法燒芭的情況出現?煙霾的問題還是不斷給砂州人民帶來困擾。所有的學校都要停止課外活動,那些 有氣喘的學童吸入那麼噁心的空氣後讓他們感到呼吸困難,有些甚至會有生命的危險。


保守估计,砂州每年至少出口50公吨的燕窩並為砂州带来2亿5千万令吉的年收入。因 此,养燕业的潜能大。在砂州的燕屋估计有5千间。平均建一个燕屋的费用是三十万令吉。但是,大多数的養燕业主和经营者都面對虧損的問題,因為能成功吸引燕 群来筑巢和成功採收燕窝有收成的只有20%到30%。因此,我们希望砂州政府能夠幫忙這些養燕業者, 放宽养燕执照的申请程序,以鼓励业者。


中 国对于毛燕的需求大,且中國拥有世界最大的毛燕加工厂。由于本地缺乏劳工,砂拉越根本就没能力大量处理毛燕加工。本地业者亏损经营,因为没办法取得出口毛 燕执照。砂拉越的情况有异于西马半岛,政府应公平地对待砂拉越人。砂州政府应自行管理砂州燕窝出口执照事宜,不需要中央政府插手。如砂州政府不及时解决上 述问题,只有导致燕窝被走私到印尼令印尼商家占尽便宜有机会買低賣高,以更高的价格出口到別的國家。砂拉越的養燕投资者也会纷纷到印尼去投资,最终损失的 还是砂拉越政府和本地商家。

近 来美里市区的倒垃圾服务越来越差,美里多个地区的居民投诉由于承包商的不定时及延迟倒垃圾服务,使到多个地区出现不雅观的垃圾堆积如山的状况及发出恶息。 野狗野猫在垃圾堆里寻求食物使到情况更加恶劣。在一个商业中心后方堆积如山的垃圾不但影响商家的生意,也引来苍蝇老鼠和其他害虫 ,不卫生的情况也令疾病衍生。

很多居民表示倒垃圾服务不再像之前那么有规律和定时,甚至有时两个星期承包商都没有来倒垃圾。居民都对上述 情况感到愤怒也令作为旅游城的美里蒙羞。差劲的倒垃圾服务已持续了数个月,倒垃圾服务是个地方政府府非常重要的任务,为什么美里市政局让问题持续恶化至今?


事 情的根源其实是来自无规律及延迟的倒垃圾服务。市长和助理部长的说词只会使市民认为市政局在偏袒承包商,而感到极度反感。在这种情况下,市民会配合和支持 市政局是充满疑问的。承包商无法提供有规律的服务,堆积在居民屋前並发出恶臭的垃圾困扰着居民。市政局应该感激居民提供免费服务,自发性地把垃圾载到大型 垃圾桶丢弃,而不是把他们标签为“垃圾虫”。

把垃圾來分区域是非常荒谬的, 好像區域A的拉圾不能丟到區域B。市政局应该尽量置放更多的大型垃圾桶方便民众丢弃垃圾从而减少随意乱丢垃圾的行为。







当 美里市政局把其泊车收费部门私营化后,承包商将每年付给美里市政局一百万令吉。既然没有解雇泊车部门员工,所有的开销将保持不变,也就是说,私营化之后, 美里市政局的税收将减少两百万令吉,那是不是说私营化泊车收费部门之后,市局亏损将会更高?其亏损数额将达两百万九十万令吉。


美里目前有总共8288泊车位。如果泊車率可達到100%,而且如果所有停車費都可收到的話, 市政局的泊車收入將每年可高達1千萬令吉。一千萬令吉的生意却只以1百万令吉的贱价出让,這是非常離譜的一件事。逻辑在哪里?為什么私营化政府的事業來造 成更大的財務損失? 除非这当中有涉及舞弊!

