Friday, November 19, 2010

Nya Surprise

A few hours ago Dave and Nya came home from the park. I was folding laundry and had on some wedding show. Nya asked me some questions about it and then we went into the kitchen to eat lunch and she said to me and David, "I want to get married in the temple." What the?... I was shocked. And thought that was so cute and such a funny thing for our tiny two year old to say. She surprises me all of the time.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

State Fair

Where have the past 3 months gone?!? I can't believe it is the end of October. Well, I have been terrible at blogging so I am going to try and catch up here a little bit.

Earlier in September my mom took Nya and I to the state fair because neither of us had ever been.
We were so excited to take Nya to this Little Hands activity because on the internet it said you could feed animals, plants seeds and all kinds of fun things. She was talking about wanting to go to the fair and feed the chickens for days. Unfortunately once we go there we found out it was all fake :(.Taking her fake money she earned to the register to buy an apple for her hard days work.
Of course we had to go see all of the animals. Nya was really diggin it, pregnant Sharee stuck in barns with stinky animals, not my favorite.



BunniesThey even had a lot of funky looking pigeons. But alas, not a chicken in sight to feed.
This nice man took out his pigeon so Nya could touch it.
Enthralled by a katydid.
Nya had to ride the ponies. I thought she would freak out, but she did so well and really enjoyed it. The man in charge let her choose her pony, so she chose the smallest one named Moose which I think really confused her.She was also concerned about the pee on the ground and kept wanting to know why it was there. She has really been into asking "Why" about everything this summer.Checking out the brine shrimp
Pig race
I have been looking everywhere for a little broom for Nya and of course we find them at the fair. She had to hold them the entire time.Curse this little train!!! We saw it going around where the animals were 3 or 4 times but could never find it. All Nya wanted to do was ride the train. She was talking about it the entire time. We asked the man driving the train where we get on but neither my mom nor I could understand him. So, we went looking where we thought he said it was. We asked people all over the fair working there and no one had a clue about a little train or where it was. Super frustrating. I bet we walked around for an hour just to find the stupid thing. We were beginning to think someone just brought it and didn't tell the fair because it was out in the boonies and no one knew about it. We finally found it, and Nya by this time was beyond tired and ornery but she still wanted to have a ride. 6 dollars for a 3-5 minute ride. What a joke. Oh well, when is the next time she will go. She was so happy about going on the train she wanted to keep her ticket and still has it.
Okay I am done and want to go home.So tired she actually fell asleep in the car. She slept the entire way home which is big for her because she never sleeps in the car, even when we go on road trips. I guess fighting off naps for a month and a half and a full day at the fair did the trick. It was so funny to watch because she was trying to drink her milk but she was so tired she couldn't hold it up to her mouth. Poor tired girl.

Nya had fun for most of it even though she was tired before we even got there, and would only eat an apple, a handful of fries and ice cream the entire day. I am pretty sure it was because she wasn't feeling well, but I didn't know it at the time. She woke up sick the next day :(

Most of the day was planned around Nya, which I feel bad because there was really only one thing my mom wanted to do and we couldn't because Nya just lost it. It was a lot of fun, and it would be nice to take Dave someday. Thanks for taking us mom, love you!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dear Twitchell Canyon Fire I hate you. The end.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Today it feels like fall, and I love it!

Friday, June 25, 2010

David Update

For those of you who were asking what fires Dave is/has been on.

First they were sent to the Water Creek Fire. Eight miles northwest of Rifle, Colorado.

Then off to the Parkdale Canyon Fire. Seven miles northwest of Canon City, Colorado. They weren't there too long because there had been at least one or two houses burnt down and people being evacuated so they had a lot of crews come to help stop the fire as quickly as possible.

The latest I have heard is that his crew is being assigned to the Medano Fire. Nineteen miles southeast of Crestone, Colorado.

You can find the specifics (how many acres, number of crews assigned, etc.) of each fire on the National Situation Report.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Nya updates I don't want to forget

David went to check on Nya last night because she had been talking in her room for awhile and as he was leaving she said to him, "See you tomorrow daddy."Awhile back on the 8th we went to my parents house and once we got inside she said, "Alright Nya time to eat food."Nya loves to sing songs and so I have been trying to get a video of her singing songs and counting to 10 for the last month or two. Every time I get out the camera she stops because she wants to see the pictures on the camera or she gets shy. I am so sad because I really want a video of it. I hope someday I can sneak the camera out without her noticing.

Nya loves to sing...
Twinkle twinkle little starI am a child of God
I love to see the temple
Wheels on the bus
You are my sunshine
wants me for a sunbeam
5 little ducks
Itsy bitsy spider
Mary had a little lamb
I am like a star shining brightly
I am not sure the name, but it goes... if you chance to meet a frown...
It seems like there is another one or two but that is all I can remember.She knows most of her colors really well, counts to 10, and can point out circles, starts, hearts, and triangles. Oh and today we were playing with her fake food and she grabbed the bucket and said, "Going to the store. Buy blueberries." I love it!
Okay that is all I can think of I wanted to update...
I am listening to Nya who is supposed to be asleep and she just yelled, "MOM! SHAREE!" What a nut. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She knows so much. Now if I could only get her to take her naps.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


At the lake with the Grazzini's

New car seat!
Dave's home!!!!What a nice surpriseA master at getting onto the couchWhat I thought would be an easy project of taking down the chair rail ended up ripping off a lot of our wall. Oops.