Wednesday, June 9, 2010


What a freaking long school year!!!!!!!!

Way longer than even my first year teaching. I knew going into it that some bad manure was coming my way. I just had a dreaded feeling of doom. It was not the kids or the crazy helicopter hovering parents. It was the psycho middle aged female co workers!!

Yes - I SAID IT!!! Crazy middle aged women. I am still not sure what to do with unhappy middle age co workers who want to suck the zest for life outta me. WTF is that about???

Really?? If you have any ideas on how to humor them, I am ready for advice. I have tried ignoring, avoiding, flattering.... Overall, I give up.

But, the 3 best reasons to be a teacher is now upon me - June, July and August!!!!!! Yes - this is the oldest teacher joke!!! AND THE FREAKING BEST!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


I have spent the last month freaking driving my kids all over the place and trying to remember pre calculus from like 20 years ago for my favorite students who keep talking me into teaching their upper level classes. The students seem to think that I am also going to teach their discrete math class next year. I just might be stupid enough to ask for it at work for them.

My oldest is on the high school swim team which over the holiday break has meant 2 to 3 practices a day which means me driving back and forth all day picking and dropping him off. Plus, his younger brother to a once a day swim practice. ALSO the usual other things that they are into like music lessons for their sax and guitar that both boys love. AND don't forget the usual holiday BS like baking cookies and big meals.

I totally understand why there are very few bloggers with teenage kids. The oldest will be driving in another year and a half. I plan to try to find a driving school for him to start on the very first day that he turns 16!!!


....I saw avatar. IT SUCKED!!! Absolutely no plot. You totally know exactly how the movie will be ending - no surprises. It is kinda dances with wolves in 3d disney techno color.

...the ending of Dexter for the season flipping rocked!! I will not give it away. It took me a few days to decide it was a good way to end the season. Very unpredictable ending.

And the big plus side!!!! The oldest is going away for a week to Orlando with his high school band. I am probably more excited by his trip than him. Very fun! Anyone else want my kids for a week or two???

Otin strongly encouraged an update from me. :-) I hope you enjoyed my boring over scheduled life update.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dora the Rap Star

This is cute. There is a Christmas part or two in there.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Monoword Manic Monday


Join the fun with a word for Monday.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Roll the Dice

In November, Ohio voted to legalize gambling. Three casinos are in the process of being built in Ohio. The Columbus "Town Hall" is trying to figure out how to keep the casino out of our "back yard". Overall, the thrill of gambling has been saturated with almost every state legalizing it. The casino craze reminds me of the housing boom to bust. Just as we all have empty decaying malls, we will all soon have an empty closed up casino downtown.

I am hoping the casino will bring in visitors to shop at our cheesy strip malls, use our empty hotels, and dine at our pedestrian restaurants boosting the central Ohio economy. At worst, the mega casino will be demolished due to lack of business. Others are horrified by the possibility of a casino which I just do not understand? The city is fueling up for a fight to keep the casino away which will cost $$ that we do not have.

My husband is on the NIB (not in my backyard) side of the fence. He felt a casino would attract crime and vagrants. Vagrants? We already have homeless downtown. Crime? We have that too!! I think we can handle a bus load of tourists looking to blow their paycheck for no good reason.

Tell me if I am missing something?? I say bring on the folly of a casino.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Gate Crashers

I am going back and forth trying to decide if I should cheer on Tareq and Michaele Salhi. On the one hand, I am extremely impressed that they were able to sneak into the White House state dinner. One the other, what a boring party to crash? Rubbing shoulders with the VP and chief of staff is not worth the legal costs or time in court. PLUS!!! The party was not even in the white house. The dinner was located outside in a tent on the south lawn!!!

And the dinner.... potato and eggplant salad, red lentil soup, roasted potato dumplings with tomato chutney, and green curry prawns with coconut aged basmati rice? The dessert did sound more filling.... pumpkin pie tart, pear tatin, and an assortment of brittle, petit fours and pralines. Before taking the time to crash, I would need to know what kind of coffee? Was there real half and half for the coffee? I like to eat fabulous desserts with a great cup o joe!

How did they crash? OH COME ON!!! SHE IS BLOND AND FREAKING STACKED!!! Any red blooded man would have let her into the party!!

I can not put this prank into the same league with the wacko balloon boy parents. I felt horrible for the their kids. The poor little "balloon" boy was distraught by the probing questions trying to keep his parents lies. Moreover, the incident involved plenty of worried rescuers from police to the military to keep an eye on the balloon. No one was harmed in any way by their gate crashing except the pride of the White House Security Staff.

If this was Austin Kutcher (MTV punked) would he be in trouble for party crashing?