在美里机场路(Miri--Airport Road)和阳光路(Jalan Cahaya)交接的路口,在过去几年发生过多宗严重的致命车祸。在下一宗致命車祸发生前,政府有必要采取紧急措施來纠正。美里机场路是繁忙的双程大道。 从机场方向驶来的汽车欲進入阳光路须在路口处等待很长的一段时间才能等到安全的时机转入阳光路口(Jalan Cahaya )。因為由于前往机场方向的车流量繁多,為了要横越過馬路,唯一的辦法是冒着生命危險的冲進阳光路路口,既便是另一方的車輛只有在幾米以外,當然这种行为 不应受到鼓励。

阳光路(Jalan Cahaya)也是一条繁忙的大道通往中央医院。途经一间学校和几个住宅区,再加上车辆来自美里捷道,车流量川流不息。车辆要驶往市区,必须顺着机场方向 到达山顶花园前(Hilltop Junction)的路口再U 转回市区,形成长长的车龙不只阻礙了要往機場方向的車輛,也會造成救伤车不必要的延误。

政 府可在上述路口建一个交通圈,或安装交通灯,以解决问题。 之前有一个在上述路口安装交通灯的提案被驳回,理由是上述路段有一个斜坡。在纽西兰的奥克兰(Aukland),有交通灯安装在更陡的斜坡上,因此,上述 驳回提案的理由是令人惊讶的。另一个有可能的理由是路的另一边是深谷,要建交通圈须花费更多费用填土。如果我们考虑到失去生命的伤痛,多花一些费用是值得 的。随着日益繁忙的车流量,誰晓得下一个受害者会是谁呢?

砂拉越拥有丰富的天然资源如橡胶,油棕,木材,原油,因此,砂拉越可称为全马最富有的州属。根据审计报告,砂州 拥有180亿令吉储备基金。砂拉越人民应当是全马来西亚最富有的人。不幸的是,砂拉越仍有许多人生活在贫困之中。到目前为止,仍有许多砂拉越人无力购买或 租住房屋。因此,他们被迫在多個地區自行兴建非法木屋。例如美里,仍有超过4000间非法木屋,其次为民都鲁和古晋。此外,这些非法木屋也没有卫生设施和 水,电的供应。当这些可耻的事呈现在众人眼前,被公认为全马最富有的人民,我们会感到非常羞愧。


人 联党主席還到甘榜恐吓居民说,行动党在上届选举中赢得两个席位,美里的所有建设将会被终止,有這一回事吗?請問在這州選前有行動黨的代議士在選舉中勝出過 嗎? 在那之前美里全都是在國陣人聯黨的掌控之下。那為什么美里還是有上述我提出的種種不堪入目的问题? 这難道不是反映了票投国阵根本是毫無做為的吗?

Friday, 16 November 2012

2012-Nov Pertanyaan DUN

(Dewan Sitting 19 NOVEMBER – 28  NOVEMBER 2012)

Encik Fong Pau Teck

Adun Pujut N.64

Lot 2115 FL1,

Jln Bulatan,



Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak,

Petra Jaya,
 93502 Kuching

Tarikh: 2 NOVEMBER 2012


Dengan ini saya memberitahu bahawa saya hendak mengemukakan 10 soalan berikut untuk dijawab secara lisan / bertulis semasa Persidangan Dewan ini.

 1)    Bertanya kepada Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar (Jawapan Bertulis)
Pembakaran secara terbuka amat serius berlaku di Sarawak. Indeks Pencemaran Udara(IPU) di Miri adalah 164 iaitu pada tahap yang tidak sihat. Menurut Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar bahawa tidak lagi mengeluarkan lesen dan permit pembakaran terbuka sempena 25hb Ogos 2012.  Mengapakah masih banyak perladangan besar menjalankan aktiviti pembakaran haram? Apakah langkah-langkah yang mantap telah dilaksanakan oleh pihak kerajaan?
a) Berapa bilangan syarikat ladang-ladang besar telah dikenakan hukuman di Miri dan persekitaran luar Miri? Senaraikan nama-nama syarikat berkenaan.
b) Berapa jumlah saman dikenakan bagi setiap syarikat berkenaan?

