Sunday, March 24, 2013

Thanksgiving 2012

I do want to post about Thanksgiving. We spent Wednesday and Thursday night at Nana Ricky and Boompa's house with Audrey. The kids had a blast playing together. Freddy also got a chance to play with his closet cousin to his age, Hunter.
 We had a wonderful long Indian summer, with only one snow storm a week or so before Halloween. Thanksgiving weekend was warm and gorgeous!!
 If I remember correctly this is the first time Freddy jumped in leaves, that is the sad part of living in apartments. He had a lot of fun!!

 After a wonderful meal, we went to a pond close by to feed the ducks and go for a little walk. This is the best picture I got of ALL the cousins on the Crossley side. I can't imagine getting a picture on my side of the family, there's about 20 cousins!! And we had a hard time with 7.
 We got back to Vernal Friday afternoon just in time for the Holly Days. Vernal is really good about providing free activities year round. Freddy got to do soo much. They had a camel ride he could have gone on, but he only wanted the ponies :)

He loves blowing bubbles, and the buzz bike was a huge hit even though it was a little small. 
 We waited for an hour to get a ride on the horse drawn carriage. Freddy saw these and thought they were the coolest and really wanted to ride them. I believe he giggle almost the entire time.
There were also fireworks, free hot chocolate, roasted marshmallows, and a bunch of other stuff. It was a great way to begin the holiday season!!

Happy Birthday!

I am officially in my early 30's. I am really missing the 20's. I had so much fun those 10yrs, had so many experinces and learned soo much. The 30's have been filled with heartache, trials, struggles, disappointments, frustrations. Yes, I am still learning A LOT about myself, my family, and the gospel. It just hasn't proven to be as fun as the last decade of my life. It is scary that I can say that I have had a friend for over 20yrs. That I can remember what was happening a quarter of a century ago to my family and me personally. I am not liking being in the 30's yet. Hopefully things will change soon and this decade will prove to be as much fun as the previous 30yrs.
We did get to something fun on my birthday I haven't done in YEARS!!! We live in Vernal which is a very windy place in the spring. We went and bought a kite on my birthday, and we flew a kite a the park. It was a gorgeous day to fly a kite. Devan wanted to take me on a date, but I really wanted to spend time with us as a family. I let Freddy pick out our kite, which of course was Lightening McQueen and Mator, he also got a Buzz glider. Can you guess his favorite movies :) I loved flying our kite. We got it up in the air really high. It made me laugh.

 Freddy wasn't too sure about flying the kite, he was more interested in his glider. But we did him to hold it for a few seconds. At one point he tried to get him to let the string out more and he dropped the handle and ran away.

 It was a really good day!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Halloween 2012

I reall want to catch up on my blog, and don't want to forget who we spent the holidays with. So I am going to post a bunch of pictures.

 Freddy was really into Halloween this last year. We were given a pirate costume from a friend, and he LOVED it. He couldn't have made a better pirate.
 We invited some friends over for navajo tacos Halloween night and went trick or treating with them. Freddy's favorite part was not the candy, but knocking on the doors to say "trick or treat"
 This is not the best picture, but then only one I have for the moment or our Joyschool Halloween party. The kids did a great job of singing for their parents two cute songs.
This is one of Freddy's best friends in Vernal, William. They have so much fun wrestling and just being boys together.

We went to so many Halloween parties, one was at the library, our local grocery store, Jubliee's, the ward party, our Joyschool party, and a party at the USU branch party. We were done with Halloween when it was over.