Our Rig

Our Rig

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day trip to Mt.Azmon

In the North part of the country just North West of the Galilee Lake, Mount Azmon was our daily hike in a beautiful March weather.

The Mountain is an elevation standing high above the surrounding area with small summit area, steep slopes and local relief of 300m or more.


Our group bus picked us up at 6:30 AM and we started the hike around 8AM  just after having breakfast at the starting point, it was nice to meet the group again get the late updates, they all are curious about our “crazy” RV trips….”is the trailer yours?”” how do you know where to go?” “where do you leave it?” and so on and on, but we are happy to share our outstanding trips with them and get them “Jealous”…

What seems natural in one place is unheard in another,but if you keep an open mind and think out of the box the world will open and you can experience and learn  interesting things from different cultures.

The beginning point was  from a top of one mountain and crossed a valley climbing to wards the pick of Mt. Azmon, the path took us through beautiful fields and old olive groves,


Some trees are hundred years old , I learned that it is difficult to tell the age of an Olive because when it get’s old the trunk begins to split and no “circles” are created to help guessing the tree age. 

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The scenery was breath taking, the Spring was all over the place and you could get drunk from the smells,I know –NO waterfalls-Unfortunately…they are waiting for us in Missouri&Arkansas …..

Here are some more pictures from the hike showing our small but beautiful country (Believe it or not but Smaller than the Michigan Lake)….


At the end of the trip we bought ourselves a treat – small local made sweet cookies with honey and nuts…..so good tasty and fattening…. 

I think this might be our last trip before we whit the road to wards our 2014 RV trip in the US.

See you guys,I cant’ wait.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

2014 RV summer plan+ need help to find winter storage near Houston TX


Dear friends,

As you all know we do  RV trips every summer since 2002, each trip to a new destination and one of our great pleasures is to meet friends  along the way, no matter how long we spent together we feel blessed spending time with fellow RVers.

This year we had a new addition to our family, Ellie was born in Toronto to our youngest son & his wife, she is 2 months old and we still did not see her except on Skype but will be seeing  them in April when they come to visit during the Passover  (Easter) holidays

We also are going through a rough divorce of our eldest daughter that has 3 kids, trying to help her in any way we can.

All this delays our departure from home to N.America , we will start our RV trip till August  instead of June 2014.

Our original plan was to pick our rig in June from Rick & Patt that live next to St. Louis and were very kind to store our rig during the winter, visit Missouri-Arkansas and end the trip in Colorado Springs, but due to the delay we will change the route (because of the weather) and end the trip next to Dallas in November, visiting our Colorado friends in the next summer.


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The stops you see on our route are picked as  central location where we leave the 5W and do day trips with our TV to hikes,waterfalls,music events and places of interest, we stay as long as we like before moving to our next stop,no reservations are made what keeps us flexible.

I need your help locating a storage from November 2014 till June 2015 near Houston so we can use the international A/P to fly out/in.

Thank you and many happy trails.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Our young Champion.

While some of you are having fun RVing  because you are full-timers or early birds we have to wait for the Spring before we start our travels ,and this is due to 2 main reasons:

One – A staying permit for non residents is only for 6 months , we are RVing since 2002  every year for 4-5 months and   chose to RV in the summers leaving the “hot” States till we decide to switch seasons.

Two- We have family back home that we like to see and spend time with.

The winters in Israel are mild  so the out door activities include hiking,going to the beach ,picnicking ,planning the next RV trip, spending time with the family and attending kids / grand kids events.

I am sure you all enjoy taking a part of your family member on his/her special event like graduation,prom,wedding or any other big or small celebrations,it is specially important because some times we have to chose between being away on a RV trip or making it to the event,it is even more difficult when the family members are scattered around and we can not make it to each and every event.

Saying all that ,we try to attend EVERY event of our family member during our stay in Israel, yesterday was such an event, our 10 year old grand daughter attended an athletics  competition in her area and out of 4 schools (120 girls) she won 2 gold medals and one bronze.


