I've been part if BabyCentre for about 2 years now. I'm part of group of about 10 women, and it began as an actively trying group. (I'm now the only one who is not pg or has a baby, but I digress). It is great, and I feel like the women have become friends.
Sometimes during a boring night shift I spend time on the site, reading discussions about everything from breastfeeding debates to rants about unsupportive husbands who dare go out for a night, leaving their poor, suffering, pregnant wives at home alone. It amazes me how mean these women can get. The vicious, judgemental comments would probably make me never ask a question again.
That is why I love the blog world. I haven't seen any of that. It might be out there. But I feel a little more safe here. Other writers can relate...understand... or at least commiserate.
I have noticed that some writers apologize for their posts. For being too honest. I'm not going to do that. If I am feeling angry or bitter, I'm going to write about it. That's the point of this blog. So I guess consider this a warning. Things may get a little ugly. But they will be true.
Thanks for sticking around...
#Microblog Monday 513: Interesting Advice
15 hours ago