Monday, December 29, 2008
Holly Jolly Christmas
Monday, December 15, 2008
Dear Santa....

"I don't know," I replied, "I know he has reindeer."
"Well I want him to bring me a dog. A real dog."
This was a new revelation. I brushed if off telling her, "Maybe you'll have to write him a letter," hoping she would forget about it in her sleep. No such luck. FIRST thing the next morning she woke me up to ask if I could help her write a letter to Santa. I just had to scan it before we sent it off.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Almost Halfway!
Top 5 Reasons I Love This Stage of Pregnancy:
1. Feeling the baby!
2. Daisy talking to my belly.
3. Telling people 'no' when they ask if I'm expecting, just for kicks.
4. Wearing big comfy hoodies every day.
5. Eating lemons with salt - yum!
Top 5 Reasons I Would Complain if I Weren't So Excited:
1. Too fat for big pants, not big enough for maternity.
2. Eating more than my entire family put together at every meal.
3. Back fat...I thought the baby was in my belly!
4. The pass-out low blood sugar feeling I get if I don't eat every 12 minutes.
5. Pregnancy acne - just like high school.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Romantic Weekend Getaway
Friday, November 21, 2008
More You Didn't Want to Know About Me
Rules: Post eight habits, quirks, or interesting facts about yourself then tag eight people at the end.
1. I am not a girly girl, even though sometimes I wish I was. I don't wear perfume, jewelry (really - none, just my wedding ring and a pair of small silver hoops,) paint my nails, color my hair, and I wear jeans almost every day.
2. I don't like to shop. I mean really shop. I don't mind doing the grocery shopping and basics like that, it doesn't bother me or even feel like a chore, but I don't like to go shopping for clothes, shoes, decorations, furniture, etc. I would much rather browse online and not have to deal with stores, racks, crowds, salespeople, or trying things on.
3. My favorite drink is water. I prefer it over anything else. I rarely order a 'value meal' because I would rather have water than soda. I drink a ton of it and there's nothing I like more.
4. Three of my great-grandmothers are still living, which means we have five generations three different ways. Two of them are in poor health, but one of my Great-Grandmothers will most likely be around for a while to come. This is not only a 'unique' thing about me, but a very cool blessing.
5. I have an obsession with putting shopping carts away. It drives me CRAZY when people unload their cart and PUSH IT INTO THE PARKING LOT to hit someone else's car. If you push it out, put it away. It's not that difficult. I've often watched people go to more effort to wedge their car into the curb or grass than it would take to put it into the little cart corral.
6. I love mustard. I think it is the greatest invention ever that someone took a little seed, crushed it, mixed it with vinegar and voila! Mustard! It has such a great unique flavor and is good on nearly everything. I dip my french fries and pretzels in mustard, and now Daisy does too.
7. I had VERY blond hair as a child. It gradually got darker as I got older, then when I stopped coloring it in college it was very dark brown - only my eyebrows didn't get the memo and they are still blond, which means I have to color them every day. Yes, I look very funny without my make-up on.
8. I am NOT a night owl. Jeff teases that the coach turns into a pumpkin at 10:05. I can't stay awake and I am no fun at night. I can get up at 5:30 (but why would I unless I have to) and be good to go all day long, but put me to bed early.
I tag Christel, Jana, Susan, Emily, Brandi, Bethany, Kadie, and Rachel.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Body Worlds

There is NO PHOTOGRAPHY allowed, which naturally troubled me as a blog addict, so even though these photos from the internet aren't very good it gives you and idea of what it's all about. A German doctor invented a process called 'plastination' where he takes real donated bodies and preserves them by transforming them into a form of plastic.

Seeing the inside of our bodies in all different positions was fascinating. If you have ever taken anatomy or even human biology you would totally dig this exhibit. One of my favorite exhibits was the Early Stages of Pregnancy. There was a set of 9 or ten glass cylindars each containing an embryo at a different week between week 3 and week 9. They were naturally very difficult to see because they were so small, but it was awe inspiring to see the fingers, toes, spinal column and eyes on an embryo only 9 weeks old and less than 1/2 inch long.
