Sunday, April 5, 2009

Baby Girl!

She such a little ham. Very curious and energetic!

Little Guy!!

Here are some photos of little guy. His face is so sweet and he loves the camera! The camera also loves him.

Just hanging around the house in February!

Her favorite spot in my kitchen!

He's always teaching her something new. Such a good big brother he can be!

Very much into reading. Favorite books are animal dictionaries! So not fun for me to read to him.

Jammies are our favorite clothes to wear day or night. Just today little guy reasoned with me during nap time. He wanted his jammies on. I said "No not for nap." He replied "But Jammies keep me nice and warm for nap. They keep me comfortable. I sleep much better." (This was much cuter coming from his mouth) I just couldn't resist his argument. He did have a point!

My little couch potato!

Pictures from way back when....January/February!!

Little guy sharing his treat with his sister. He can be nice when he wants to be...

This is baby girl throwing a fit b/c little guy wanted a lick of his treat. She so dramatic some times or should I say all of the time:)

His cheeks are so chunky here . He's grown so much in a few short months.

She is rotten! Just look at her "sweet" face.

It's been awhile...

Alot is happening here in the Daniel household. The kiddos are growing so fast!!

We will celebrate little guys 3rd birthday in less than a month. Can you believe it? I can't. He is growing so much. He is now potty trained. He has been since Feb. 2009. It only took 2 days. He was so easy. I was scared to do it b/c I thought it was going to be a power struggle. He had on "pee-pee" accident and decided he didn't like how that felt so from then on he told me before he would go in his pants. The next day he had one "poppy" accident and decided that was no fun either. We have accidents every now and then but overall the experience has been pleasant for all involved.

Baby girl is 16 months old and a pain in my tooshie!! Not really but she does keep me on my toes. She is talking now. Repeats everything. She has to do whatever Little Guy is doing even if it is age appropriate for her. She has a raging temper that involves her throwing herself down on the floor and putting her butt in the air. Sneaky little girl she is most of the time. She will make sure you are watching was she is suppose not do. Her favorite word to hear is "no" b/c she laughs at you and does it anyway. She has the cutest little curls in her hair. Very wild but adorable!

Kyle and I are doing good. We have been sick for a long time but we are doing much better now!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Have you ever had one of those days that can only be described as BLAH? Well, today is that day for me.

First, it started with a little girl sitting up in bed at 4 o'clock in the the morning and giggling. Followed by a little shadow of a boy staring at me while I was trying to sleep. Ending with a flat tire 45 miles away from home:(

I think I'm just going to go to be and try again tomorrow. Wish me luck....

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!

I'm a little late with posting this here. She is 1!!! My baby girl is getting so big. We celebrated her birthday 2 weeks before Christmas. A bunch family and friends joined us in the festivities. First, we started off the weekend with a trip to Chuck Cheese with some of our favorite people. Then, a few people visited on her birthday to give her presents. She loves opening the presents more than what's inside:) Not really but she did enjoy it throughly. We had a birthday party on Saturday of her Birthday WEEKEND. She had tons of fun. Alot of children there to help open her gifts. (She wasn't liking the help but was distracted by the fun new stuff. Here are some pictures of her busy day(weekend)!!!

My first cake. Not quite sure of this but I'll dig in anyway!

This was not her favorite time. The ride scared her just a little.

Look at all the kids having fun and coloring at the party. What a fun activity! It kept the big kids out of trouble!!