 2)    Bertanya kepada Menteri Perumahan (Jawapan Bertulis)
Sarawak merupakan wilayah yang makmur tetapi kebanyakan masalah rumah setinggan di Miri bukan sahaja menghadapi masalah bekalan elektrik bahkan mengharungi ketiadaan bekalan air. Ahli-ahli keluarga rumah setinggan mengalami kehidupan yang terdesak. Sebagai Sarawakian, kami berasa amat malu.
a) Berapa  buah dan jumlah bilangan penghuni rumah setinggan di Miri?
b) Apakah langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh pihak kerajaan untuk menolong penghuni berkenaan?

3)     Bertanya kepada Menteri Modenisasi Pertanian (Jawapan Bertulis)
Pada era kini, seluruh pelosok dunia sedang mengalami isu kekurangan bekalan makanan.  Sarawak merangkumi banyak tanah luas dan bahan mentah tetapi jumlah bilangan penduduk yang tipis. Sarawak juga merupakan sebuah wilayah yang amat sesuai dalam bidang pertanian dan penternakan.
a) Selain daripada khidmat bantuan dalam bidang perusahaan getah dan kelapa sawit, apakah dasar, khidmat bantuan atau bantuan kewangan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh pihak kerajaan dalam penanaman padi, jagung, ubi  kayu dan bekalan makanan memproses?    
b) Nyatakan dasar, khidmat bantuan atau bantuan kewangan daripada kerajaan dalam bidang haiwan ternakan? 

4)    Bertanya kepada Menteri Modenisasi Pertanian atau Menteri Tugas-tugas Khas (Jawapan Bertulis)
Di  sepanjangan benua Sarawak adalah dikelilingi oleh lautan. Justeru itu, Perikanan Air Tawar amatlah sesuai diusahakan di Sarawak. Masalah yang ketara dihadapi oleh penternak berkenaan adalah masalah kekurangan tanah untuk memulakan penternakan ikan air tawar. Kos pengimportan bahan perikanan bagi pihak penternak adalah tinggi.  
a)  Bagaimanakah kerajaan  menolong pihak penternak untuk memperolehi tanah dalam mengusahakan penternakan ikan air tawar?
b)  Kemukakan bantuan khidmat dan subsidi yang mampu diberikan oleh pihak kerajaan bagi membantu pihak penternak ikan air tawar ini?

5)     Bertanya kepada Ketua Menteri atau Menteri Tugas-tugas khas (Jawab lisan)
Pengeksportan produk sarang burung walit mempunyai nilai hasil pendapatan tertinggi di Sarawak.
a)  Nyatakan hasil eksport pendapatan produk sarang walit dalam 5 tahun yang lalu di Sarawak.
b)  Berapakah lesen telah diluluskan oleh kerajaan Sarawak kepada usahawan ternakan sarang burung walit sehingga kini?

6)    To ask the Minister for Industrial Development (Written answer)
Local people are very concerned about their job opportunities in Shell and Petronas in Miri.
a)  For Shell recruitment of the year 2007 – 2011, out of 380 new recruitment staff from Sarawak, how many are from Miri and also how many are graduates from Miri Curtin University?
b) Of the same year (2007-2011) of Petronas new recruitment Sarawakians staff, how many of them are from Miri Curtin University?

7)    To ask the Minister of Local Government and Community Development (Written answer)
a)  Please itemise the parking revenue, expenditures and net profit of Miri City Council for the year 2002 to 2011 respectively.
b)  State the parking revenue, expenditures and net profit of Sibu Municipal Council for the year 2002 to 2011 respectively.