Another of my favorites was a man with one hand in the air holding all of his internal organs in the exact positions they are found inside our bodies. His back was open and lifted so you could see the cavity inside.
Here are a few things I took away from the experience:
1. Plastinated bodies must need to be preserved in high temperatures because it was somewhere around 117 degrees in there and we were all DYING!
2. People will take an infant and breastfeed ANYWHERE!
3. Call me naive but it is impossible for me to imagine how anyone could look at these bodies and not be convinced that we were created by an all-knowing perfect God. It was such a testament to me of the perfection of His creation.
4. While I'm certainly not disputing his genius, I think this Gunther Von Haggen (the German doctor) has to be a little twisted.
5. The exhibit closes in January so make time to see it before it's gone!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Elk Hunt 2008
The men got the camp trailer and the horse trailer all packed last Friday. I was assigned banana bread, cookies, and stew, along with the grocery list so I had been baking all day. They headed out around noon. He called on Saturday to say they had seen some big bulls, taken some shots, but not had any success.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Time To Tell...

Top 5 Reasons I Would Complain if I Weren't So Excited:
1. My boobs are killing me.
2. I waste most of my time (asleep or awake) thinking about food.
3. I pee 643 times a day (and night.)
4. After my 2 mile run I feel as though I've tried to climb Everest.
5. I'm already getting fat.
Top 5 Reasons I Love This Stage of Pregnancy:
1. I can blame everything on the baby
a) "We're having cold cereal for dinner?"
"Sorry, I didn't feel like cooking, I'm sure you understand."
b) "You ate ALL the cheesecake?"
"Like I had a choice! The baby loves cheesecake!"
2. Ultrasound! Seeing the miracle move inside of you before you can even feel it is breathtaking.
3. I can spend hours reading What to Expect When You're Expecting and From Conception to Birth and not get bored.
4. Food tastes SOOO good!
5. Telling everyone!
I'm 12 1/2 weeks along putting the due date at May 4, which is pretty much perfect. Big and fat through the winter when I can just wear sweaters and hoodies, a brand new baby at the end of spring just in time for the warm weather and coming out of the sick season. Three's the charm, right?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Eight Things
Eight things I'm passionate about:
1. Jeff
2. my kids
3. the Gospel
4. food
5. the United States
6. Disney
7. journaling
8. education
Eight words or phrases I use all the time:
1. Is that a good choice?
2. You have to have one more bite.
3. I love you!
4. Daisy, stop sucking your thumb.
5. Remember the rules.
6. 'for real'
7. hurry!
8. I'm going to beat you (I know that is awful, but it's true!)
Eight things I want to do before I die:
1. Serve at least one mission
2. Run a marathon
3. Write and publish a book
4. Earn my doctorate degree
5. Make sure my kids know that my family is the very most important thing in my life.
6. (try to) Learn an Asian language (I bombed Chinese in college)
7. go white water rafting
8. before I die? Be spiritually prepared
Eight things I currently want or need:
1. A vacation with Jeff!
2. To get our basement apartment done so we are a little more settled
3. cheesecake
4. eggs (I forgot to grab them at the grocery store!)
5. fresh citrus (can you tell I like food?)
6. to pay my bills (yuck!!)
7. my windows washed
8. a hip new outfit (I am totally a frumpy mom when it comes to wardrobe.)
