Thursday, June 25, 2009

Half Done

I live in a constant state of half done. It feels as though everything I attempt is only partially accomplished. Dishes: dishwasher emptied, not reloaded. Emails: read, not responded to. Bills: opened, not paid. Laundry: washed, not put away. Floors: swept, not mopped. Carpets: living room vacuumed, bedrooms not. Me: showered, not made up. Beds: stripped, not remade. Decor: shelf hung, nothing on it. Scriptures: halfway through the chapter. Even my lunch: half eaten before I have to stop and do something else. Interesting that while everything is only half done, the three adorable little reasons that prevent me from completing tasks are the precise reason(s) I feel complete.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer of Fun Has Begun!

Although it's been rainy, things of started out with the Summer of Fun at the Dansie household. Things around here still feel like chaos and most of the time we are just trying to keep up, but we are enjoying the ride. For those of you that don't know, our Daisy STILL sucks her thumb. We have tried everything in the book to get her to stop and it is just not happening. The other day she was holding Isaac for me while I was trying to get something done. When I came in the room she said, "Mom, look! He likes it too!" She had her thumb in his mouth and was letting him suck on it.
So...the next day this is what we find: Isaac has found his own thumb - and he likes it. With all the trouble we have had trying to break Daisy's habit I hate to admit that I think Isaac's new discovery is adorable!
My great sister-in-law flew out from Ohio (where my brother-in-law is in dental school) with her son Davis, who is Levi's age, and her new baby Reece. It was so great to see them! The kids played together as if they get to see each other on a regular basis. Hopefully we can live closer together eventually.
My other sister-in-law was in town with her son, Easton. We can't help but have fun when Marcy is around!
We made our way down to my grandparent's cabin with our friends the Bosh's last weekend. It was a quick trip, but a nice getaway.
We rode four wheelers, watched movies, ate lots of food, and roasted marshmallows. Growing up we went to the cabin every summer. Now that I have children of my own it is so much fun to take them there and enjoy it all over again.
And here's a shot of my three kids (woah! Do I really have three children??) Daisy and Levi both adore Isaac and help out wherever they can. It has been so much fun to watch Daisy fill her new role and to see Levi become a big brother. I don't know where I would be without them.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sweet Summertime

We had a fantastic Memorial Day weekend. We went to sunny St. George where one of my cutest friends in the world is a photographer. She did a session with Isaac as well as some 5 Generation shots with the women in my family. Get a sneak peak (and check out her other great work) at It was so good to see her, and to get such great photos done.
We stayed with my family for the holiday weekend. It was the first time my dad got to see Isaac. The kids were so excited to see Grandpa's new puppies!

Daisy learned to ride her bike without training wheels. I haven't gotten a great shot of her bike-riding skills yet, but I did take this picture of her after her first crash. She is doing so well. It seems like it took me forever to learn how to ride a bike, but as soon as Jeff took her training wheels off, she was a pro!
As you probably know, the Memorial Day weekend was very rainy. Grandma helped Levi search for worms after we got home from church. They would find the ones that were still alive and 'rescue' them by putting them back in the grass. What could be more fun?
Some of the newest arrivals at the Dansie family farm (haha) are our pink piglets. I must admit that they are pretty cute for pigs. Levi was so excited that they were pink (our last pigs were not pink.) Daisy and Levi both love the pigs and take turns emptying the slop bucket for them.
It wouldn't officially be summer without baseball, right? Daisy is loving playing T ball this year. She thinks it is very cool that she gets to be number 5 since she is 5 years old. With the beautiful sunshine, working in the garden, and heading to the ball field a few times a week, I know summer is finally here.