Many of you may have noticed a minor change in my "headwear" recently and wondered, "What the (insert word of choice here)?" And then there are others that have no idea what I'm talking about…
Well… I must admit, it’s a bit of a departure from the style I’ve sported for the past few years. But hey, everyone needs a change every now and then right? Actually, I’ve got a pretty good reason.
Every year, Nelson Labs has a company film festival. As some may recall, last year I entered a music video for a parody of Simon and Garfunkel’s “The Sound of Silence”. Well, sticking with what seems to work, I decided to do another music video this year. This time it is a parody of “It’s the End of the World as We Know It” by REM.
And as REM fans are aware, Michael Stipe is pretty bald… so naturally… I had to be bald for the video. And well, I decided to have a little fun on the way. Ashley was a little hesitant about the idea but being the awesome wife that she is, she eventually indulged me in my insanity and played along.
So here’s a little peek at the process…

And of course I had to have some fun with the mohawk for a bit.
On Saturday, the film crew (Matt, Amanda and Ashley) and I went on down to the basement of Nelson Labs to film the video. It was a lot of fun and should turn out really swell.
Of course, Ashley couldn’t miss the chance to get her photo taken with a Rock ‘n’ Roll star!
Did I mention that I played the part of all 4 band members? Lots of costume changing going on!

And of course, after the filming was done, we took a little extra time to knock out some beats on the drumkit!
So, I hope you enjoyed my rationale. No worries, the video will be available soon!