Thursday, January 15, 2015

her first day in primary skooL!

Posted by mummY daniSha at 10:43 PM 3 cuTe fRenS
in a blink of an eye danisha is already standard one!
mcm x caye jek huhuu...alhamdulillah,x nanges
x kan nanges kot kan...umur 4 taun pun x reti nanges hahaha

sri musleh is quite far from home..
so kenelaa awal2 gerak kan..dlm pukul 645 dah gerak
yaaa!645 ok....kaw perumahan ni ade sek men
so memang jem giler...nak kuar taman je dah nak 15 minit...
dulu cuti skool gi keje minyak separuh tank je
now dah full tank seminggu hahaha
beza minyak kete di cuti n x cuti sekolah hahaha

so far, alhamdulillah nampak ok sek danisha
masuk pukul 745 balik pukul 245
i hope this is the best skool for her
blaja rajin2 ye prayers are alwiz with u

Thursday, January 1, 2015

bye2 2014! heLLo 2015!

Posted by mummY daniSha at 9:25 PM 2 cuTe fRenS
bYe2 2014 hello 2015! 2014 full of pain and sadness.
ahamdulillah every cloud has a silver lining. Janji ALLAH itu pasti.
Some joys and good things happened at the end of the year.
with a passing year, let us pass the pains and troubles of the past.
i will start my new job next week,alhamdulillah...
jauh OK kat is hard to decide and i really hope
i make a right decision insyaallah.. ooohh ya, after a deep
consideration, i have decided to send danisha to sri musleh
sek agama swasta....i hope this is the best school for her,insyaallah
last but not least, happy new year everyone!

keep the smiles, leave the tears!
new year, new book and new hopes..
maY ALLAH bless us in the new year with peace, care n happiness insyaallah.

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