Tuesday, February 26, 2013

When Skies Are Blue

I find that my children are full of all kinds of inspiring wisdom.  For example, Levi, who is six, gave me a new perspective on time at breakfast when he said, "In the olden days when I was four..."  He made me giggle.
Levi is really good at soothing his baby brother, Titus.  Oftentimes at night, he will take Titus into bed with him and snuggle until it's time to go to sleep.  When Titus is crying, Levi will sing to him and it calms him down.  This morning, Titus was crying and I was busy cleaning up breakfast.  Levi took Titus into his room and started singing, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are blue."  At first I smiled at his simple change in lyrics, but as he sang it that way again and again, it made me think of all the simple blessings in my life that make me happy when skies are blue.  I think I am most thankful for my blessings when I am in the midst of trials and grey skies.  However, I find so much joy in my everyday blessings when I am not struggling with anything specific but simply enjoying the beauty of my life. 
When I have gotten a few things done while the kids are at school and they walk in the door excited to tell me about their day, they make me happy when skies are blue.
When our evening has gone smoothly and dinner is on the table when Jeff walks in the door, he makes me happy when skies are blue.
When we gather our healthy, happy children around us for scripture study and prayers before we tuck them into bed, they make me happy when skies are blue.
When I wake up before the sun to exercise and study, I feel so satisfied and happy that skies are blue.
And when I pray and express gratitude for the abundance of blessings that I enjoy, my relationship with my Savior is reassuring and comforting not only when skies are grey, but also when skies are blue.
Thank you, Levi, for making me happy when skies are blue.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Two-Month Titus

 My newborn will be three months old this weekend.  These are shots that Amanda Livingston did for me when Titus was two months old.  I love them.  I love him.
 When I say that he is the best baby on the planet, it is not an exaggeration.  He is so so so good.  He sleeps for up to 7 hours at night.  He patiently waits for me to feed him when I am busy with the other kids.  He coos and smiles in the tub.  He grins and babbles when he wakes up.  He drifts off to sleep when he is tired.  He is easy-going when we're back and forth and in and out and here and there. 
 I'm not sure why we got so blessed with our little Titus, but I am thoroughly enjoying every single vanishing moment with him.
 Each time I change his diaper and I am kissing his tiny toes, I am amazed at the miracle we call motherhood...
...and so thankful for my greatest blessings that call me "mom."