Saturday, October 27, 2012

two months later...

I keep letting time slip by... here it is october 27th, oops. well here is what we have been doing.
kia loves to go pee pee on the potty. he usually goes inside on the big one so he can get a candy. [two chocolate chips :)]

washington trip for the grazzini family reunion august 2012 

pendelton stop... a must

 gorgeous park we practically live at while we were there.

 lots and lots of driving

 nya using her marshmallow shooter to shoot them into her mouth
 chasing seagulls

 ahhh... nothing like getting up with the sun...not really :)

 this pretty much sums up what we felt like after driving 12 hours to washington spending 2 crazy fun days and driving 12 hours home.
reading with great-grandpa

 i think he needs a brother :)

 another day at the pleasant grove man made lake/pond

 kisses for daddy

 just being a mama :)
 driving the rock crawler with dad
 david went in to check on nya one night before bed and there was a faint glowing. after further inspection we found her glow bug in her pajamas. i tried to get a picture but it didn't quite work out so there is another with the flash. i love my silly little girl.

 making nya's birthday hello kitty pinata with nadia. thanks again nadia! it was adorable!

 happy #4 baby girl! I can't believe you are so smart, loving, silly, happy, caring, beautiful, helpful, artistic, and just wonderful! i love you!!!!

you love to sing, and are singing all the time. you make up a lot of your own songs which are really pretty great.  you are a wiggle worm. always dancing. getting you to sit down and eat is nearly impossible. you are really liking biking, crafts, dress ups, hello kitty and wanted to get your ears pierced for your birthday. i wish i had brought my camera while we were waiting for you to get them done. you were being such a cutie. i probably gave you more candy while we waited to keep you calm and occupied then in your entire life. they only had one person there to do it, so i knew that would be trouble. she did the first one and you cried. :(  i held you while she did the other one. you were so brave! you have loved having your earrings. it was crazy to me after you had them because you looked so grown up. you are so big and yet so little. love you buggie!

oh yeah and when i asked you what you wanted for your birthday you told me tape. that was it. and it wasn't just once... it was many times, and to many people. you are awesome!

 secret agent man....

 making crafts. ghosts. she ended up making around 10.

 nya practicing peddling.

 the day after we put on the peddles she was a pro! i couldn't believe it. i was freaking out. this tiny little girl on a tiny little bike. she is growing up.