8)    To ask the Minister of Local Government and Community Development (Written answer)
Refuse collection services are getting worse in Miri City recently.
a)  Please name the contractors for the refuse collection services of Miri City Council from  2005 to 2011.
b)  Name the new contractors for the tender in September 2012 of MCC.
c)  Please state the monthly payment to the respective contractors since 2005?

9)    To ask the Chief Minister or Minister of Special Function (Oral answer)
Labour shortage in all sectors has become serious in Sarawak recently.  What  causes labour shortage? Can government grant permit to recruit worker from countries other than Indonesia? If cannot. Please state why?    

10)    To ask the Minister for Industrial Development (Oral answer)
a)  State the number and worth of the contracts awarded to Sarawak based companies and non-Sarawak companies by Shell Miri and Petronas Miri in the year 2011?
b)  Does our state government have a policy to make sure that Sarawak based companies have priority in these fields?

Yang Benar,

Fong Pau Teck
N.64 Pujut
Tarikh: 2 NOVEMBER 2012

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

2012-May sitting questions & answers

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Thursday, 17 May 2012

2012-05-16 Dun Speech

Tuan Speaker, Thank you for giving me this opportunity to participate in the appreciation motion on the speech of his Excellency Tuan Yang Terutama Yang Di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak.

There are few issues that I want to rise in this August house here.

Business opportunity for Sarawak based companies in Oil & Gas Industries in Miri are becoming very scarce.

Tuan Speaker, Shell in Miri has awarded a total contracts worth RM24.0 billion on the year 2008, 2009 and 2010. Out of these contracts, only RM4.8 billion worth of contracts were awarded to Sarawak based companies, the contracts worth RM19.2 billion were awarded to Non-Sarawak based companies. In average, RM1.6 billion a year which is only equivalent to 20% of the contracts for Sarawak based companies, but RM6.4 billion annually which is equivalent to 80% of the contracts is going to Non-Sarawak based companies.

Moreover, Tuan Speaker, on the same year, Petronas in Miri has awarded a total contracts worth RM64.0 billion. Only 9% which is approximately equal to RM5.8 billion is awarded to Sarawak based companies. Whereas our West Malaysian counterpart has been awarded nearly 91% out of the contracts which is worth RM58.2 billion by Petronas Miri on the year 2008, 2009 and 2010.

This natural resource is derived from our beloved Sarawak, only 5% of the loyalty is given to the state government. 95% of the loyalty is going to Federal Government. This is already very unfair to our Sarawakians. Sarawakians have been ignored by our Federal Government for so long. Our business opportunity is being deprived now. Sarawakians can only get 10% to 20% of the business opportunity in Oil and Gas Industries in Miri. Up to 90% are deprived by non-Sarawak based companies. Sarawak will be more marginalized by this act.

Tuan Speaker, the contracts awarded to Non-sarawak based company are subsequently sub-contracted to local companies, and eventually the local companies could hardly earn any profit from these contracts. In some of the worse cases, the local sub-contractors are unable to collect payment from the main contractors and thus causing them to suffer financial difficulties.

Tuan Speaker, these natural resources are derived from our beloved Sarawak and should be managed by us, Sarawakians. Our Sarawakians must be the main players in the Oil and Gas Industries. More business opportunity for Mirian and Sarawakians means more jobs opportunities as well as a better economy for Sarawakians. Should our state government form a policy to make sure that Sarawak based companies have higher priority in Oil & Gas Industries in Miri?
Enhance Transparency in local council

Tuan Speaker, in the year of 2011, I received complaints from the public about the road sweeper service. The public complained that the road sweeper contractor made a claim of about RM18,000 to RM19,000 per month and yet did not provide proper service. One day, I was informed that service order was issued by Miri City Council to instruct the contractor to perform their duty on the particular days. However, I discovered that the road sweeper vehicle did not carry out its duty and was parked at the warehouse on those particular days. The brushes of the road sweeper vehicle were totally worn out and apparently unable to perform its work properly. I took a photo as evidence on those days. After checking with my sources, I confirmed that Miri City Council made payments to the contractor that without carrying the duty. On the beginning of December 2011, I reported this matter to MACC (Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia) in Miri. The next day, the worn out brushes of the particular road sweeper vehicle were replaced by new brushes. Few weeks later, it seemed that neither investigation nor action has been taken by MACC, I went to Miri City Council to see the Mayor and the city secretary with my special assistant and check the service record with them. Then, I confirmed that the contractor had made a claim on those particular days the service order had been issued but the duty was not carried out.

