Manti Temple Pageant

If you can believe it, I am blogging about something that we got home from today! I know, shocker. Yesterday we went to the Manti Miracle Pagent, they officially call it. We got to Manti in the late afternoon and set up our tent here at this campground- see the temple in the background?

By the time we got to town to eat, we had missed the yummy turkey dinner at the local LDS church so we had to settle for some turkey sandwiches. They held us over until we got to our snacks at the pageant.

Isn't the temple beautiful?

I had only been to the pageant once and it has been a long time, but instead of waiting on a blanket for hours like before we sat in these chairs. It worked out pretty good.

The next morning we walked around the temple- pretty cool view, huh?

And these pictures are for Melanie and Scott. Lucy would not sit with the boys so Dan finally just set her there and quickly hid behind the kids so I could take the picture. Silly girl. Silly daddy. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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