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It was amazing to see all these kids do their drills,how serious they take it and how supportive they are ,things we  see rarely when it comes to grown ups….

We were very happy for her to get this award that come after years of training,but we would be equally happy if she would do her best and not be on the podium…

Way to go Zohar (In Hebrew-“Bright light in the sky “) 

Proud,happy and thrilled, your loving

Grandpa & Grandma

Monday, January 20, 2014

Family Picnic

Since 2002 we found our “balance” ,every summer we travel 5 months with our 5W in North America while from September till the end of May we spend time at home with family and friends.

Actually it was an easy decision as no foreigner can stay more than 6 months in the US except on special occasions such as student visa which we do not have…

During the summers we RV always to new to us destinations storing the rig at the end of each trip and picking it up from there in the Springs to discover new places,in our 12 years we always traveled to places we did not yet visit,we like to get to the mountain and then to see what is beyond it,…

During the winters we hike if the weather permits,visit the grandkids and plan the next summer trip,in some winters we take a short trip abroad to ski or just visit the place.

Last Saturday we gathered the kids and the grandkids for a picnic in the the woods,the weather was reasonable and we all had fun.


Food ,games,recreation and a camp fire kept the grandkids busy and happy even without their smartphones…

We had a special guest ,our eldest Grand Daughter (16) brought her first boy friend to meet the gang, and it went very well.

At around 4PM when the sun beams were getting weak it was the sign for us to pack the things,clean the area and head home just before the traffic picks up at the end of the day .


So just before we left here is the whole gang…the boyfriend is behind the camera.

This is winter in my country,no extreme weather except one week in December when it was snowing in Jerusalem and around it.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A day trip & BBQ

This post is dedicated to all my North American friends that are suffering/enjoying the cold harsh weather ,I hope these sun beams and clear skies will warm you up  a bit.

We all know that we cannot control the weather ,so why waist time and energy on the subject??? just go for it and enjoy the present as it comes.

Saying this, we took a day trip on Friday with our hiking group ,hiking 12 Miles around Jerusalem ,it started in a cold weather and slowly developed into a beautiful day as we pilled slowly our warm cloths .

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On the next day we had part of our family for a BBQ in the garden,two of the elder Grand kids could not make it ,one was on a school trip and the other with her boy friend (were we the same at 16??)

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It is hard these days to get everyone together in one place ,but we continue to do the effort and are happy when “most” of them come over .


Our lemon tree got confused and thought that it is April……any for a lemon????


Keep warm my friends…till we meet again.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The first 50 years of marriage

Yes it is not a mistake ,we are together 54 years out of them married 50 years….the owner of the place thought it is my 50th Birthday…(I wish)

So many years together It is hard work , a lot of compromising, adjustments,common interests and sharing , it seems that we made it and still having fun.

We have 3 kids ,five grand kids and the 6th in the oven(expecting her in the next month)…what a sex life-every year a grand child…

To celebrate this special occasion we rented a villa next to the Kineret Lake in the North part of Israel that can accommodate 11 people including my mother (92 years old),our 2 kids out of three (one is in Canada) and grandkids.

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The place has a huge heated swimming pool,Jacuzzi and a place where we can all eat together.

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The kids & the grand kids read some of   the blessings they prepared at home ,we even brought up on the net our youngest son and his wife that live in Canada to join us and in this evening

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It was a fun day the smiles on the faces made it even better,we played ,swam,eat (more than we intended) and enjoyed each other.


There was no moment wasted as the grandkids showed their gymnastic talents in the pool and out side.

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And here are some more unforgettable moments….


On the way back we took the scenic route along the Jordan river experiencing this beautiful sunsets.

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When it is good,time fly's ,so do it TODAY-NOW what ever it is  and enjoy every minute.

Click on any picture to enlarge.