Tuan Speaker, I showed the photo of the malfunction road sweeper vehicle to the Mayor and City Secretary and urged them to take further action. The Mayor and city secretary like an innocent persons as if knowing nothing about what I was saying even I showed the malfunction road sweeper picture to them, then, the Mayor and the City Secretary requested us to write in. On the beginning of Jan 2012, we wrote in a letter to MCC, however there was no reply at all.

On 20/03/2012, after I disclosed this matter to the press, the contractor brought a few gangsters to my office to threaten me. The contractor even shouted at me saying that: “Why you keep on disturbing my business? You better watch out!” I lodged a police report immediately after that incident happened.

Tuan Speaker, threatening a state Assembly Man in the course of his duties is a serious matter. If the above contractor has a clear conscience, why should he threaten me? If the business / contract between MCC and the contractor are clear and transparent, how could I then have influence on this matter? Can the government tolerate someone who attempts to rig the law?

Tuan Speaker, in the press on the date 06/05/2011, our Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin urged co-operation of all parties towards making integrity a habit. He said, this would surely enhance the country’s dignity. He claimed that the struggle to attain integrity for any government ---- fighting corruption should be the most important ‘Jihad’.
If the government is really serious in tackling corruption, investigation and immediate action should be taken on the above matter. Transparency is one of the ways to prevent corruption, hopefully the government would instruct the local council to co-operated and pay a supporting role with the opposition parties and the public in future.

Public Transportation In Miri

Prices of vehicles and fuel becoming higher and higher nowadays. Having a vehicle has become a big burden to the poor and therefore public transportation is very important means of transport for the low income group in Miri.

At present, bus is the main public transportation in Miri. The bus companies are facing a situation where fuel prices and running cost are high, thus they increased their fares to cover cost. Due to the decline of bus passengers, the bus companies are suffering losses, eventually they have no alternative but were forced to terminate certain bus service lines.

Tuan Speaker, may I suggest that our State Government provide subsidy to the bus companies in Miri?

Penang State Government has been providing subsidy to their bus companies , thus the bus companies can provide FREE service to the public in certain bus service lines to encourage public to make use of the public transport instead of driving own vehicles. As a result, not only traffic congestion is reduced, public of Penang save unnecessary expenses on vehicles fuel consumption, and at the same time, the federal government avoid paying unnecessary fuel subsidy due to this policy implemented by the Penang State Government.
Tuan Speaker, Sarawak Government's revenue is huge, nearly 10 times more than Penang State Government; moreover our Sarawak Government has a surplus in every year. If the Penang State Government can provide FREE bus services, I can't see why subsidy cannot be given by our Sarawak state Government to the bus companies in Miri.

Moreover, our Sarawak Government should provide better facilities; for example, every bus stop in Miri should have a shelter, safety of the passengers should be well taking care of. The police should patrol regularly at Tudan, Desa Indah area, and elsewhere when the passengers return home by bus, make sure they can go back home safely after using a bus. If the number of passengers using bus increases, the bus companies profit will increase too. Therefore leading to better bus service.

If the State Government cannot provide the above-mentioned issues in a very short period, at least the government should organise a dialogue form to seek a resolution with the bus companies. This is also the will of the bus companies.

