Saturday, September 22, 2012

Odds and Ends

A lot has happened over the last month and since I last blogged. I was thinking tonight, which Devan strongly believes I do way too much...and admitted to myself that I may disclose too much about our family, my feelings, thoughts, circumstances. I hope people do not think I do it to make them feel sorry for me, or to get pity, or charity. I suppose I am an open person because I don't always know how to respond, or act. According to my parents, my personality is one that demands to be different. If anyone has read the book Enneagram (sp?), I am personality #4. It's a great book for those who have not heard of it.(I just took a test on website to see what personality I am accoding to the Enneagram and it said I am an 8, which is what my parents told me originally. So know I am really confused.) #4 personalities tend to struggle being normal. So I kind of feel like I am battling with myself to be like everyone else. I wish I didn't think as much, or worry about what others think of me. I feel like I am stuck being 16yrs emotionally. Oh well, enough rambling on this topic. My point being is that as I share my thoughts and struggles, I hope I am helping someone in some way.

On that note...we have gotten to know two of our neighbors better over this last month. There is a single guy, a little younger than my parents living right next to us. I will call him M. He is a pretty rough guy. Loves hunting, big trucks. Has been working in the oilfield for ever, been married three times. He was raised in the church, but now very inactive. He loves to tell stories. Well, his father had a massive heart attach several weeks ago, and is now looking to have open heart surgery. I believe this has spurred M to think about his life, accomplishments, and mistakes. M has opened up to us by expressing his regrets. He has put everything he has into his job. He gets up early(3-5am) and gets home late. (9-10p). He was telling Devan and I the importance of family. That making tons of money isn't the reason why we are here on earth, and it isn't worth losing a family for. "Money can't buy happiness." I agree with him completely. Money is not happiness. It is hard for me to wrap that around my mind at this very second however. We have been struggling so long financially, it's really hard to remember that money is not happiness. It's hard to look at mine and Dev's closets and wonder what we could look nice in for family pictures. Or just out not wearing jeans and faded t-shirts. Family is important. That is why the church leaders are constantly talking about building our families up by praying together, studying the scriptures together, working and playing together. To have Christ the center of our home.

Another neighbor we have gotten close with, is PJ. She is a single mother from Portugal. She is an amazing woman. To hear her stories of just labor and delivery in Portugal make me wonder how women in that country have more than one child. We canned 39 pints of salsa together, and a large number of stewed tomatoes. She has also listened to me whine and complain about our government's involvement in our personal lives. She has had several miracles happen to her this last year. She is having a house built for her, she will be moving in November which makes me very sad. Freddy LOVES going to her house. Last Sunday he wanted to go see her, so while Dev and I talked to M, he walked over to her door and she let him in. They played for 30min or so before I got the chance to go check on him. She loves him just as much as he loves her. She keeps telling me that we are good people, so why don't we expect miracles to happen for us. I suppose that's where my faith lacks greatly. I feel like we have been praying so hard for a good job for Dev that will allow us to get out of debt, be more financially independent. We have been praying for another baby. It just doesn't seem to be in the cards for us. I am not saying we have not had miracles...we have never been evicted from our place even though there have been many times we have not been able to pay rent. We have ALWAYS had food on the table. I am so grateful for people's generosity and the help that has been given to us. I suppose I have weary of having to ask for help. I am ready to give in the ways we have received. Yes, yes, I know that we can serve and give back in other ways. It just isn't the same.

One other thing happened this last month that has really made me think. A very close, long time friend of mine was diagnose with leukemia. She had quit her full time job, to be a full time mom and wife, when she was diagnosed two weeks later. She has been in the hospital for about 5wks now. She has only been able to video chat with her children due to the chemo and her poor immune system. Please pray that she can go home this next week. That is her dream and hope. I can't imagine going through what she is going through. It makes my problems so small.

Her are some fun pictures of our little boy growing bigger.

 Our Joy School Friends. Yes, we only have one girl and I LOVE her!!
 Our library had some really fun activities for "Talk like a pirate day" that we got to enjoy.
 Devan didn't want to rub my legs for me, so Freddy jumped on the couch and said, "I will rub your legs." He is going to make a great husband some day :)
Father and son eating ice cream and watching football. What more can I expect on a Saturday in September.