Eight Places I want to visit:
1. NYC
2. London
3. Rome
4. Togo
5. The Redwood Forest
6. Maine
7. Thailand
8. Costa Rica
Eight Favorite Restaurants:
1. Pizza Factory
2. In N Out Burger
3. Taco Bell (call me crazy, I love the place.)
4. Chilis
5. Olive Garden
6. Quiznos (what does it mean when half of my 'favorite restaurants' are fast food?)
7. The Bombay House
8. The Brick Oven
Eight TV show I watch:
1. I
2. Don't
3. Have
4. Television
5. and
6. haven't
7. for over
8. seven years
Eight People I tag:
1. Brandi
2. Kendra
3. Susan
4. Rachel
5. Jana
6. Mindy
7. Marissa
8. Mandi
Saturday, October 11, 2008
"Our Dad is a Handsome Man"
1. Where did you meet your husband? We met at Snow College. He moved into my apartment complex in January. He and his roommate came up to our apartment pretending to be our Home Teachers so they could get in the door and get to know us (remember Jana, Mindy, Lauren, & Christel??)
2. How long did you date before you got married? Six months to our engagement, married three months after that.
3. How long have you been married? 6 1/2 years.
4. What does he do that surprises you? Buy a horse trailer on ebay at midnight, then drive to Missouri to get it (yeah, didn't see that coming!)
5. What is your favorite feature of his? Mmmm. His butt, his hands, NOT his feet!
6. What is his best quality? Patience! He is seriously the most patient person I have ever met.
7. Does he have a nickname for you? Lover, sexy mama, sweet cheeks, the list goes on and on (haha) No real nickname.
8. What is his favorite food? Probably steak and potatoes, I guess, but the man will seriously eat anything. He is the least picky person ever when it comes to food.
9. What is his favorite sport? Football, but he's not a huge sports fan. He likes horses.
10. When and where did you first kiss? On our first date at his parents' house watching a movie.
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Be together! We like to go get an ice cream, meet for lunch, and lay in bed talking at night.
12. Do you have any children? Daisy and Levi
13. Does he have any hidden talents? He is a great driver. He can put a semi with two trailers anywhere you want him to. He doesn't get worked up in traffic, and he is totally aware of what's going on around him.
14. How old is he? 30!
15. Who said 'I love you first'? He did. I wanted to, but I was waiting for him to do it.
16. What is his favorite music? He likes pretty much anything, but his radio is always on the 'classic country' station (NOT my favorite - sorry Jana.)
17. What do you admire most about him? Oh, wow, nearly everything. I guess that's why I love him so much - because I simply want to be more like him. I admire his parenting skills, his work ethic, his sense of humor, the way he NEVER complains, and much, much more. I guess the thing I appreciate the most would be his sensitivity. He has this incredible gift to be able to put himself in someone else's shoes. This effects the way he speaks to, acts around, and treats other people, and it enables him to better serve those around him and meet their needs. Because of his sensitive empathy he is always careful to cast judgement. He is amazingly sensitive to me and my many moods. I say it's a gift because I sincerely believe that it is.
18. What is his favorite color? blue.
19. Will he read this? Yes, but not for a while.
20. Who do you tag? Brandi, Mindy, Lauren, Christel, Lindsay, Jana, and Tenille.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Apartment Sweet Apartment
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Time Out For Me!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Going, going, gone
We built this home together right after we got married. We moved in as we celebrated our first anniversary. We finished the yard together, planted the garden together, and brought our babies home to this house. I love this house. I love the yard and the neighborhood and the ward. I love that it is something we built together.
We knew that selling the home would be nearly impossible in this depressed market, but we decided that if it was the right thing to do, it would all work out. As comfortable and happy as our lives are, we knew that we didn't want to be sitting around at age 60 wishing we would have gone back to school when we could have. As my mom told me, the only regrets are the chances not taken. So we took the leap of faith and put our house up for sale, trusting that it would only sell if it were meant to be. It was on the market for a month and two days when it sold. We now have less than a month before we have to be out.
We have decided that we are going to stay here in town and commute to school for now. We started looking for apartments today. I am feeling so overwhelmed by the whole thing. It is really too much for me to wrap my head around. We have so many decisions that need to be made! At this point I am trying to maintain the same faith we had when we listed the home for sale: if this is the right thing it will all work out, and we will have help along the way. I have to trust that much.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Moonlight Ride