Kuala Baram Road lighting

Tuan Speaker, Kuala Baram Road has no lighting although there are many lamp posts along the road. People have been complaining over and over again since 5 years ago but no further action has been taken. The road users are in dangerous situation while driving in the dark. A few fatal accidents had occurred along this road. Public are just wondering on why there are many lamp posts built along this road but no lighting at night. Is there no government agencies that are willing to be responsible for the electrical bill? Or are these lamp posts built only for decoration purpose? Or there are some other reasons behind it?

Tudan Road need to be upgraded urgently

Tuan Speaker, due to the rapidly increasing of population of housing in Tudan area, Tudan road become an extremely congested road right now. The road was overloaded because it is a narrow road with only 2 lanes.

The residents of Tudan have to go out from their houses as early as 6:00am in order to reach their office at 8:00am. The traffic is almost jam on the road for more than 1 hour even though it is only about 3km of the road.

Because there are no concrete drainage system built along the Tudan road, soil erosion along this road has caused no road shoulder for those vehicles to avert, when the accidents happen, almost all of the vehicles will rush into the big deep drains at the road side. Thus, there is an urgent need for our government to improve the road condition there and it is better to upgrade it into 4 way lanes.

Traffic congestion in front of SJK Krokop Miri due to lack of parking space

Tuan speaker, the government should try its best to provide as much parking space as possible so as to alleviate the traffic congestion in front of SJK Krokop Miri. Public would be furious if traffic police issue summons to them because there is insufficient parking space for them to park their car. The drain at the opposite side of the road in front of the school could be covered up and served as parking space. The government can make full use of the vacant land beside the school (at the right side of the school) as a small car park. The more parking spaces provided, the less pressure the police traffic will be facing when they perform their duties.

General Hospital in Miri
Tuan Speaker, regarding the question that I asked during the last DUN sitting in November 2011 on the amount of fund allocated for Miri General Hospital in the past 3 years, I received the reply from DUN saying that Miri General Hospital received an average amount of fund in the sum of RM64 millions per year over the past 3 years. On this, I hope the relevant Minister can further inform on how is the fund of RM64 millions being utilized or spent by Miri General Hospital and whether it is spent or utilized for the payment of the hospital’s expenses like salaries for doctors, nurses and admin staffs, purchasing hospital’s equipments and medicine or drugs only. If it is not, what else is it spent or utilized for?

We hope to know whether RM64 millions is sufficient for Miri General Hospital and whether it has been used to the fullest so as to provide quality medical services and facilities that a city should have.

The Difficulties Of People In Lawas And Limbang

Tuan Speaker, The border of Lawas to Sabah is closed at 10 p.m. every night. Lawas becomes a totally isolated town. As everyone knows, there is only a very old hospital in Lawas left from the colonial era. When the patients in Lawas face critical situation at night, they need to be sent immediately to a hospital with better facilities. The nearest one is in Kota Kinabalu. Due to the border being closed after 10pm, the patients cannot be sent to KK in this case. Thus, many lives have been lost in this situation.

Tuan Speaker, while the slogan of 1 Malaysia is chanted all over the nation, there are still many places showing that there is NO 1 Malaysia. Sarawak and Sabah, we are all in the same country. The Lawas people are just wondering why the border gate has to be closed after 10 p.m.? When the residents are facing critical situation, the only thing they can do is waiting to die. Aren’t there a better solution?

We have independence for nearly half a century, why our government still cannot built a new hospital with good facilities, sufficient doctor and personel in Lawas and Limbang. Both of these towns are actually facing similar situation, when the border gate is closed, there are becoming isolated town. Tuan Speaker, a link road between Lawas-Limbang-Miri should be built since our State Government has a surplus every year.

Tuan Speaker, Lawas is facing irregularity of water supply. Some businesses and people daily lives were disturbed. People in Lawas are full of anger. Anyway, there is a water treatment plant being built in Lawas since long time ago but the project is not completed until now. The Lawas people are just wondering .... “Why”..? It is a shame that even running water is difficult to get in this area after independent for nearly half a century.

Tuan Speaker, with that I concluded my speech. Thank you very much.