Sorry it has been so long since I last posted. I am sure everyone understand how hectic the holidays are. So what all has been going on since our last update. Dani did get her infusion last month and it was a nightmare. There were lots of problems with her IV and at one point she was almost hysterical because she did not want them to touch her anymore. She lost her first IV so they had to poke both arms. The nurse actually had to stand over her the last thirty minutes and watch over the pump. It was a VERY long day but she did get the full infusion. Luckily Jason had gone with us so he was a big help. Oh and on that same day we had to put down our pug Belle. We put down our older dog Andi two months prior. Andi was somewhat expected and had lived a full life but Belle was a shock. We did get a new puppy Doc (Lab/Beagle Mix) right after Christmas and he has been fun.
Christmas was good. The kids of course are spoiled and Dani has sooo many Princesses it is amazing. She is so into all the Disney Princesses and Barbie. The boys got their fill of PSP and XBox games. They also just started getting interested in Legos so they got quite a few sets of those also.
Dani started her Early Childhood Development classes this week. She rides the school bus to the school and back to the daycare everyday but Friday. Monday was a bit of a shock for her. I met her at the school and she was definitely stunned by the entire bus and new school event. She was fine by the time I left to go back to work and LOVED the paints (that is the picture above) they had in the classroom. Her teacher Ms. Betsy said she did really well the first day and the daycare said she did fine on Tuesday so hopefully she will adjust well to the new routine.
I will take her for another round of blood test this week sometime. Hopefully she will not need an infusion. I can not think of anything else going on. I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday and are keeping warm.