Happy New YEAR!!! 2012

Had a great New Year's! Just went to dinner and saw Temple lights! Hope everyone had a safe New Year!! Yay for 2012!!!

Time FLYS!!!!

Wow am I really Blogging????? hahahah it has been FOREVER!! I cant believe the last time I blogged is when she was 6 weeks old and now she is 8 months old!! Time flys!! I love her so much.....WE love her so much! She has brought so much joy and happiness to our life and marriage. We are loving every new thing she does....She is getting so big it makes me want to cry!!! She is pulling herself up and walking around things! Crawling everywhere! Getting into everything! hahaha we just love everything little thing she does! These are the most recent pictures from yesterday and today...

Fourth of July, Chandler's baby blessing, and Missouri

Well June/July have been great months! Chandler is growing so fast it makes me sad! She is almost 3 months old!! On Fathers day she got blessed and Blair did an amazing job! He just adores her. We left for Missouri the end of June and spent fourth of July there. It was SO They just adored her! DUH!!! haha Life is good! I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for such a sweet baby! We truly are blessed! :)

Daddy and Chandler on her blessing day.

My aunt Jane made her dress...its BEAUTIFUL!

Mommy and Chandler

Just chilling in her jammies!

Aunt Collette holding her!

Chandler and cousin Mckennzie

Chandler and Lyla's first picture!!Lyla is my brothers daughter only 3 weeks younger then Chandler!! She is so adorable!!

Chandler does not like when people try to steal her clothes!! haha i LOVE this!

Lyla and her grandmother

Instant BFF!! Taking naps together!!

Oh little peanuts!!

This was Satuday before fourth of July

My brother blessed Lyla when we were all there....no this is only half my family!!! haha

Us with my parents!!

Laura, Dean, and Lyla

Laura and me with the babies!!

Well I am loving EVERY minute of being a mom....It has been the most amazing/indescribable feeling. She just makes Blair and I so happy. We truly have been so blessed with a great baby! She is always happy and sweet. She is growing way to fast!!! It has been fun to have her notice us and smile at us all the time. I take more pictures then I probably should but i just cant get enough of her.....


First family picture haha

Whitney was in town from Utah!! So good to see her...

Chandler's baby blessing on Father's Day! Blair did amazing...

Loves her Daddy

Daddy loves her...

Mommy loves her....she looks scared haha

Papa Whatcott made her laugh SO hard!! She already appreciates jokes :)

Swim time....we have taken her in the pool a couple times and she loves it!!