Tuesday, June 4, 2013

So Long, Farewell. . . . Part 2.

I tagged along with Lucy to her Kindergarten party at the end of the year. So much love and hugging! Lucy is such a loving, sweet girl. She made some wonderful friends, and she's called them several times since the move. She is a loyal friend and a tender heart!

 And these two ladies are the very best! Ms. DeMolet and Mrs. Threatt were the best Kindergarten team ever! Lucy has called the both and chatted on the phone. They just adored Lucy and were the best teachers I could have asked for. They boosted her confidence, believed in her, and helped her see greatness in herself. They were fun, creative, and so loving. We are incredibly grateful that she had them as teachers!

Miss Anne is one of the best things going at Pinehurst Elementary. She loved to see Lucy's fun hair every day and had the most loving personality. Every kid who walked through her door knew that they were cared for. She was so sad when she heard we were leaving. She wrote down her address, email,, phone number, everything! Lucy has chatted with her a couple of times since we left. She really made PES a special place!

So Long, Farewell. . . Part 3

The girls were all hugs and sweetness as they said farewell to their pals. Isaac is all goofiness and punches. Still, he made some fun friends in Pinehurst, and I popped in during his class party to get some good-bye pics.
 Stuey Hall--this rascal and Isaac were best buddies---and sometimes little scoundrels :)

 Ms. Stone was a great teacher. She was so good at communicating with us. We had to get creative in figuring out ways to keep Isaac from reading non-stop during school. . . but there are worse problems to have!

 Boys are so goofy!

We love Mrs. Anne!!

Monday, June 3, 2013

So Long, Farewell. . . . Part 1.

Emma said her goodbyes at Cybered. It was a great fit for her!
 Bye Miss Shirley!
 Emma just walked around by random friends and wanted me to take a picture. She didn't tell me anyone's names, though! She was well loved. Whenever I came to pick her up, she was attacked by the other kids with hugs and farewells!
 More wonderful teachers!
 I love this picture! Miss Dean was Emma's teacher for most of her time at Cybered. She was so great with Emma. She is a great teacher and really gave Emma the structure she needed. She was tickling Emma here and it led to great grins for them both! I almost cried after taking this picture.

 Miss Jennifer joined the team near the end of the year. She was nice, but I think she and Emma had a few battles of the will at times. And trust me, this little gal can battle.
Feel the love, Emma! A few weeks after we left, Emma randomly started to cry and say that she missed Cybered. It was so out of the blue, but I really do think she was very happy there., Having a safe and positive place for her to go every day really blessed us all.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Zoo Trip!!

This was such a fantastic day!! I got to be a chaperone for Lucy's Kindergarten zoo trip. I love it when I get to have stay at home mom flashbacks. We got to spend the first half of the day with her friend Jocelyn, but after lunch she went with Mrs. DeMolet and Lucy and I were on our own for the rest of the day! It was such a special time together, just walking around the zoo by ourselves, going wherever she wanted and taking as long as we wanted. It really was a unique and treasured day!

 The gals were giddy and full of energy in the beginning. I encouraged them to pace themselves for all the walking, but (shocker) they didn't listen.

 It is hard to see, but there is a lion at the other end of that thrilled finger point!

 Lucy "Devolving"

 We stayed here with the baby gorilla for so long. We couldn't tear ourselves away! I wanted to hold it so much! It was achingly adorable. Their eyes are so expressive, they are impressive creatures.
 So is Lucy. This kid climbs everything!
 Snoozing in the polar bear "cave." 
 This was such a wonderful discovery. We had the whole place to ourselves. Lucy prepared a delectable mud pie with a side of corn and a delicious dirt smoothie. Then we made a pretend campfire and used the sidewalk chalk. That precious time with just Lucy was really lovely.

Lucy on her perch. . . climbing again. Lucy is such a special little girl. Her heart is tender, her body is strong, and her brain is bright. I am so lucky to be her mom and this day we got to spend together is tucked away in my heart as a real treasure. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Salon de Daman

Lucy was done with the nightly hair tangle wrestle-a-thon that came with her long locks, so she asked Daman to give her a makeover. Daman happily obliged. Everyone was totally stunned that Daman had done the deed. It took a few clean up trims over the next couple of days, but Lucy is so happy with the quick brush and easy maintenance. Well done Dad!

It is tough to cut a wiggly gal's hair. I think they should consider sedation haircuts for kids.