Can you believe my baby is 6 months old already? Neither can I. I took him in to the doctor for his checkup last week and here are his measurements:
Jason at 6 Months
- Weight: "Only” 23 lbs., 2 oz. (well above 97%.) (I really thought he’d be at least 25 lbs.)
- Height: 28.75” (>97%)
- Head circumference: 17.75” (75%)
Many people ask me if my other kids were that big, so for comparisons sake, here are Josh's and Mary's measurements at 6 months also:
Josh at 6 Months
- Weight: 17 lbs., 6 oz. (25%)
- Height: 28.25” (90%)
- Head circumference: 17”
Mary at 6 Months
- Weight: 20 lbs. (>95%)
- Height: 27.75” (90%)
- Head circumference: 17.75”
Conclusion: Each subsequent baby weighs 3 pounds more at 6 months than the previous; at this rate, our next baby will be a giant! :) Jason is a big boy, and we sure love every bit of him!
Some things about Jason (that you probably don’t care at all about, but I want to remember):
- It took Jason 3 weeks to regain to his birth weight, and I had to take him in for weight checks until then. Hard to believe I used to be worried he was too little, isn’t it?!
- He never did learn to nurse. I tried getting him to latch on faithfully for about the first month, then would feed him a bottle and pump. I thought he finally figured it out at around 2 weeks and went a little over a day without giving him a bottle, but then that night my milk supply was pretty much gone. I realized that he wasn’t really sucking anything out of me, he would pretty much only get what would run into his mouth. I started pumping every 2 hours and slowly my milk supply came back. I pumped every two hours for a long time, then finally started increasing the interval (especially when my freezer was full of milk). Now I’m down to pumping 3 times a day.
- He had some gas issues when he was young (up until about 2-3 months probably). It was sad because I could tell he was really uncomfortable, but didn’t know what to do about it. I got some Dr. Brown’s bottles and can’t tell for sure if they make a ton of difference, but still stick with them because it seems like they might help a little.
- He was a bit jaundice for the first few weeks, so I would lay him in the sunny spots in the house for several minutes every day. It was still too hot out to take him outside much. He finally started getting better color when he started gaining weight.
- He’s definitely a spitter-upper! It’s getting to be less the last month or so, but up until he was about 4 months old you had to have a burp rag handy at all times! I kept trying to slowly increase the amount I was feeding him in hopes of getting him to go longer between feedings. I was feeding him about 4.5 – 5 oz. a feeding when he was about 3 months old, then finally realized maybe he was just getting too much, so decreased it to 4 oz. at around 4 months, and that really helped. He definitely did better with smaller meals more often!
- He took a pacifier okay for the first couple of months, but he wouldn’t have to have it. After that, though, he decided he didn’t like it any more. I think it was when he got a cold and he was too congested to breathe well when it was in his mouth. After he got better he took it a couple of times, but he decided that he doesn’t like that nothing comes out of it and weaned himself off of it.
- He doesn’t sleep through the night. Last night he only woke up once, but it’s common for him to wake up 2-3 times per night. I’ve tried not feeding him during some of the feedings to get him out of the habit, but then some nights when I’m really tired I just want him to go back to bed so I can go back to bed, so I feed him. He goes right back to sleep if I do feed him.
- As far as sleeping in, he’s been my best. He usually will sleep until at least 7:30, and has even slept until 9 once or twice. I don’t think Josh or Mary has EVER slept that late.
- He’s a great errand runner. He’s almost always happy in his carseat, especially if Josh is there to entertain him. He’ll often fall asleep on the way to/from places.
- He takes 3-4 short naps during the day instead of 2 long naps. I’m out and about more with Jason than I was with Josh and Mary at this age, so Jason doesn’t have as strict a nap schedule as they did, but it is getting to be more or less the same time every day now.
- He loves Josh and Mary. When Josh talks to him he gets a big smile on his face.
- He loves Daddy again. There was period of a month or two when Jason only liked Mom, especially if he was tired or hungry.
- He’s generally a very happy baby, and more content than Josh or Mary was. He’ll often stay in his Exer Saucer for a half hour or so, as long as someone else is in the room with him. Otherwise he gets lonely.
- David and I went out and took Jason with us this past weekend. David commented that Jason is way easier to take out with us than Josh or Mary was. He’s also more content during church.
- Up until about a month or so he still liked to eat about every 2 hours during the daytime. Now it’s every 3-4 hours.
- Jason got bronchiolitis (caused by the RSV virus) when he was about 4 1/2 months old. It was kind of scary, but we were lucky that he never had to go to the hospital. He was pretty congested and had a sad little cough, as well as a fever off and on. I did take him to the doctor and they gave us a prescription for liquid albuterol in case his coughing got really bad, but we never ended up giving him any.
- He’s heavy! We finally moved his carseat base from the middle seat to the side, because it was getting to hard to lift him up over the other kids to put him in his spot.
- He’s got some cute chubs…cheeks, thighs, arms, everywhere!
- He’s generally in 12 month clothes, but I still squeeze him into some of his 9 month clothes because I don’t have many 12 month clothes that are season appropriate and don’t want to go buy more.
- He was in newborn clothes longer than Josh or Mary was.
- He’s really good at blowing raspberries. Cute, cute, cute!
- He rolled from his back to his belly the first time at almost 5 months. I was starting to get a little concerned that it was taking him so long, but the doctor said that the big guys have a harder time of it. He still hasn’t figured out how to roll from his stomach to his back, but he wants to crawl really bad!
- I started him on rice cereal at 4 months, added oatmeal at 5 months and other baby foods at 6 months. He usually looks at us funny for the first few bites of something new, but then seems to like it. He’s really good now at opening his mouth when he sees the spoon coming.
- He usually wakes up super happy in the morning, but when he wakes up from his afternoon nap…watch out! I can usually get him to calm down if I take him outside or to wherever Josh and Mary are.
- He’s got a great laugh.
- He has cute dimples.
- He likes to bury his face in to my shoulder when he’s tired.
- He can go from fussing a little bit to raging mad in about 3 seconds. Complete with red face, long moments between breaths, etc.
- We moved him into his crib (in Josh’s room) when he was about 5 months old.
1/28/12: Trying out his firefighting skills at the Hall of Flame Museum.
2/10/12: First time rolling over.
2/10/12: Cute big belly.
2/13/12: Yee-haw!
2/19/12: I think babies playing with their feet is one of the cutest things. Jason doesn’t disappoint.
2/20/12: Jumping away.
2/22/12: Josh was watching tv and I laid Jason down for a bit…he was mesmerized.
3/3/12: Learning how to hold his own bottle…so handy!
3/5/12: Starting to sit up on his own.
3/12/12: Cute 6-month-old boy!
3/12/12: Check out those dimples…I love them!
I love my Jason Boy!