Friday, May 30, 2008


Daisy calls them "the kids," but some of her best friends are her four cousins. The live just a couple of blocks away and my kids absolutely love them. Karson, Trevin, Ashlyn & Dawson are some of the cutest, best behaved kids around and I couldn't ask for better role models for my kids. Today was their first day out of school so we went to the park for a picnic, then walked across the street to get ice cream at the drive-in. It was such a fun day - just playing and enjoying the sunshine and each other. I think sometimes I take for granted what a blessing it is to live so close to family and to share our lives. We enjoy the kind of relationships that cannot be invented and cannot be replaced.

Jeff's parents live less than a mile down the road on twenty acres and my kids adore going to 'the farm' to change water, feed horses, and especially ride on the tractor. I couldn't ask for better childhood experiences for them if I wanted to. Family is the greatest blessing. To paraphrase Elder Hales, the things that matter most are the things that last the longest, and families are forever.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Daisy's Dance Revue

Wednesday is one of Daisy's favorites because it is Dancing Day. She adores her teacher and her classmates. On days when it's not Dancing Day we often get to 'play' Dancing Day at home. I, of course, get to be the class and Daisy, of course, gets to be the teacher. If I do well I get a pretend sticker at the end. For the past several weeks Daisy has been looking forward to "dancing on the stage" for the year-end revue. She was asking me every day, "Is today the day I get to dance on the stage?" Well, it finally came and it was a dream came true. The whole day was exciting. She got to wear my makeup, try on her costumes, and see her grandparents who came to watch. Daisy had so much fun at the performance. She waved to us every time she entered the stage and shook her hips like there was nothing to be ashamed of. We love dancing!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bless Stinky Pete

Having Jeff out of town has caused me to relax, ok - slack off - on several things. For example, right now my children are attempting to injure each other in the bathtub while I sit here browsing the web pretending not to hear their cries. I also have a very difficult time convincing myself to actually make something for dinner. Tonight we had macaroni and cheese - Daisy's favorite. The kids were sitting at the table starting to eat when I came and sat down.
Daisy: Mom, did you take all the mac & cheese?
Me: Yeah, I took the rest.
Daisy: Oh, man! I wanted to eat some more!
Me: Would you like to say the prayer or is it my turn.
Daisy: I better say it. "Heavenly Father, bless my mom that she's a Stinky Pete. Bless Sparkles Rope. Bless my mom that she will make more mac & cheese. Jesus Christ, amen."
Hey, it was a sincere prayer if I ever heard one.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Summer's Comin'

After this weekend I can finally tell summer is on it's way. Jeff took Levi up to our Stake Father's & Son's Campout on Friday night, so Daisy and I had Girl's Night Out. Then early Saturday morning we saddled up for a family ride with the Riding Club. It was the first time Daisy has ridden Sparkles Rope by herself in the mountains. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful ride...until Daisy's hat caught on some brush, fell off, and spooked her pony. Sparkles Rope bolted forward and Daisy rolled right off the back. It scared her to death. She didn't want to get back on but she didn't really have a choice. We were only about three-quarters the way there. She rode in and we were so proud of her.

Early Sunday morning we headed to Cedar City for Mother's Day. We all surprised my Grandma and got family pictures taken for her Mother's Day gift. Afterward we got together at my parent's house for our annual Mother's Day barbecue where my dad does Dutch oven chicken and potatoes. It was so much fun to spend time with my family. I truly have such a great legacy of women and mothers in my family. It was a beautiful day. We also got to talk to my sister, Chelsea, who called home from her mission in Ohio for Mother's Day.

Another reason I know summer is here is because Jeff is crazy busy at work. He left at 5:00 this morning for a big job in Price. He will stay there most of the week for the next two months. Yuck!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

At home

I love being a stay-at-home mom. It is the best job in the whole world. I didn't always feel this way. In fact, a few weeks ago I ran into an old seminary teacher and he reminded me of a discussion we had in class in which I argued that women should not be expected to give up everything to sit home and babysit all day. When I had Daisy I went from working full time and going to school full time to being home all day every day trying to take care of a new baby. It was the hardest transition for me, one of the hardest of my life. I felt like a worthless leach because I didn't feel I was contributing to society or to our household income. To get through my feelings of confusion and discouragement I prayed a lot and studied what the prophets had to say about the topic. I learned so much! I learned that there was no more important thing that I could be doing, and that I was making a most significant contribution to society. I started to truly enjoy my job. I feel genuine gratitude that I have the luxury to be at home with my kids, because I understand now that it is a luxury. While the hours can be a little crazy, and the work a bit stressful, I have the very best job in the world, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.